m_paneManager.InstallDockingPanes(this); //初始化DockingManager,必须的!
m_paneManager.SetTheme(xtpPaneThemeVisualStudio2005); //设置Pane的主题风格
ID_WINDOWS_OUTPUT, CRect(0, 0, 150, 120), xtpPaneDockBottom);
// Specifies whether the area that a docking pane can occupy is shaded in gray as the pane is
// dragged to its new location. The shaded area indicates the area on the application the
// docking pane will occupy if docked in that location.
// AlphaDockingContext must be TRUE if Docking Context Stickers will be used.
//specify whether Visual Studio 2005 style Docking Context Stickers are used while dragging a docking pane.