


2、mysqlpump:MySQL 5.7推出的逻辑备份恢复工具,可以说是是mysqldump增强版,支持多线程导出,但由于导入仍然还是单线程执行,速度也比较慢。


在MySQL 8.0版本中,推出了MySQL Shell Utilities,其中就包含了最新的逻辑备份恢复工具,可以支持多线程数据的导入导出,相对于mysqldump/mysqlpump等工具,很好的解决了数据导入和导出速度慢的问题

MySQL Shell Utilities
MySQL Shell Utilities是MySQL 8.0官方推出的管理工具集合,包括Upgrade Checker Utility、JSON Import Utility、Table Export Utility、Parallel Table Import Utility、Instance Dump Utility、Schema Dump Utility、Table Dump Utility、Dump Loading Utility等,可以支持整个实例、单个数据库、单张表的逻辑备份与恢复;

首先从官方网站下载mysql shell软件,地址如下:

yum localinstall mysql-shell-8.0.33-1.el7.x86_64.rpm -y

[root@node223 mysql_install_pkg]# mysqlsh root@localhost:3306
MySQL localhost:3306 ssl JS >

mysql> create user shukuinfo@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by 'Shukuinfo123.';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to shukuinfo@'%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

[root@node234 ~]# sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua --mysql-db=sbtest --mysql-user=shukuinfo --mysql-password=Rscpass123. --mysql-host= --mysql-port=3306 --table_size=100000 --tables=1 --threads=5 --events=50 --report-interval=1 --time=100 prepare

Table Export Utility
Table Export Utility,支持单张表的多线程导出
注意,如果要使用以下工具,MySQL Shell需要切换到js模式下,在sql/py模式下是无法使用以下工具的!!!

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.exportTable("sbtest.sbtest1","/root/dump/sbtest1.txt")
Initializing - done
Gathering information - done
Running data dump using 1 thread.
NOTE: Progress information uses estimated values and may not be accurate.
Starting data dump
101% (1000.00K rows / ~986.68K rows), 205.93K rows/s, 41.90 MB/s
Dump duration: 00:00:04s
Total duration: 00:00:05s
Data size: 193.89 MB
Rows written: 1000000
Bytes written: 193.89 MB
Average throughput: 40.20 MB/s

The dump can be loaded using:
util.importTable("/root/dump/sbtest1.txt", {
"characterSet": "utf8mb4",
"schema": "sbtest",
"table": "sbtest1"

mysql> show full processlist;
171 root localhost:38614 NULL Query 5 executing SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` ORDER BY `id` /* mysqlsh exportTable, dumping table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, ID: whole table */

[root@node223 dump]# tail sbtest1.txt
999991 499926 48078400383-12437887379-05894846454-75431009730-43080345476-02156273531-11894487827-60773491204-81412444521-71178534764 80773871607-05666602654-92153175922-11639912217-68443483988
999992 574428 55798820788-64368227843-83930711931-75349649463-77481268670-92491399128-82755218472-10621103203-00337603974-88271784083 64445292191-55875703576-91916319139-35871876628-78905835320
999993 498523 31219540378-11117380521-63608278947-80878894462-62784565504-17171594760-59022510004-50276760630-69939737377-75984194755 90722580239-40139525614-74857329507-39255872805-87703425552
999994 500788 60088412733-66150161149-07679095523-93886097494-91085414423-37118101038-26687369933-39904039761-78397237090-88254975738 93579389646-16085583267-20689570549-96386736537-34098043860
999995 500811 61832498932-55639632152-75544792564-62962604113-51096999502-34375763358-16451904213-95024387564-36278547902-12168935797 87450703091-82521663665-74045694374-39248396157-89176450872
999996 501980 52749476711-51613131417-77229212961-74438037859-10531801216-00271136074-84566349858-87716479740-52528401366-75613716171 77741398916-31799130998-58627342379-28460887117-72371774996
999997 499975 23657049288-48467973021-44660863470-59852828073-49772289789-74992497687-86674747743-15984901956-97255179072-94276331108 90781100798-03422418782-38116505671-12299750678-29786053834
999998 509677 49579973118-89724303849-37917968823-05271741940-45125504150-56396698765-32949762304-97814218349-83232223974-76559385635 13054147720-91554662988-20646548050-88947240921-95366815262
999999 502178 17392917361-24051465506-10082568034-19440905307-91386383920-39500528342-19392204488-45200444455-38737392176-53065931451 35811861722-43646585166-92378684091-40505149902-00867953918
1000000 501619 41679588070-34331296496-01617870265-96191726321-02895424673-16024077576-86810569426-58365487466-59806723793-23424797814 65381170039-74019958543-26277800225-05018690950-63577292239

