corundum:100G NIC 学习:(一)

2021-10-03 17:13:47

目标:在Linux环境下,基于VCU118板卡恢复出100G corundum NIC。


GitHub repository:

GitHub wiki:

  Corundum是一个基于FPGA的开源原型平台,用于高达100Gbps及更高的网络接口开发。Corundum平台包括一些用于实现实时,高线速操作的核心功能,包括:高性能数据路径,10G/ 25G / 100G以太网MAC,PCIExpress第3代,自定义PCIeDMA引擎以及本机高精确的IEEE 1588 PTP时间戳。一个关键功能是可扩展队列管理,它可以支持超过10,000个队列以及可扩展的传输调度程序,从而可以对包传输进行细粒度的硬件控制。结合多个网络接口,每个接口多个端口以及每个端口事件驱动的传输调度,这些功能可实现高级网络接口,体系结构和协议的开发。这些硬件功能的软件接口是Linux网络协议栈的高性能驱动程序。该平台还支持分散/聚集DMA,校验和卸载,接收流散列和接收端缩放。一个全面的,基于Python的开放源代码仿真框架促进了开发和调试,该框架包括整个系统,从驱动程序和PCIExpress接口的仿真模型到以太网接口。通过实现微秒级时分多址(TDMA)硬件调度程序,以100Gbps的线速执行TDMA调度,而没有CPU开销,证明了Corundum的强大功能和灵活性。




  • 在VMware虚拟机安装Ubuntu 20.04 LTS系统供日常学习测试使用
    • 安装python库
    • 使用tox尝试仿真
  • 安装双系统Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    • 在Ubuntu系统上安装vivado 2019.2
    • 注意vivado 2019.2的license,基本组件的license会编译出错,需要添加IP license。

2.2:Obtaining the source code

  • 直接从git地址下载zip压缩包使用;
  • $ git clone


2.3.1 system packages

  • Python3.9;当前ubuntu 20.04自带python3版本为python3.8,需要下载python3.9并配置系统python3为python3.9。其中遇到很多问题需要百度自行解决。。。
$ sudo apt-get install python3.9
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.8 1

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.9 2
$ sudo update-alternatives --config python3
There are 2 choices for the alternative python3 (providing /usr/bin/python3).
 Selection Path  Priority Status
* 0  /usr/bin/python3.8 2  auto mode
 1  /usr/bin/python3.8 2  manual mode
 2  /usr/bin/python3.9 1  manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 2


$ python3 -V
Python 3.9
  • 安装/升级pip
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
  • 安装python-dev
$ sudo apt install python3-dev
  • 安装Icarus Verilog 
$ sudo apt-get install iverilog
  • 安装GTKWave
$ sudo apt-get install gtkwave

2.3.2 required python packages 

  • cocotb
  • cocotb-bus
  • cocotb-test
  • cocotbext-axi
  • cocotbext-eth
  • cocotbext-pcie
  • pytest
  • scapy
  • Recommended additional python packages:

    • tox (to run pytest inside a python virtual environment)
    • pytest-xdist (to run tests in parallel with pytest -n auto)
    • pytest-sugar (makes pytest output a bit nicer)
$ pip3 install cocotb
$ pip3 install cocotb-bus
$ pip3 install cocotb-test
$ pip3 install cocotbext-axi
$ pip3 install cocotbext-eth
$ pip3 install cocotbext-pcie
$ pip3 install pytest
$ pip3 install scapy
$ pip3 install tox
$ pip3 install pytest-xdist
$ pip3 install pytest-sugar





$ sudo gedit ~/.bashrc


export PATH="$PATH:/home/yourname/.local/bin"


