2. 获取 x-xsrftoken值
headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",}
def get_xsrf(headers): url="https://www.zhihu.com/" r = requests.get(url,headers=headers,allow_redirects=False) #禁止重定向时,cookies里面有xsrf参数 xsrf = r.cookies["_xsrf"]
3. 构造表单数据
然后就是表单数据的构造和加密了, 根据前辈们的提示,提交url为url=“https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/sign_in”,一般表单会和末尾部分/oauth/sign_in有关系,于是在js文件里面搜索sign_in时,发现了下面的API,通过添加断点,点击登录,然后执行到断点处时,看到了如下的表单数据。变换不同账号试了下,发现只有captcha,signature,timestamp三个值在改变,其他参数不变。很明显,captcha为验证码,timestamp为时间戳(注意是13位),signature也像一个加密值,接下来就是寻找这几个值构造表单了。
3.1 构造signature
对于signature,在js文件中搜索signature,发现了下面的signature关键字,同样打断点,发现signature是采用hmac对四个数据加密后的结果;加密方 法为sha1,salt值如下,然后加密的参数依次是e=“password”, u="c3cef7c66a1843f8b3a9e6a1e3160e20"(就是clientId), source="com.zhihu.web", n为13为 时间戳。用python实现代码如下:
def get_signature(grantType,clientId,source,timestamp): h = hmac.new("d1b964811afb40118a12068ff74a12f4","",hashlib.sha1) h.update(grantType+clientId+source+str(timestamp)) return h.hexdigest()
3.2 构造captcha
1. 不需要验证码,captcha=""
2. 请求验证码的url为"https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/captcha?lang=cn",返回为汉字图片,需要点击图片中倒立的汉字,captcha为坐标值

def get_captcha(lang,headers): if lang=="cn": api = "https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/captcha?lang=cn" else: api = "https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/captcha?lang=en" ret = requests.get(api,headers=headers) cookies = ret.cookies show_captcha = re.search("true",ret.text) captcha="" if show_captcha: img_res = requests.put(api,headers=headers,cookies=cookies) #得带上第一步的cookie,否则返回,{u'code': 120002, u'name': u'ERR_CAPSION_TICKET_NOT_FOUND'} img_json = json.loads(img_res.text) img_data = img_json["img_base64"].replace("\n","") with open("captcha.jpg","wb") as i: i.write(base64.b64decode(img_data)) img = Image.open("captcha.jpg") if lang=="cn": plt.imshow(img) print("点击图片中所有倒立的汉字,在命令行中按回车键提交") points = plt.ginput(7) #阻塞点击七次后返回(或者中途点击回车键返回),返回包含坐标组的列表,格式:[(44.661290322580641, 49.951612903225794)] captcha = json.dumps({ "img_size":[200,44], "input_points":[[i[0]/2,i[1]/2] for i in points] #获取的坐标得除2 }) else: img_thread = threading.Thread(target=img.show) img_thread.setDaemon(True) img_thread.start() captcha = raw_input("请输入图片里的验证码:") #python 2.7 r = requests.post(api,headers=headers,data={"input_text":captcha},cookies=cookies) #先提交验证码结果 print(r.text) return captcha,cookies
4. 加密表单数据

function s(e) { return (s = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.t ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } )(e) } function i() {} function h(e) { this.s = (2048 & e) >> 11, this.i = (1536 & e) >> 9, this.h = 511 & e, this.A = 511 & e } function A(e) { this.i = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.A = 1023 & e } function n(e) { this.n = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.e = (768 & e) >> 8, this.a = (192 & e) >> 6, this.s = 63 & e } function e(e) { this.i = e >> 10 & 3, this.h = 1023 & e } function a() {} function c(e) { this.n = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.e = (768 & e) >> 8, this.a = (192 & e) >> 6, this.s = 63 & e } function o(e) { this.A = (4095 & e) >> 2, this.s = 3 & e } function r(e) { this.i = e >> 10 & 3, this.h = e >> 2 & 255, this.s = 3 & e } function k(e) { this.s = (4095 & e) >> 10, this.i = (1023 & e) >> 8, this.h = 1023 & e, this.A = 63 & e } function B(e) { this.s = (4095 & e) >> 10, this.n = (1023 & e) >> 8, this.e = (255 & e) >> 6 } function f(e) { this.i = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.A = 1023 & e } function u(e) { this.A = 4095 & e } function C(e) { this.i = (3072 & e) >> 10 } function b(e) { this.A = 4095 & e } function g(e) { this.s = (3840 & e) >> 8, this.i = (192 & e) >> 6, this.h = 63 & e } function G() { this.c = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.o = 0, this.r = [], this.k = [], this.B = [], this.f = [], this.u = [], this.C = !1, this.b = [], this.g = [], this.G = !1, this.Q = null, this.R = null, this.w = [], this.x = 0, this.D = { 0: i, 1: h, 2: A, 3: n, 4: e, 5: a, 6: c, 7: o, 8: r, 9: k, 10: B, 11: f, 12: u, 13: C, 14: b, 15: g } } Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var t = "1.1" , __g = {}; i.prototype.M = function(e) { e.G = !1 } , h.