


2)Ribbon界面自VC 2008 SP1之后VC就内建支持了,但是我目前还没深切地感受到好用在哪里,平日里用的最多的Ribbon界面程序就算是OFFICE2007了。至于这个OFFICE2007,还真没觉得因为换了界面操作方面就顺手很多(好多在2003下的常用功能都找不到了,比如Document Map)。在我感受到Ribbon所宣称的好处之前,估计暂时是不会在自己的程序中采用了。




Chapter 1: Welcome to Windows 7

Chapter 2: Integrate with the Windows 7 Taskbar: Basic Features

Chapter 3: Integrate with the Windows 7 Taskbar: Advanced Features

Chapter 4: Organize My Data: Libraries in Windows 7

Chapter 5: Touch Me Now: An Introduction to Multitouch Programming

Chapter 6: Touch Me Now: Advanced Multitouch Programming

Chapter 7: Building Multitouch Applications in Managed Code

Chapter 8: Using Windows 7 Touch with Silverlight

Chapter 9: Introduction to the Sensor and Location Platform

Chapter 10: Tell Me Where I Am: Location-Aware Applications

Chapter 11: Develop with the Windows Ribbon, Part 1

Chapter 12: Develop with the Windows Ribbon, Part 2

Chapter 13: Rediscover the Fundamentals: It's All About Performance



posted on 2010-04-30 17:39  silentmj  阅读(258)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报