Prototype Development

We usually build a PCB-based prototype system, which may consist of a set of ASICs and three categories configurable devices: FPGA, DSP and Embedded CPU(also be referred as AP, Application Processor).

FPGA: fast speed of logic, mainly for data path
DSP: flexibility of control, mainly for complex digital signal processing, and sometimes for control path
AP: powerful management of tasks, mainly for protocol stack, embedded OS needed

After baseband system development and SW development, the following tests are necessary, at least:

Baseband verification and BER test.
Baseband integration test with RF part, and BER test.
HW and SW integration test, BER/FER test, run test cases
Using channel simulator for wireless system prototypes
Field trial (under a network environment)
Pilot run (Pre-commercial test)
posted on 2006-02-07 14:25  signaldance  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报