While talking about chat application, these days people hate those kind application made in PHP which need page refreshing. In this post, I’ll show yo... 阅读全文
$v= NULL 0 FALSE "" TRUE 1 1.3 -1 "-1" -1.7 "1" "1.3" "0" " " "string" "123str" "str123" array() array... 阅读全文
No matter how good programmer you are, you can`t memorize everything. It often happens to spend more time searching for a particular library, tag or d... 阅读全文
A theme is a combination of desktop background pictures, Window colors, sound scheme and a screensaver. Windows 7 introduces a new file format (.theme... 阅读全文
Apache .htaccess file is at the heart of your web server and control how your website will react to different actions performed by your visitors. I... 阅读全文
利用 CSS 框架,可以简化你的工作,提高工作效率。CSS 框架是一系列 CSS 文件的集合体,包含了基本的元素重置,页面排版、网格布局、表单样式、通用规则等代码块。下面给你推荐了27款优秀的CSS框架,你可以选用。 1.960gs 960 像素的页面宽度似乎成为了一种设计标准,在当前各种分辨率下,... 阅读全文