sql between写法关于查时间区间是否重叠,时间是否在时间段范围内
--判断是否重叠 SELECT * FROM TABLEName WHERE starttime BETWEEN '2008-10-01' AND '2008-10-07' OR endtime BETWEEN '2008-10-01' AND '2008-10-07' OR '2008-10-01' BETWEEN starttime AND EndTIme OR '200-10-07' BETWEEN starttime AND EndTime;
--日期时间段查询 --1.如果查询日期参数为'2017/02/21',而数据库表中的字段为'2017/02/21 12:34:16.963',则需要格式化一下日期才能查询出来,如下 select * from table t where t.date between CONVERT(datetime, '2017/02/21', 120) and CONVERT(datetime, '2017/02/21', 120)+' 23:59:59') ; 查询的范围为'2017/02/21 00:00:00'~'2017/02/21 23:59:59',这样就能解决问题。 -- 2.或者使用dateadd方法,把日期加1天,如下 select * from table t where t.date >= CONVERT(datetime, '2017/02/21') and t.date < CONVERT(datetime, dateadd(day,1,'2017/02/21')); 查询的范围为'2017/02/21' <= t.date < '2017/02/22'