Parallel Table Import Utility,配合Table Export Utility使用,支持单张表的多线程导入。
mysql> show variables like "%local_infile%";
| Variable_name | Value |
| local_infile | OFF |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

mysql> set global local_infile=on;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like "%local_infile%";;
| Variable_name | Value |
| local_infile | ON |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

导入数据前,为了避免数据重复,先truncate 表:
MySQL localhost:3306 JS > \sql
Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;
Fetching global names for auto-completion... Press ^C to stop.
MySQL localhost:3306 SQL > use sbtest;
Default schema set to `sbtest`.
Fetching global names, object names from `sbtest` for auto-completion... Press ^C to stop.
MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest SQL > truncate table sbtest1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.8715 sec)
MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest SQL > select * from sbtest1;
Empty set (0.0054 sec)

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.importTable("/root/dump/sbtest1.txt",{"schema":"sbtest","table":"sbtest1","threads":8})
Importing from file '/root/dump/sbtest1.txt' to table `sbtest`.`sbtest1` in MySQL Server at localhost:3306 using 4 threads
[Worker000] sbtest1.txt: Records: 226231 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
[Worker001] sbtest1.txt: Records: 257732 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
[Worker002] sbtest1.txt: Records: 257732 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
[Worker003] sbtest1.txt: Records: 258305 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
100% (193.89 MB / 193.89 MB), 0.00 B/s
File '/root/dump/sbtest1.txt' (193.89 MB) was imported in 35.4929 sec at 5.46 MB/s
Total rows affected in sbtest.sbtest1: Records: 1000000 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0

[root@node223 dump]# mysql -e "show full processlist" |
| 20 | root | localhost:45398 | sbtest | Query | 13 | executing | LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump/sbtest1.txt' INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' |
| 21 | root | localhost:45400 | sbtest | Query | 13 | executing | LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump/sbtest1.txt' INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' |
| 22 | root | localhost:45402 | sbtest | Query | 13 | executing | LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump/sbtest1.txt' INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' |
| 23 | root | localhost:45404 | sbtest | Query | 13 | executing | LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump/sbtest1.txt' INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' |

Instance Dump Utility
Instance Dump Utility,支持整个实例的多线程导出。

[root@node223 dumpinstance]# mkdir -p /root/dumpinstance
[root@node223 dumpinstance]# cd /root/dumpinstance/
[root@node223 dumpinstance]# pwd
MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.dumpInstance("/root/dumpinstance",{"threads":8})
Acquiring global read lock
Global read lock acquired
Initializing - done
4 out of 8 schemas will be dumped and within them 20 tables, 0 views.
5 out of 8 users will be dumped.
Gathering information - done
All transactions have been started
Locking instance for backup
Global read lock has been released
Writing global DDL files
Writing users DDL
Running data dump using 8 threads.
NOTE: Progress information uses estimated values and may not be accurate.
Writing schema metadata - done
NOTE: Table statistics not available for `test`.`t`, chunking operation may be not optimal. Please consider running 'ANALYZE TABLE `test`.`t`;' first.
Writing DDL - done
Writing table metadata - done
Starting data dump
106% (4.92M rows / ~4.64M rows), 429.43K rows/s, 22.98 MB/s uncompressed, 7.84 MB/s compressed
Dump duration: 00:00:12s
Total duration: 00:00:13s
Schemas dumped: 4
Tables dumped: 20
Uncompressed data size: 342.39 MB
Compressed data size: 125.40 MB
Compression ratio: 2.7
Rows written: 4919069
Bytes written: 125.40 MB
Average uncompressed throughput: 26.43 MB/s
Average compressed throughput: 9.68 MB/s

[root@node223 ~]# mysql -e "show processlist"
| 38 | root | localhost:45426 | test | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 333334 AND 666666 |
| 40 | root | localhost:45430 | employees | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `emp_no`,`title`,`from_date`,`to_date` FROM `employees`.`titles` WHERE (`emp_no` |
| 41 | root | localhost:45432 | employees | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `emp_no`,`salary`,`from_date`,`to_date` FROM `employees`.`salaries` WHERE (`emp_ |
| 43 | root | localhost:45436 | employees | Query | 4 | Sending to client | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `emp_no`,`birth_date`,`first_name`,`last_name`,`gender`,`hire_date` FROM `employ |
| 44 | root | localhost:45438 | employees | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 666667 AND 999999 |
| 45 | root | localhost:45440 | employees | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 1 AND 333333) ORD |
| 48 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | show processlist