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.c[this.i] = this.h; break; case 1: e.c[this.i] = e.k[this.A] } } , A.prototype.M = function(e) { e.k[this.A] = e.c[this.i] } , n.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] + e.c[this.a]; break; case 1: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] - e.c[this.a]; break; case 2: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] * e.c[this.a]; break; case 3: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] / e.c[this.a]; break; case 4: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] % e.c[this.a]; break; case 5: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] == e.c[this.a]; break; case 6: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] >= e.c[this.a]; break; case 7: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] || e.c[this.a]; break; case 8: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] && e.c[this.a]; break; case 9: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] !== e.c[this.a]; break; case 10: e.c[this.n] = s(e.c[this.e]); break; case 11: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e]in e.c[this.a]; break; case 12: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] > e.c[this.a]; break; case 13: e.c[this.n] = -e.c[this.e]; break; case 14: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] < e.c[this.a]; break; case 15: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] & e.c[this.a]; break; case 16: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] ^ e.c[this.a]; break; case 17: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] << e.c[this.a]; break; case 18: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] >>> e.c[this.a]; break; case 19: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] | e.c[this.a] } } , e.prototype.M = function(e) { e.r.push(e.o), e.B.push(e.k), e.o = e.c[this.i], e.k = []; for (var t = 0; t < this.h; t++) e.k.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.u.push(e.f), e.f = [] } , a.prototype.M = function(e) { e.o = e.r.pop(), e.k = e.B.pop(), e.f = e.u.pop() } , c.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.C = e.c[this.n] >= e.c[this.e]; break; case 1: e.C = e.c[this.n] <= e.c[this.e]; break; case 2: e.C = e.c[this.n] > e.c[this.e]; break; case 3: e.C = e.c[this.n] < e.c[this.e]; break; case 4: e.C = e.c[this.n] == e.c[this.e]; break; case 5: e.C = e.c[this.n] != e.c[this.e]; break; case 6: e.C = e.c[this.n]; break; case 7: e.C = !e.c[this.n] } } , o.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.o = this.A; break; case 1: e.C && (e.o = this.A); break; case 2: e.C || (e.o = this.A); break; case 3: e.o = this.A, e.Q = null } e.C = !1 } , r.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: for (var t = [], n = 0; n < this.h; n++) t.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[3] = e.c[this.i](t[0], t[1]); break; case 1: for (var r = e.f.pop(), o = [], i = 0; i < this.h; i++) o.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[3] = e.c[this.i][r](o[0], o[1]); break; case 2: for (var a = [], c = 0; c < this.h; c++) a.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[3] = new e.c[this.i](a[0],a[1]) } } , k.