

Deepin 15.11 install nvidia dirver[mei you an zhuang shu ru fa]

1.firstly, exec: sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf[create],

and input [blacklist nouveau](remove []) in this file.

2.install nvidia driver: sudo apt install bumblebee-nvidia bumblebee primus;

when the comand finished, then exec: sudo apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-settings;

in this installation steps, may be you will receive a tips that about conflict for current driver and nvidia driver, it's can be resolve by

reboot after install finished, so enter Enter key to ignore the tips.

3.sudo reboot the machine.

4.when rebooted the system, you can look graphics driver manager, it should be switched bumblebee driver.

and a nvidia server setting app will in you launcher desktop.

and then exec command: lsmod|grep nouveau, if nothing print, gong xi ni , successfully .

posted on 2019-08-24 10:05  Silentdoer  阅读(390)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报