1.1 应用场景
- 有时在搜索的时候,会根据需要的不同,对不同的关键值或者不同的关键索引分配不同的权值,让权值高的内容更容易被用户搜索出来,而且排在前面。
1.2 案例
public class IndexTest2 { private String ids[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4" }; private String authors[] = { "Jack", "Marry", "John", "Json" }; private String positions[] = { "accounting", "technician", "salesperson", "boss" }; private String titles[] = { "Java is a good language.", "Java is a cross platform language", "Java powerful", "You should learn java" }; private String contents[] = { "If possible, use the same JRE major version at both index and search time.", "When upgrading to a different JRE major version, consider re-indexing. ", "Different JRE major versions may implement different versions of Unicode,", "For example: with Java 1.4, `LetterTokenizer` will split around the character U+02C6," }; /** * 获取IndexWriter写索引实例对象 * * @return * @throws IOException * @throws Exception */ public IndexWriter getWriter() throws IOException { IndexWriter writer = null; Directory dir = FSDirectory.open(Paths.get("E:\\lucene3")); Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(); IndexWriterConfig conf = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer); writer = new IndexWriter(dir, conf); return writer; } /** * 生成索引 * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void index() throws IOException { IndexWriter writer = getWriter(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { Document doc = new Document(); /** * Document.add方法中添加的如果是StringField,则不会分词,不管字符串有多长, 如果需要分词则使用TextField类 */ doc.add(new StringField("id", ids[i], Field.Store.YES)); doc.add(new StringField("author", authors[i], Field.Store.YES)); doc.add(new StringField("position", positions[i], Field.Store.YES)); /** * 加权 */ TextField field=new TextField("title", titles[i], Field.Store.YES); if(positions[i].equals("boss")) { field.setBoost(2.0f); } doc.add(field); doc.add(new TextField("content", contents[i], Field.Store.NO)); writer.addDocument(doc); } writer.close(); } /** * 根据关键字搜索搜索 * @throws Exception */ @Test public void search() throws Exception { //directory 指向索引所在目录 Directory directory = FSDirectory.open(Paths.get("E:\\lucene3")); IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(directory); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); //key为要搜索的内容 String key="java"; Term t=new Term("title",key); Query query=new TermQuery(t); TopDocs hits=searcher.search(query, 20); System.out.println("匹配 '"+key+"',总共查询到"+hits.totalHits+"个文档"); for(ScoreDoc scoreDoc:hits.scoreDocs) { Document doc=searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc); System.out.println(doc.get("author")); } reader.close(); } }
- 注意代码中橙色加注的代码为加权操作
field.setBoost(2.0f); 该方法在lucene7.0以上是没有的,本文的lucene的版本为5.5.0
- lucene5.5.0 版本 只能使用luke5.5.0版本打开索引,否则打开luke报错
- 结果:
1.3 番外
- 如果没有加权操作,即上述代码去掉下面内容:
- 结果:
- 可见之前的加权操作是生效的。Json的position为“boss”,则其权重被调到了2.0f(小于1.0f则是降权)。