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.f.push(e.c[this.i]); break; case 1: e.f.push(this.h); break; case 2: e.f.push(e.k[this.A]); break; case 3: e.f.push(e.g[this.A]) } } , B.prototype.M = function(t) { switch (this.s) { case 0: var s = t.f.pop(); t.c[this.n] = t.c[this.e][s]; break; case 1: var i = t.f.pop() , h = t.f.pop(); t.c[this.e][i] = h; break; case 2: var A = t.f.pop(); if(A === 'window') { A = { encodeURIComponent: function (url) { return encodeURIComponent(url) } } } else if (A === 'navigator') { A = { 'userAgent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ' + '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36' } } t.c[this.n] = eval(A) } } , f.prototype.M = function(e) { e.c[this.i] = e.g[this.A] } , u.prototype.M = function(e) { e.Q = this.A } , C.prototype.M = function(e) { throw e.c[this.i] } , b.prototype.M = function(e) { var t = this , n = [0]; e.k.forEach(function(e) { n.push(e) }); var r = function(r) { var o = new G; return o.k = n, o.k[0] = r, o.J(e.b, t.A, e.g, e.w), o.c[3] }; r.toString = function() { return "() { [native code] }" } , e.c[3] = r } , g.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < this.h; n++) { var r = e.f.pop(); t[e.f.pop()] = r } e.c[this.i] = t; break; case 1: for (var o = [], i = 0; i < this.h; i++) o.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[this.i] = o } } , G.prototype.v = function(e) { for (var t = Buffer.from(e, 'base64').toString('binary'), n = [], r = 0; r < t.length - 1; r += 2) n.push(t.charCodeAt(r) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(r + 1)); this.b = n } , G.prototype.y = function(e) { for (var t = Buffer.from(e, 'base64').toString('binary'), n = 66, r = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { var i = 24 ^ t.charCodeAt(o) ^ n; r.push(String.fromCharCode(i)), n = i } return r.join("") } , G.prototype.F = function(e) { var t = this; this.g = e.map(function(e) { return "string" == typeof e ? t.y(e) : e }) } , G.prototype.J = function(e, t, n) { for (t = t || 0, n = n || [], this.o = t, "string" == typeof e ? (this.F(n), this.v(e)) : (this.b = e, this.g = n), this.G = !0, this.x = Date.now(); this.G; ) { var r = this.b[this.o++]; if ("number" != typeof r) break; var o = Date.now(); if (500 < o - this.x) return; this.x = o; try { this.M(r) } catch (e) { if (this.R = e, !this.Q) throw "execption at " + this.o + ": " + e; this.o = this.Q } } } , G.prototype.M = function(e) { var t = (61440 & e) >> 12; new this.D[t](e).M(this) } , (new G).J("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", 0, ["BRgg", "BSITFQkTERw=", "LQYfEhMA", "PxMVFBMZKB8DEjQaBQcZExMC", "", "NhETEQsE", "Whg=", "Wg==", "MhUcHRARDhg=", "NBcPBxYeDQMF", "Lx4ODys+GhMC", "LgM7OwAKDyk6Cg4=", "Mx8SGQUvMQ==", "SA==", "ORoVGCQgERcCAxo=", "BTcAERcCAxo=", "BRg3ABEXAgMaFAo=", "SQ==", "OA8LGBsP", "GC8LGBsP", "Tg==", "PxAcBQ==", "Tw==", "KRsJDgE=", "TA==", "LQofHg4DBwsP", "TQ==", "PhMaNCwZAxoUDQUeGQ==", "PhMaNCwZAxoUDQUeGTU0GQIeBRsYEQ8=", "Qg==", "BWpUGxkfGRsZFxkbGR8ZGxkHGRsZHxkbGRcZG1MbGR8ZGxkXGRFpGxkfGRsZFxkbGR8ZGxkHGRsZHxkbGRcZGw==", "ORMRCyk0Exk8LQ==", "ORMRCyst"]); var Q = function(e) { return __g._encrypt(e) };

#准备表单数据 timestamp = int(1000*time.time()) data_dict = { "captcha": "", "client_id": "c3cef7c66a1843f8b3a9e6a1e3160e20", "grant_type": "password", "lang": "en", "password": "你的密码", "ref_source": "homepage", "signature": "", "source": "com.zhihu.web", "timestamp": timestamp, "username": "你的用户名", "utm_source": "", } #将表单数据加密 with open("encrypt.js",'r') as f: #os.environ["EXECJS_RUNTIME"] = "Node" # os.environ["NODE_PATH"] = r"D:\nodejs\node_modules" #print execjs.get().name js = execjs.compile(f.read().decode("utf-8")) #传入unicode字符 data = js.call(u'Q',urlencode(data_dict)) #data_dict为表单数据
5. 加密数据提交
1.表单中参数的大小写和拼写要注意了 (我开始将client_id写成了clientId,报错找不到client_id参数)
2. 请求头headers必须需要"content-type":",'x-zse-83',"x-xsrftoken"三个参数
3. 需要带上cookie,最主要的是cookie中的cookies["capsion_ticket"]不能少,可以利用获取验证码时返回的cookie

