正则表达式的 几种情况说明

Metacharacter Function Example What It Matches
^ Beginning-of-line anchor /^love/ Matches all lines beginning with love.
$ End-of-line anchor /love$/ Matches all lines ending with love.
. Matches one character /l..e/ Matches lines containing an l, followed by two characters, followed by an e.
* Matches zero or more of the preceding characters / *love/ Match lines with zero or more spaces, followed by the pattern love.
[ ] Matches one in the set /[Ll]ove/ Matches lines containing love or Love.
[x–y] Matches one character within a range in the set /[A–Z]ove/ Matches letters from A through Z followed by ove.
[^ ] Matches one character not in the set /[^A–Z]/ Matches any character not in the range between A and Z.
\ Used to escape a metacharacter /love\./ Matches lines containing love, followed by a literal period. Normally the period matches one of any character.
Additional metacharacters are supported by many UNIX programs that use RE metacharacters:
\< Beginning-of-word anchor /\<love/ Matches lines containing a word that begins with love (supported by vi and grep).
\> End-of-word anchor /love\>/ Matches lines containing a word that ends with love (supported by vi and grep).
\(..\) Tags match characters to be used later /\(love\)able \1er/ May use up to nine tags, starting with the first tag at the left-most part of the pattern. For example, the pattern love is saved as tag 1, to be referenced later as \1; in this example, the search pattern consists of lovable followed by lover (supported by sed, vi, and grep).
x{m\}or x{m,\}or x{m,n\} Repetition of character x, m times, at least m times, at least m and not more than n times[a] o{5,10\} Matches if line contains between 5 and 10 consecutive occurrences of the letter o (supported by vi and grep).
posted @ 2013-04-12 21:45  汀州の夜  阅读(181)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报