!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # snakegame import sys from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * import random class Snake: def __init__(self): self.length = 4 self.posArray = [(3,0),(2,0),(1,0),(0,0)] self.isDead = 0 class Food: def __init__(self): self.isExist = 0 self.pos = (0,0) class SnakeGame(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(SnakeGame, self).__init__() self.timer = QTimer(self) #self.connect(timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"),self,SLOT("update()")) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.initGame() self.initUI() def initUI(self): #self.setGeometry(300, 300, 500, 300) self.setMaximumSize(500,330) self.setMinimumSize(500,330) self.show() def paintEvent(self, event): qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) if self.isStart == -1: self.pause(event, qp) elif self.isStart == 0: self.readyGame(event, qp) elif self.isStart == 1: self.proceedGame(event, qp) else: self.overGame(event, qp) qp.end() def keyPressEvent(self, event): key = event.key() if self.isStart == 1: if key == Qt.Key_Left and self.tag != 'Right': self.xch = -1 self.ych = 0 self.tag = 'Left' if key == Qt.Key_Right and self.tag != 'Left': self.xch = 1 self.ych = 0 self.tag = 'Right' if key == Qt.Key_Down and self.tag != 'Up': self.ych = 1 self.xch = 0 self.tag = 'Down' if key == Qt.Key_Up and self.tag != 'Down': self.ych = -1 self.xch = 0 self.tag = 'Up' if key == Qt.Key_Space: if self.isStart == 0: self.isStart = 1 elif self.isStart == 2: self.initGame() self.isStart = 0 else: self.isStart = -self.isStart def drawSquare(self, qp, xx, yy): qp.drawRect(xx*10, yy*10, 10, 10) def drawBlackSquare(self, qp, xx, yy): qp.setBrush(QColor(0,0,0)) qp.drawRect(xx*10,yy*10,10,10) def drawSnake(self,qp): for a in self.snake.posArray: xx = a[0] yy = a[1] self.drawSquare(qp, xx, yy) def moveSnake(self): l = len(self.snake.posArray) for i in xrange(l-1, 0, -1): self.snake.posArray[i] = self.snake.posArray[i-1] xx = self.snake.posArray[0][0] yy = self.snake.posArray[0][1] self.snake.posArray[0] = (xx+self.xch, yy+self.ych) #def isDead(): def produceFood(self): if self.food.isExist == 0: #random.seed() xx = random.randint(0, 49) yy = random.randint(0, 29) while (xx, yy) in self.snake.posArray: xx = random.randint(0, 49) yy = random.randint(0, 29) self.food.pos = (xx, yy) self.food.isExist = 1 def drawFood(self, qp): self.drawBlackSquare(qp, self.food.pos[0], self.food.pos[1]) def eatFood(self): l = len(self.snake.posArray) if self.snake.posArray[0] == self.food.pos: self.snake.posArray.append(self.snake.posArray[l-1]) self.food.isExist = 0 self.score = self.score + self.lvl * 100 def drawCoverText(self, event, qp, text, color): qp.setPen(color) qp.setFont(QFont('Decorative', 30)) qp.drawText(event.rect(), Qt.AlignCenter, text) def drawStatusText(self, qp, text, xx, yy): qp.setPen(QColor(0,0,0)) qp.setFont(QFont('Decorative', 15)) qp.drawText(xx, yy, text) def drawStatus(self, qp): text1 = 'SCORE: ' + str(self.score) self.drawStatusText(qp, text1, 10, 315) text2 = 'LVL: ' + str(self.lvl) self.drawStatusText(qp, text2, 300, 315) def pause(self, event, qp): color = QColor(0, 0, 0) text = 'Pause' self.drawCoverText(event, qp, text, color) def overGame(self, event, qp): color = QColor(0, 0, 0) text = 'Game Over' self.drawCoverText(event, qp, text, color) self.drawSnake(qp) self.drawBorder(qp) text1 = 'SCORE: ' + str(self.score) self.drawStatusText(qp, text1, 185, 220) self.drawFood(qp) self.isStart = 2 def initGame(self): self.xch, self.ych = 1,0 self.tag = 'Right' self.isStart = 0 self.snake = Snake() self.food = Food() self.score = 0 self.lvl = 1 self.timer.start(240) def readyGame(self, event, qp): self.drawSnake(qp) self.drawBorder(qp) text = 'Press Space To Play' color = QColor(0, 0, 0) self.drawCoverText(event, qp, text, color) def checkLiveOrDead(self): xx = self.snake.posArray[0][0] + self.xch yy = self.snake.posArray[0][1] + self.ych if xx < 0 or yy < 0 or xx >49 or yy >29 or (xx, yy) in self.snake.posArray: self.snake.isDead = 1 def checkLvl(self): if self.score >= self.lvl * self.lvl *1000: time = 240 - self.lvl * 30 self.lvl = self.lvl + 1 if time < 0: time = 1 self.timer.start(time) def drawBorder(self, qp): qp.setPen(QColor(0,0,0)) qp.drawRect(0,0,500,300) def proceedGame(self, event, qp): self.checkLiveOrDead() self.checkLvl() if self.snake.isDead: self.overGame(event, qp) else: self.drawBorder(qp) self.moveSnake() self.eatFood() self.drawSnake(qp) self.produceFood() self.drawFood(qp) self.drawStatus(qp) def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = SnakeGame() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()


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