#coding:utf-8 #登陆并爬取知乎 import requests import time import hmac import hashlib from urllib import urlencode import execjs #安装PyExecJS模块 import os import json import re import base64 from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import threading def get_signature(grantType,clientId,source,timestamp): h = hmac.new("d1b964811afb40118a12068ff74a12f4","",hashlib.sha1) h.update(grantType+clientId+source+str(timestamp)) return h.hexdigest() def get_captcha(lang,headers): if lang=="cn": api = "https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/captcha?lang=cn" else: api = "https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/captcha?lang=en" ret = requests.get(api,headers=headers) cookies = ret.cookies show_captcha = re.search("true",ret.text) captcha="" if show_captcha: img_res = requests.put(api,headers=headers,cookies=cookies) #得带上第一步的cookie,否则返回,{u'code': 120002, u'name': u'ERR_CAPSION_TICKET_NOT_FOUND'} img_json = json.loads(img_res.text) img_data = img_json["img_base64"].replace("\n","") with open("captcha.jpg","wb") as i: i.write(base64.b64decode(img_data)) img = Image.open("captcha.jpg") if lang=="cn": plt.imshow(img) print("点击图片中所有倒立的汉字,在命令行中按回车键提交") points = plt.ginput(7) #阻塞点击七次后返回(或者中途点击回车键返回),返回包含坐标组的列表,格式:[(44.661290322580641, 49.951612903225794)] captcha = json.dumps({ "img_size":[200,44], "input_points":[[i[0]/2,i[1]/2] for i in points] #获取的坐标得除2 }) else: img_thread = threading.Thread(target=img.show) img_thread.setDaemon(True) img_thread.start() captcha = raw_input("请输入图片里的验证码:") #python 2.7 r = requests.post(api,headers=headers,data={"input_text":captcha},cookies=cookies) #先提交验证码结果 print(r.text) return captcha,cookies def get_xsrf(headers): url="https://www.zhihu.com/" r = requests.get(url,headers=headers,allow_redirects=False) #禁止重定向时,cookies里面有xsrf参数 xsrf = r.cookies["_xsrf"] def login(lang): headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",} #准备表单数据 timestamp = int(1000*time.time()) data_dict = { "captcha": "", "client_id": "c3cef7c66a1843f8b3a9e6a1e3160e20", "grant_type": "password", "lang": "en", "password": "xxxxx", "ref_source": "homepage", "signature": "", "source": "com.zhihu.web", "timestamp": timestamp, "username": "xxxxxxxx", "utm_source": "", } data_dict["signature"] = get_signature(data_dict["grant_type"],data_dict["client_id"],data_dict["source"],timestamp) data_dict["captcha"],cookies = get_captcha(lang,headers) #将表单数据加密 with open("encrypt.js",'r') as f: #os.environ["EXECJS_RUNTIME"] = "Node" # os.environ["NODE_PATH"] = r"D:\nodejs\node_modules" #print execjs.get().name js = execjs.compile(f.read().decode("utf-8")) #传入unicode字符 data = js.call(u'Q',urlencode(data_dict)) #data_dict为表单数据 print(data) #准备请求头 xsrf = get_xsrf(headers) header={ "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", #"Referer":"https://www.zhihu.com/signin", 'x-zse-83': '3_1.1', "x-xsrftoken":xsrf, } headers.update(header) sign_url = "https://www.zhihu.com/api/v3/oauth/sign_in" response = requests.post(url=sign_url,headers=headers,data=data,cookies=cookies) #cookies["capsion_ticket"]不能少 print(response.status_code) print(response.text) if __name__=="__main__": login("cn") #也可以为en

function s(e) { return (s = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.t ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } )(e) } function i() {} function h(e) { this.s = (2048 & e) >> 11, this.i = (1536 & e) >> 9, this.h = 511 & e, this.A = 511 & e } function A(e) { this.i = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.A = 1023 & e } function n(e) { this.n = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.e = (768 & e) >> 8, this.a = (192 & e) >> 6, this.s = 63 & e } function e(e) { this.i = e >> 10 & 3, this.h = 1023 & e } function a() {} function c(e) { this.n = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.e = (768 & e) >> 8, this.a = (192 & e) >> 6, this.s = 63 & e } function o(e) { this.A = (4095 & e) >> 2, this.s = 3 & e } function r(e) { this.i = e >> 10 & 3, this.h = e >> 2 & 255, this.s = 3 & e } function k(e) { this.s = (4095 & e) >> 10, this.i = (1023 & e) >> 8, this.h = 1023 & e, this.A = 63 & e } function B(e) { this.s = (4095 & e) >> 10, this.n = (1023 & e) >> 8, this.e = (255 & e) >> 6 } function f(e) { this.i = (3072 & e) >> 10, this.A = 1023 & e } function u(e) { this.A = 4095 & e } function C(e) { this.i = (3072 & e) >> 10 } function b(e) { this.A = 4095 & e } function g(e) { this.s = (3840 & e) >> 8, this.i = (192 & e) >> 6, this.h = 63 & e } function G() { this.c = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.o = 0, this.r = [], this.k = [], this.B = [], this.f = [], this.u = [], this.C = !1, this.b = [], this.g = [], this.G = !1, this.Q = null, this.R = null, this.w = [], this.x = 0, this.D = { 0: i, 1: h, 2: A, 3: n, 4: e, 5: a, 6: c, 7: o, 8: r, 9: k, 10: B, 11: f, 12: u, 13: C, 14: b, 15: g } } Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var t = "1.1" , __g = {}; i.prototype.M = function(e) { e.G = !1 } , h.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.c[this.i] = this.h; break; case 1: e.c[this.i] = e.k[this.A] } } , A.prototype.M = function(e) { e.k[this.A] = e.c[this.i] } , n.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] + e.c[this.a]; break; case 1: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] - e.c[this.a]; break; case 2: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] * e.c[this.a]; break; case 3: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] / e.c[this.a]; break; case 4: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] % e.c[this.a]; break; case 5: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] == e.c[this.a]; break; case 6: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] >= e.c[this.a]; break; case 7: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] || e.c[this.a]; break; case 8: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] && e.c[this.a]; break; case 9: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] !== e.c[this.a]; break; case 10: e.c[this.n] = s(e.c[this.e]); break; case 11: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e]in e.c[this.a]; break; case 12: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] > e.c[this.a]; break; case 13: e.c[this.n] = -e.c[this.e]; break; case 14: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] < e.c[this.a]; break; case 15: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] & e.c[this.a]; break; case 16: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] ^ e.c[this.a]; break; case 17: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] << e.c[this.a]; break; case 18: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] >>> e.c[this.a]; break; case 19: e.c[this.n] = e.c[this.e] | e.c[this.a] } } , e.prototype.M = function(e) { e.r.push(e.o), e.B.push(e.k), e.o = e.c[this.i], e.k = []; for (var t = 0; t < this.h; t++) e.k.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.u.push(e.f), e.f = [] } , a.prototype.M = function(e) { e.o = e.r.pop(), e.k = e.B.pop(), e.f = e.u.pop() } , c.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.C = e.c[this.n] >= e.c[this.e]; break; case 1: e.C = e.c[this.n] <= e.c[this.e]; break; case 2: e.C = e.c[this.n] > e.c[this.e]; break; case 3: e.C = e.c[this.n] < e.c[this.e]; break; case 4: e.C = e.c[this.n] == e.c[this.e]; break; case 5: e.C = e.c[this.n] != e.c[this.e]; break; case 6: e.C = e.c[this.n]; break; case 7: e.C = !e.c[this.n] } } , o.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.o = this.A; break; case 1: e.C && (e.o = this.A); break; case 2: e.C || (e.o = this.A); break; case 3: e.o = this.A, e.Q = null } e.C = !1 } , r.