Spring Security(十):3. What’s New in Spring Security 4.2 (新功能)

Among other things, Spring Security 4.2 brings early support for Spring Framework 5. You can find the change logs for 4.2.0.M14.2.0.RC14.2.0.RELEASE which closes over 80 issues. The overwhelming majority of these features were contributed by the community. Below you can find the highlights of this release.

除此之外,Spring Security 4.2还为Spring Framework 5提供了早期支持。您可以找到4.2.0.M1,4.2.0.RC1,4.2.0.RELEASE的更改日志,这些日志可以解决80多个问题。绝大多数这些功能都是由社区提供的。您可以在下面找到此版本的亮点。

3.1 Web Improvements 网站改进

3.2 Configuration Improvements

  • #3956 - Central configuration of the default role prefix. See the issue for details.
  • 中央配置默认角色前缀。有关详细信息,请参阅问题
  • #4102 - Custom default configuration in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. See Section 5.10, “Custom DSLs”
  • WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter中的自定义默认配置。请参见第5.10节“自定义DSL”
  • #3899 - concurrency-control@max-sessions supports unlimited sessions.
  • 并发控制@max-sessions支持无限会话。
  • #4097 - intercept-url@request-matcher-ref adds more powerful request matching support to the XML namespace.
  • intercept-url @ request-matcher-ref为XML命名空间添加了更强大的请求匹配支持。
  • #3990 - Support for constructing RoleHierarchy from Map (i.e. yml)
  • 支持从Map​​构造RoleHierarchy(即yml)
  • #4062 - Custom cookiePath to CookieCsrfTokenRepository
  • 自定义cookiePath到CookieCsrfTokenRepository
  • #3794 - Allow configuration of InvalidSessionStrategy on SessionManagementConfigurer
  • 允许在SessionManagementConfigurer上配置InvalidSessionStrategy
  • #4020 - Fix Exposing Beans for defaultMethodExpressionHandler can prevent Method Security
  • 修复defaultMethodExpressionHandler的Exposing Beans可以防止Method Security

3.3 Miscellaneous  杂项

  • #4080 - Spring 5 support
  • #4095 - Add UserBuilder
  • #4018 - Fix after csrf() is invoked, future MockMvc invocations use original CsrfTokenRepository
  • 在调用csrf()之后修复,将来的MockMvc调用使用原始的CsrfTokenRepository
  • Version Updates


posted @ 2018-12-16 20:35  帅LOVE俊  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报