[root@node223 dumpinstance]# pwd
[root@node223 dumpinstance]# ls
@.done.json sbtest@sbtest1@@3.tsv.zst.idx test@shukuinfo@0.tsv.zst.idx
employees@departments@@0.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1.json test@shukuinfo@@1.tsv.zst
employees@departments@@0.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest1.sql test@shukuinfo@@1.tsv.zst.idx
employees@departments.json sbtest.sql test@shukuinfo.json
employees@departments.sql skinfo.json test@shukuinfo.sql
employees@dept_emp@@0.tsv.zst skinfo.sql test.sql
employees@dept_emp@@0.tsv.zst.idx skinfo@t@@0.tsv.zst test@student@@0.tsv.zst
employees@dept_emp.json skinfo@t@@0.tsv.zst.idx test@student@@0.tsv.zst.idx
employees@dept_emp.sql skinfo@t.json test@student.json
employees@dept_manager@@0.tsv.zst skinfo@t.sql test@student.sql


Schema Dump Utility
Schema Dump Utility,支持库级别的多线程导出。
MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.dumpSchemas(["sbtest"],"/root/dump_schema",{"threads":8})
Acquiring global read lock
Global read lock acquired
Initializing - done
1 schemas will be dumped and within them 1 table, 0 views.
Gathering information - done
All transactions have been started
Locking instance for backup
Global read lock has been released
Writing global DDL files
Running data dump using 8 threads.
NOTE: Progress information uses estimated values and may not be accurate.
Writing schema metadata - done
Writing DDL - done
Writing table metadata - done
Starting data dump
101% (1000.00K rows / ~986.68K rows), 311.24K rows/s, 62.25 MB/s uncompressed, 28.29 MB/s compressed
Dump duration: 00:00:03s
Total duration: 00:00:03s
Schemas dumped: 1
Tables dumped: 1
Uncompressed data size: 193.89 MB
Compressed data size: 88.15 MB
Compression ratio: 2.2
Rows written: 1000000
Bytes written: 88.15 MB
Average uncompressed throughput: 57.58 MB/s
Average compressed throughput: 26.18 MB/s

[root@node223 dump_schema]# mysql -e "show full processlist" |
| 67 | root | localhost:45464 | NULL | Query | 3 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 666667 AND 999999) ORDER BY `id` /* mysqlsh dumpSchemas, dumping table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, ID: chunk 2 */ |
| 70 | root | localhost:45470 | NULL | Query | 3 | Sending to client | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 333334 AND 666666) ORDER BY `id` /* mysqlsh dumpSchemas, dumping table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, ID: chunk 1 */ |

[root@node223 dump_schema]# pwd
[root@node223 dump_schema]# ls
@.done.json sbtest@sbtest1@0.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1@2.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1.json
@.json sbtest@sbtest1@0.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest1@2.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest1.sql sbtest@sbtest1@1.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1@@3.tsv.zst sbtest.sql
sbtest.json sbtest@sbtest1@1.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest1@@3.tsv.zst.idx @.sql

Table Dump Utility
Table Dump Utility,支持表级别的多线程导出。
mysql> use sbtest;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_sbtest |
| sbtest1 |
| sbtest2 |
| sbtest3 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

[root@node223 ~]# mkdir -p dumptable
[root@node223 ~]# cd dumptable/
[root@node223 dumptable]# pwd
MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.dumpTables("sbtest",["sbtest1","sbtest2"],"/root/dumptable",{"threads":8})
Acquiring global read lock
Global read lock acquired
Initializing - done
2 tables and 0 views will be dumped.
Gathering information - done
All transactions have been started
Locking instance for backup
Global read lock has been released
Writing global DDL files
Running data dump using 8 threads.
NOTE: Progress information uses estimated values and may not be accurate.
Writing schema metadata - done
Writing DDL - done
Writing table metadata - done
Starting data dump
101% (1000.00K rows / ~986.68K rows), 216.96K rows/s, 45.21 MB/s uncompressed, 20.56 MB/s compressed
Dump duration: 00:00:04s
Total duration: 00:00:05s
Schemas dumped: 1
Tables dumped: 2
Uncompressed data size: 193.89 MB
Compressed data size: 88.15 MB
Compression ratio: 2.2
Rows written: 1000000
Bytes written: 88.15 MB
Average uncompressed throughput: 40.41 MB/s
Average compressed throughput: 18.37 MB/s