$ sudo source ~/.bashrc

2.4 安装双系统Ubuntu 20.04





三、Running test




$ cd /path/to/corundum-master
$ tox

py39 installed: apipkg==1.5,attrs==21.2.0,cocotb==1.5.2,cocotb-bus==0.1.1,cocotb-test==0.2.0,cocotbext-axi==0.1.12,cocotbext-eth==0.1.14,cocotbext-pcie==0.1.10,execnet==1.8.0,iniconfig==1.1.1,packaging==20.9,pluggy==0.13.1,py==1.10.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pytest==6.2.4,pytest-forked==1.3.0,pytest-split==0.1.5,pytest-xdist==2.2.1,scapy==2.4.5,toml==0.10.2
py39 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='438068548'
py39 run-test: commands[0] | pytest -n auto
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.2, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
cachedir: .tox/py39/.pytest_cache
rootdir: /path/to/corundum, configfile: tox.ini, testpaths: fpga/common/tb, fpga/mqnic, fpga/mqnic_tdma
plugins: xdist-2.2.1, forked-1.3.0, cocotb-test-0.2.0, split-0.1.5
gw0 [38] / gw1 [38] / gw2 [38] / gw3 [38] / gw4 [38] / gw5 [38] / gw6 [38] / gw7 [38] / gw8 [38] / gw9 [38] / gw10 [38] / gw11 [38] / gw12 [38] / gw13 [38] / gw14 [38] / gw15 [38] / gw16 [38] / gw17 [38] / gw18 [38] / gw19 [38] / gw20 [38] / gw21 [38] / gw22 [38] / gw23 [38] / gw24 [38] / gw25 [38] / gw26 [38] / gw27 [38] / gw28 [38] / gw29 [38] / gw30 [38] / gw31 [38] / gw32 [38] / gw33 [38] / gw34 [38] / gw35 [38] / gw36 [38] / gw37 [38] / gw38 [38] / gw39 [38] / gw40 [38] / gw41 [38] / gw42 [38] / gw43 [38] / gw44 [38] / gw45 [38] / gw46 [38] / gw47 [38] / gw48 [38] / gw49 [38] / gw50 [38] / gw51 [38] / gw52 [38] / gw53 [38] / gw54 [38] / gw55 [38] / gw56 [38] / gw57 [38] / gw58 [38] / gw59 [38] / gw60 [38] gw0 [38] / gw1 [38] / gw2 [38] / gw3 [38] / gw4 [38] / gw5 [38] / gw6 [38] / gw7 [38] / gw8 [38] / gw9 [38] / gw10 [38] / gw11 [38] / gw12 [38] / gw13 [38] / gw14 [38] / gw15 [38] / gw16 [38] / gw17 [38] / gw18 [38] / gw19 [38] / gw20 [38] / gw21 [38] / gw22 [38] / gw23 [38] / gw24 [38] / gw25 [38] / gw26 [38] / gw27 [38] / gw28 [38] / gw29 [38] / gw30 [38] / gw31 [38] / gw32 [38] / gw33 [38] / gw34 [38] / gw35 [38] / gw36 [38] / gw37 [38] / gw38 [38] / gw39 [38] / gw40 [38] / gw41 [38] / gw42 [38] / gw43 [38] / gw44 [38] / gw45 [38] / gw46 [38] / gw47 [38] / gw48 [38] / gw49 [38] / gw50 [38] / gw51 [38] / gw52 [38] / gw53 [38] / gw54 [38] / gw55 [38] / gw56 [38] / gw57 [38] / gw58 [38] / gw59 [38] / gw60 [38] / gw61 [38] / gw62 [38] / gw63 [38]
...................................... [100%]
======================== 38 passed in 792.90s (0:13:12) ========================
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
py39: commands succeeded
congratulations :)




