15 个漂亮的jQuery Notification 插件示例

There are a lots examples notification system design, here is beautiful jQuery notification plugin with example code Download/Demo and tutorials. You may finding those notification sample, so here is my favorite jquery notification that i have collected jquery notification bar, jquery lightbox notify, jquery ui notification, jquery push notification, jquery notification popup, notification error, message, information, warning and success. Please kindly find it bellow:

1. jQuery Notify Plugin

This is implement notifications similar to those available from Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04). This plugin shows notifications “ephemeral overlays, which can be clicked through so they do not block your work.”


2. Gritter jQuery Notification Plugin

it is essentially a notification bubble that appears in the top right of your desktop. Think of it as calling the alert () function in JavaScript, it is not a modal shift is subtle and it does not look like dog shit.

2-Gritter-jQuery-Notification-PluginDemo | Download

3. jQuery “growl-like” notification plugin

This is the project page for a simple jQuery plugin called jQuery Notice. As the name suggests, you can notify users on your side.


4. Purr jQuery Notification Plugin

This notice is the relationship between regular and sticky purrs. Only the top non-sticky Purr in the list is removed at a time.


5. Notification Messages with CSS3 & jQuery

Notification messages are an important part of the user experience and you can not afford to omit them. An alert notification should appear whenever the user to perform important tasks.


6. Super Simple Notification System for jQuery

This is sweet little notifications to keep them all inside warm and fuzzy. Post-it allows you to send such messages with ease, and class. Quickly warn a user of software updates, completions process, or bored with registration reminders.


7. Facebook Alerting Notifications jQuery Plugin

that’s what Facebook calls the notifications beep, then you would have noticed the little blue box at the bottom left notification alert you live.

8-Facebook-Alerting-Notifications-jQuery-PluginDemo | Download

8. Top Bar Notification jQuery Plugin

This plugin supports four types of important notifications (success, error, warning and information). To change the notification type parameter pass type = “value” to showNotification () function.



9. noty jQuery Notification Plugin

noty is a plugin for jQuery that makes it easy to create alert, success, error, information and confirmation messages as an alternative to standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue.


10. Notification Menu jQuery Plugin

It is a jQuery plugin to add notification bubbles and a notification list to any menu.

11-Notification-Menu-jQuery-PluginDemo | Download

11. Pines Notify – JavaScript Notifications for Bootstrap or jQuery

Notify Pines is a notification plug-in JavaScript, developed by Hunter Perrin as part of the Pines. It is designed to provide an unprecedented level of flexibility while remaining easy to deploy and use.


12. jQuery Toast Message Plugin

jquery-toastmessage-plugin is a jQuery plugin that provides notification messages android-like. This is a very pleasant way to report info or error to the user.

12-jQuery-Toast-Message-Plugin[1]Demo | Download

13. BounceBox Notification Plugin With jQuery & CSS3

13-BounceBox-Notification-Plugin-With-jQuery-CSS3Demo | Download

14. jNotify jQuery Notification Plugin

Three kind of boxes are allowed : information, success and failure

14-jNotify-jQuery-Notification-PluginDemo | Download

15. Easy Notification jQuery plugin

This jQuery plugin will make this task easier for you. In my efforts to code plugins that are easy to use, I created a plugin for different notifications.


Demo | Download
posted @ 2012-07-24 20:48  shuaixf  阅读(3293)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报