[root@node223 dump_schema]# mysql -e "show full processlist"
| 78 | root | localhost:45480 | NULL | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 333334 AND 666666) ORDER BY `id` /* mysqlsh dumpTables, dumping table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, ID: chunk 1 */ |
| 79 | root | localhost:45482 | NULL | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 666667 AND 999999) ORDER BY `id` /* mysqlsh dumpTables, dumping table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, ID: chunk 2 */ |
| 82 | root | localhost:45488 | NULL | Query | 4 | executing | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `id`,`k`,`c`,`pad` FROM `sbtest`.`sbtest1` WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 1 AND 333333) ORDER BY `id` /* mysqlsh dumpTables, dumping table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, ID: chunk 0 */ |

[root@node223 dumptable]# ls
@.done.json sbtest@sbtest1@0.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest1@@3.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest2@@0.tsv.zst.idx
@.json sbtest@sbtest1@1.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1@@3.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest2.json sbtest@sbtest1@1.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest1.json sbtest@sbtest2.sql
sbtest.json sbtest@sbtest1@2.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1.sql sbtest.sql
sbtest@sbtest1@0.tsv.zst sbtest@sbtest1@2.tsv.zst.idx sbtest@sbtest2@@0.tsv.zst @.sql

Dump Loading Utility
Dump Loading Utility,配合Instance Dump Utility、Schema Dump Utility、Table Dump Utility使用,支持整个实例、库级别、表级别的多线程导入。

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.loadDump("/root/dumpinstance",{"threads":8})
Loading DDL and Data from '/root/dumpinstance' using 8 threads.
Opening dump...
Target is MySQL 8.0.33. Dump was produced from MySQL 8.0.33
Scanning metadata - done
Checking for pre-existing objects...
ERROR: Schema `employees` already contains a table named departments
ERROR: Schema `employees` already contains a table named dept_emp
ERROR: Schema `employees` already contains a table named dept_manager
ERROR: Schema `employees` already contains a table named employees
ERROR: Schema `employees` already contains a table named salaries
ERROR: Schema `employees` already contains a table named titles
ERROR: Schema `skinfo` already contains a table named t
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named course
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named dept
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named emp
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named numbers
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named score
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named shukuinfo
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named student
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named t
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named t1
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named t2
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named teacher
ERROR: Schema `test` already contains a table named test
ERROR: Schema `sbtest` already contains a table named sbtest1
ERROR: One or more objects in the dump already exist in the destination database. You must either DROP these objects or exclude them from the load.
Util.loadDump: While 'Scanning metadata': Duplicate objects found in destination database (MYSQLSH 53021)

mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| employees |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sbtest |
| skinfo |
| sys |
| test |
8 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> drop database employees;
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.49 sec)
mysql> drop database sbtest;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.31 sec)
mysql> drop database skinfo;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> drop database test;
Query OK, 12 rows affected (0.51 sec)

mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.loadDump("/root/dumpinstance",{"threads":8})
Loading DDL and Data from '/root/dumpinstance' using 8 threads.
Opening dump...
Target is MySQL 8.0.33. Dump was produced from MySQL 8.0.33
NOTE: Load progress file detected. Load will be resumed from where it was left, assuming no external updates were made.
You may enable the 'resetProgress' option to discard progress for this MySQL instance and force it to be completely reloaded.
Scanning metadata - done
Executing common preamble SQL
Executing DDL - done
Executing view DDL - done
Starting data load
1 thds loading \ 100% (342.39 MB / 342.39 MB), 778.36 KB/s, 19 / 20 tables done
Executing common postamble SQL
Recreating indexes - done
29 chunks (4.92M rows, 342.39 MB) for 20 tables in 4 schemas were loaded in 3 min 39 sec (avg throughput 1.69 MB/s)
0 warnings were reported during the load.

