DropDMG 命令行工具使用文档
dropdmg(1) DropDMG dropdmg(1)
dropdmg - Command-line Interface for DropDMG
dropdmg [options] file...
dropdmg(1) DropDMG dropdmg(1)
dropdmg - Command-line Interface for DropDMG
dropdmg [options] file...
dropdmg --burn-image file...
dropdmg --burn-file file...
dropdmg --version
The dropdmg tool lets you use the command line to create disk images and
archives with DropDMG. If you specify no options, DropDMG will create a
plain zlib-compressed .dmg image.
The output is the paths to the created files/folders.
Names of configurations, licenses, and layouts are case-sensitive.
--config-name=<name>, -g
The name of a collection of DropDMG settings. You can still
specify additional parameters to override the values in the
configuration. If "" is specified, uses the current configuration
chosen in the preferences.
--always-create , -t
Wrap a disk image or archive using the specified format, rather
than converting.
--format=<format>, -f
zlib, bzip2, lzfse, lzma, ro, sparsebundle, sparseimage, rw,
tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, zip, master, hybrid, ndif, ndifro, ndifrw
--encryption=<encryptionType>, -c
none, aes-128, aes-256
--passphrase=<passphrase>, -h
The passphrase for an encrypted image. Prompts if you use -c
without -h.
dropdmg(1) DropDMG dropdmg(1)
dropdmg - Command-line Interface for DropDMG
dropdmg [options] file...
dropdmg [options] file...
dropdmg --burn-image file...
dropdmg --burn-file file...
dropdmg --version
The dropdmg tool lets you use the command line to create disk images and
archives with DropDMG. If you specify no options, DropDMG will create a
plain zlib-compressed .dmg image.
The output is the paths to the created files/folders.
Names of configurations, licenses, and layouts are case-sensitive.
--config-name=<name>, -g
The name of a collection of DropDMG settings. You can still
specify additional parameters to override the values in the
configuration. If "" is specified, uses the current configuration
chosen in the preferences.
--always-create , -t
Wrap a disk image or archive using the specified format, rather
than converting.
--format=<format>, -f
zlib, bzip2, lzfse, lzma, ro, sparsebundle, sparseimage, rw,
tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, zip, master, hybrid, ndif, ndifro, ndifrw
--encryption=<encryptionType>, -c
none, aes-128, aes-256
--passphrase=<passphrase>, -h
The passphrase for an encrypted image. Prompts if you use -c
without -h.
--segment-size=<megabytes>, -s
0 means don´t segment. (defaults to 0)
--layout-name=<name>, -y
The name of a layout in the preferences window.
The path to a layout folder stored outside DropDMG (e.g. under
version control) created by dragging from the preferences window
to the Finder.
The value for the ${APP_BASENAME} variable in the layout.
The value for the ${APP_SHORT_VERSION_STRING} variable in the
The value for the ${APP_VERSION} variable in the layout.
--license-name=<name>, -l
The name of a license in the preferences window.
The path to a license folder stored outside DropDMG (e.g. under
version control) created by dragging from the preferences window
to the Finder.
--custom-icon , -n
Customize the icon of the mounted image.
--internet-enabled , -i
(defaults to false)
Append the current date to the name of the output file? (defaults
to false)
Append the version number of the application being imaged to the
name of the output file? (defaults to false)
--optimize-for-restores , -r
(defaults to false)
Sign the disk image or archive using the identity specified by the
name or SHA1.
Replace spaces and non-ASCII characters in the file name?
(defaults to false)
--base-name=<basename>, -b
"" means automatic. (defaults to "")
--volume-name=<volumeName>, -v
"" means automatic. (defaults to "")
--destination=<folder>, -o
If absent, the destination is next to the source (or to prompt the
user, in the Mac App Store version).
--delete-original , -d
(defaults to false)
Create plain zlib images from two folders:
dropdmg ~/my-folder ~/my-other-folder
Convert a .dmg image into a .tar.bz2 archive:
dropdmg --format tar.bz2 ~/my-image.dmg
Create an encrypted image with password "bar" that is internet-enabled:
dropdmg -c aes-128 -h bar -i ~/my-folder
Create a disk image from an application using the configuration
dropdmg --config-name "MyConfig" MyApp.app
Burn the contents of a disk image to CD/DVD:
dropdmg(1) DropDMG dropdmg(1)
dropdmg - Command-line Interface for DropDMG
dropdmg(1) DropDMG dropdmg(1)
dropdmg - Command-line Interface for DropDMG
dropdmg [options] file...
dropdmg --burn-image file...
dropdmg --burn-file file...
dropdmg --version
The dropdmg tool lets you use the command line to create disk images and
archives with DropDMG. If you specify no options, DropDMG will create a