$ cd /path/to/corundum-master
$ pytest -n auto (多核)
$ pytest (单核)
$ cd /path/to/corundum/
$ pytest -n auto
Test session starts (platform: linux, Python 3.9.2, pytest 6.2.2, pytest-sugar 0.9.4)
rootdir: /path/to/corundum, configfile: tox.ini, testpaths: fpga/common/tb, fpga/mqnic, fpga/mqnic_tdma
plugins: parallel-0.1.0, cocotb-test-0.2.0, split-0.1.6.dev1+g97d96c2, sugar-0.9.4, xdist-2.2.1, forked-1.3.0, metadata-1.11.0, html-3.1.1, flake8-1.0.7, cov-2.11.1
gw0 [38] / gw1 [38] / gw2 [38] / gw3 [38] / gw4 [38] / gw5 [38] / gw6 [38] / gw7 [38] / gw8 [38] / gw9 [38] / gw10 [38] / gw11 [38] / gw12 [38] / gw13 [38] / gw14 [38] / gw15 [38] / gw16 [38] / gw17 [38] / gw18 [38] / gw19 [38] / gw20 [38] / gw21 [38] / gw22 [38] / gw23 [38] / gw24 [38] / gw25 [38] / gw26 [38] / gw27 [38] / gw28 [38] / gw29 [38] / gw30 [38] / gw31 [38] / gw32 [38] / gw33 [38] / gw34 [38] / gw35 [38] / gw36 [38] / gw37 [38] / gw38 [38] / gw39 [38] / gw40 [38] / gw41 [38] / gw42 [38] / gw43 [38] / gw44 [38] / gw45 [38] / gw46 [38] / gw47 [38] / gw48 [38] / gw49 [38] / gw50 [38] / gw51 [38] / gw52 [38] / gw53 [38] / gw54 [38] / gw55 [38] / gw56 [38] / gw57 [38] / gw58 [38] / gw59 [38] / gw60 [38] gw0 [38] / gw1 [38] / gw2 [38] / gw3 [38] / gw4 [38] / gw5 [38] / gw6 [38] / gw7 [38] / gw8 [38] / gw9 [38] / gw10 [38] / gw11 [38] / gw12 [38] / gw13 [38] / gw14 [38] / gw15 [38] / gw16 [38] / gw17 [38] / gw18 [38] / gw19 [38] / gw20 [38] / gw21 [38] / gw22 [38] / gw23 [38] / gw24 [38] / gw25 [38] / gw26 [38] / gw27 [38] / gw28 [38] / gw29 [38] / gw30 [38] / gw31 [38] / gw32 [38] / gw33 [38] / gw34 [38] / gw35 [38] / gw36 [38] / gw37 [38] / gw38 [38] / gw39 [38] / gw40 [38] / gw41 [38] / gw42 [38] / gw43 [38] / gw44 [38] / gw45 [38] / gw46 [38] / gw47 [38] / gw48 [38] / gw49 [38] / gw50 [38] / gw51 [38] / gw52 [38] / gw53 [38] / gw54 [38] / gw55 [38] / gw56 [38] / gw57 [38] / gw58 [38] / gw59 [38] / gw60 [38] / gw61 [38] / gw62 [38] / gw63 [38]

 fpga/common/tb/tdma_scheduler/ ✓            3% ▍         
 fpga/common/tb/tdma_ber/ ✓                        5% ▌         
 fpga/common/tb/queue_manager/ ✓              8% ▊         
 fpga/common/tb/cpl_queue_manager/ ✓     11% █▏        
 fpga/common/tb/rx_checksum/ ✓✓                18% █▉        
 fpga/common/tb/rx_hash/ ✓✓                        24% ██▍       
 fpga/common/tb/tdma_ber_ch/ ✓                 21% ██▏       
 fpga/common/tb/tx_checksum/ ✓✓                29% ██▉       
 fpga/mqnic/VCU108/fpga_10g/tb/fpga_core/ ✓      32% ███▎      
 fpga/mqnic/ExaNIC_X10/fpga/tb/fpga_core/ ✓      34% ███▌      
 fpga/mqnic/AU50/fpga_100g/tb/fpga_core/ ✓       37% ███▊      

######## SNIP ########

 fpga/mqnic/fb2CG/fpga_25g/tb/fpga_core/ ✓       92% █████████▎
 ...ic/ADM_PCIE_9V3/fpga_25g/tb/fpga_core/ ✓     95% █████████▌
 ...nic_tdma/VCU118/fpga_10g/tb/fpga_core/ ✓     97% █████████▊ ✓    100% ██████████

Results (797.62s):
      38 passed






posted @ 2021-10-03 19:08  shroud404  阅读(2025)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报