ORA-609 错误分析及解决方法



Fatal NI connect error 12537, connecting to:



TNS for HPUX: Version - Production

Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for HPUX: Version - Production

TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for HPUX: Version - Production

  Time: 19-OCT-2014 20:24:16

  Tracing not turned on.

  Tns error struct:

    ns main err code: 12537


TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed

    ns secondary err code: 12560

    nt main err code: 0

    nt secondary err code: 0

    nt OS err code: 0

opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (2734) as a result of ORA-609

Sun Oct 19 21:27:24 2014






Oracle Net Services - Version to [Release 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



Changes in database server load, client connect descriptor, changes in network infrastructure (firewall configuration).


首先,这个“opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (2734) as a result of ORA-609”消息仅仅是说明了由于ORA-609,使Oracle数据库专用进程被关闭了


ORA-609 means  "could not attach to incoming connection" so the database process was 'aborted' (closed) because it couldn't attach to the incoming connection passed to it by the listener.


The reason for this is found in the sqlnet error stack, in our case is:
   TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed.
Basically the dedicated process didn't have a client connection anymore to work with.


  1. Client initiates a connection to the database so it connects to the listener
  2. Listener starts (fork) a dedicated database process that will receive this connection (session)
  3. After this dedicated process is started, the listener passes the connection from the client to this process
  4. The server process takes the connection from the listener to continue the handshake with the client
  5. Server process and client exchange information required for establishing a session (ASO, Two Task Common, User logon)
  6. Session is opened
  7. In the case of the above error the connection from the client was closed somewhere between 3. and 4. So when the dedicated process tries to communicate with the client it finds that connection closed.



  1. 客户端发起一个connection连接监听

  2. 监听启动一个专属进程(服务器进程,也就是我们通常说的LOCA=NO进程)用于接收这个connection

  3. 在专属进程启动之后,监听会将这个connection传递给这个专属进程

  4. 专属进程通过这个connection来跟客户端握手

  5. 专属进程跟客户端信息交换需要建立一个session

  6. session打开

To determine the client which hit this problem we can try to match the timestamp of the error from alert log with an entry in listener.log, but this might be difficult in case of a loaded listener with many incoming connections per second.
Server sqlnet trace will not provide any information about the client.

We can enable sqlnet server trace to catch the error (the match is done based on the ospid found in sqlnet server trace file name and the line with ORA-609 error):

还可以启用sqlnet server的trace中抓取到ORA-609错误,匹配成功基于sqlnet server trace文件名和ORA-609错误信息中的ospid

nscon: doing connect handshake...
    nscon: recving a packet
    nsprecv: entry
    nsprecv: reading from transport...
    nttrd: entry
    nttrd: exit
    ntt2err: entry
    ntt2err: Read unexpected EOF ERROR on 15    <<<<<<< error
    ntt2err: exit
    nsprecv: error exit
    nserror: entry
    nserror: nsres: id=0, op=68, ns=12537, ns2=12560; nt[0]=507, nt[1]=0, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0
    nscon: error exit
    nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
    nsdo: error exit
    nsinh_hoff: error recving request


Several possible situations can cause this to happen:

  •     client changed its mind and closed the connection immediately after initiating it
  •     client crashed
  •     firewall kills the connection
  •     some oracle timeout set on client


Because the entry from listener.log contains only CONNECT_DATA and CID related information we need to check the client configuration for any sqlnet  timeouts:

  • possible timeouts in sqlnet.ora in client oracle home:



possible timeout in client connect descriptor (hardcoded in client application or in client tnsnames.ora):




posted on 2021-04-08 09:13  数据与人文  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报