[root@node223 dump_schema]# mysql -e "show full processlist" |
| 106 | root | localhost:45520 | employees | Query | 37 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 7, table `employees`.`salaries`, chunk ID: 0 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dumpinstance/employees@salaries@@0.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `employees`.`salaries` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`emp_no`, `salary`, `from_date`, `to_date`) |



mysql> drop database sbtest;

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.loadDump("/root/dump_schema",{includeSchemas: ["sbtest"]})
Loading DDL and Data from '/root/dump_schema' using 4 threads.
Opening dump...
Target is MySQL 8.0.33. Dump was produced from MySQL 8.0.33
NOTE: Load progress file detected. Load will be resumed from where it was left, assuming no external updates were made.
You may enable the 'resetProgress' option to discard progress for this MySQL instance and force it to be completely reloaded.
Scanning metadata - done
Executing common preamble SQL
Executing DDL - done
Executing view DDL - done
Starting data load
3 thds loading / 100% (193.89 MB / 193.89 MB), 5.73 MB/s, 1 / 1 tables done
Recreating indexes - done
Executing common postamble SQL
4 chunks (1000.00K rows, 193.89 MB) for 1 tables in 1 schemas were loaded in 34 sec (avg throughput 7.92 MB/s)
0 warnings were reported during the load.

[root@node223 dump_schema]# mysql -e "show full processlist" |
| 125 | root | localhost:45554 | sbtest | Query | 22 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 2, table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, chunk ID: 1 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump_schema/sbtest@sbtest1@1.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) |
| 126 | root | localhost:45556 | sbtest | Query | 22 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 0, table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, chunk ID: 2 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump_schema/sbtest@sbtest1@2.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) |
| 127 | root | localhost:45558 | sbtest | Query | 22 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 1, table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, chunk ID: 0 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dump_schema/sbtest@sbtest1@0.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) |

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.loadDump("/root/dumptable",{includeTables: ["sbtest.sbtest1","sbtest.sbtest2"]})
Loading DDL and Data from '/root/dumptable' using 4 threads.
Opening dump...
Target is MySQL 8.0.33. Dump was produced from MySQL 8.0.33
Scanning metadata - done
Checking for pre-existing objects...
ERROR: Schema `sbtest` already contains a table named sbtest1
ERROR: One or more objects in the dump already exist in the destination database. You must either DROP these objects or exclude them from the load.
Util.loadDump: While 'Scanning metadata': Duplicate objects found in destination database (MYSQLSH 53021)

mysql> use sbtest;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_sbtest |
| sbtest1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> drop table sbtest1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.49 sec)

MySQL localhost:3306 sbtest JS > util.loadDump("/root/dumptable",{includeTables: ["sbtest.sbtest1","sbtest.sbtest2"]})
Loading DDL and Data from '/root/dumptable' using 4 threads.
Opening dump...
Target is MySQL 8.0.33. Dump was produced from MySQL 8.0.33
NOTE: Load progress file detected. Load will be resumed from where it was left, assuming no external updates were made.
You may enable the 'resetProgress' option to discard progress for this MySQL instance and force it to be completely reloaded.
Scanning metadata - done
Executing common preamble SQL
Executing DDL - done
Executing view DDL - done
Starting data load
3 thds loading \ 100% (193.89 MB / 193.89 MB), 6.07 MB/s, 2 / 2 tables done
Recreating indexes - done
Executing common postamble SQL
5 chunks (1000.00K rows, 193.89 MB) for 2 tables in 1 schemas were loaded in 30 sec (avg throughput 7.90 MB/s)
0 warnings were reported during the load.

[root@node223 dump_schema]# mysql -e "show full processlist"
| 138 | root | localhost:45578 | sbtest | Query | 5 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 3, table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, chunk ID: 1 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dumptable/sbtest@sbtest1@1.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) |
| 139 | root | localhost:45580 | sbtest | Query | 5 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 1, table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, chunk ID: 2 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dumptable/sbtest@sbtest1@2.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) |
| 140 | root | localhost:45574 | sbtest | Query | 5 | executing | /* mysqlsh loadDump(), thread 0, table `sbtest`.`sbtest1`, chunk ID: 0 */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/root/dumptable/sbtest@sbtest1@0.tsv.zst' REPLACE INTO TABLE `sbtest`.`sbtest1` CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES STARTING BY '' TERMINATED BY '\n' (`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) |


MySQL Shell Utilities相关的逻辑备份恢复工具,相比于mysqldump/mysqlpump单线程工具,对于大表(10G以上的单表)的数据导出或导入是非常有帮助的。






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