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: for (var t = [], n = 0; n < this.h; n++) t.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[3] = e.c[this.i](t[0], t[1]); break; case 1: for (var r = e.f.pop(), o = [], i = 0; i < this.h; i++) o.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[3] = e.c[this.i][r](o[0], o[1]); break; case 2: for (var a = [], c = 0; c < this.h; c++) a.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[3] = new e.c[this.i](a[0],a[1]) } } , k.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: e.f.push(e.c[this.i]); break; case 1: e.f.push(this.h); break; case 2: e.f.push(e.k[this.A]); break; case 3: e.f.push(e.g[this.A]) } } , B.prototype.M = function(t) { switch (this.s) { case 0: var s = t.f.pop(); t.c[this.n] = t.c[this.e][s]; break; case 1: var i = t.f.pop() , h = t.f.pop(); t.c[this.e][i] = h; break; case 2: var A = t.f.pop(); if(A === 'window') { A = { encodeURIComponent: function (url) { return encodeURIComponent(url) } } } else if (A === 'navigator') { A = { 'userAgent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ' + '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36' } } t.c[this.n] = eval(A) } } , f.prototype.M = function(e) { e.c[this.i] = e.g[this.A] } , u.prototype.M = function(e) { e.Q = this.A } , C.prototype.M = function(e) { throw e.c[this.i] } , b.prototype.M = function(e) { var t = this , n = [0]; e.k.forEach(function(e) { n.push(e) }); var r = function(r) { var o = new G; return o.k = n, o.k[0] = r, o.J(e.b, t.A, e.g, e.w), o.c[3] }; r.toString = function() { return "() { [native code] }" } , e.c[3] = r } , g.prototype.M = function(e) { switch (this.s) { case 0: for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < this.h; n++) { var r = e.f.pop(); t[e.f.pop()] = r } e.c[this.i] = t; break; case 1: for (var o = [], i = 0; i < this.h; i++) o.unshift(e.f.pop()); e.c[this.i] = o } } , G.prototype.v = function(e) { for (var t = Buffer.from(e, 'base64').toString('binary'), n = [], r = 0; r < t.length - 1; r += 2) n.push(t.charCodeAt(r) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(r + 1)); this.b = n } , G.prototype.y = function(e) { for (var t = Buffer.from(e, 'base64').toString('binary'), n = 66, r = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { var i = 24 ^ t.charCodeAt(o) ^ n; r.push(String.fromCharCode(i)), n = i } return r.join("") } , G.prototype.F = function(e) { var t = this; this.g = e.map(function(e) { return "string" == typeof e ? t.y(e) : e }) } , G.prototype.J = function(e, t, n) { for (t = t || 0, n = n || [], this.o = t, "string" == typeof e ? (this.F(n), this.v(e)) : (this.b = e, this.g = n), this.G = !0, this.x = Date.now(); this.G; ) { var r = this.b[this.o++]; if ("number" != typeof r) break; var o = Date.now(); if (500 < o - this.x) return; this.x = o; try { this.M(r) } catch (e) { if (this.R = e, !this.Q) throw "execption at " + this.o + ": " + e; this.o = this.Q } } } , G.prototype.M = function(e) { var t = (61440 & e) >> 12; new this.D[t](e).M(this) } , (new G).J("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", 0, ["BRgg", "BSITFQkTERw=", "LQYfEhMA", "PxMVFBMZKB8DEjQaBQcZExMC", "", "NhETEQsE", "Whg=", "Wg==", "MhUcHRARDhg=", "NBcPBxYeDQMF", "Lx4ODys+GhMC", "LgM7OwAKDyk6Cg4=", "Mx8SGQUvMQ==", "SA==", "ORoVGCQgERcCAxo=", "BTcAERcCAxo=", "BRg3ABEXAgMaFAo=", "SQ==", "OA8LGBsP", "GC8LGBsP", "Tg==", "PxAcBQ==", "Tw==", "KRsJDgE=", "TA==", "LQofHg4DBwsP", "TQ==", "PhMaNCwZAxoUDQUeGQ==", "PhMaNCwZAxoUDQUeGTU0GQIeBRsYEQ8=", "Qg==", "BWpUGxkfGRsZFxkbGR8ZGxkHGRsZHxkbGRcZG1MbGR8ZGxkXGRFpGxkfGRsZFxkbGR8ZGxkHGRsZHxkbGRcZGw==", "ORMRCyk0Exk8LQ==", "ORMRCyst"]); var Q = function(e) { return __g._encrypt(e) };
参考: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/57375111
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