Backtrader中文笔记之CSV Data Feed Filters


This functionality is a relatively late addition to backtrader and had to be fitted to the already existing internals. This makes it to be not as flexible and 100% feature full as wished, but it can still serve the purpose in many cases.


Although the implementation tried to allow plug and play filter chaining, the pre-existing internals made it difficult to ensure that could always be achieved. As such, some filters may be chained and some others may not.



Transform the values provided by a data feed to deliver a different data feed
The implementation was started to simplify the implementation of the two obvious filters which can be directly used via the cerebro API. These are:
开始实现是为了简化两个明显的过滤器的实现,这两个过滤器可以通过cerebro API直接使用。这些都是:

Resampling (cerebro.resampledata)

Here the filter transforms the timeframe and compression of the incoming data feed. For example:


(Seconds, 1) -> (Days, 1)

That means that the original data feed is delivery bars with a resolution of 1 Second. The Resampling filter intercepts the data and buffers it until it can deliver a 1 Day bar. This will happen when a 1 Second bar from the next day is seen.


Replaying (cerebro.replaydata)

For the same timeframes as above, the filter would use the 1 Second resolution bars to rebuild the 1 Day bar.

That means that the 1 Day bar is delivered as many times as 1 Second bars are seen, updated to contain the latest information.

This simulates, for example, how an actual trading day has developed.






The length of the data, len(data) and therefore the length of the strategy remain unchanged as long as the day doesn’t change.


posted @ 2020-08-12 10:39  就是想学习  阅读(646)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报