二手车价格预测 | 构建AI模型并部署Web应用 ⛵
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一份来自『RESEARCH AND MARKETS』的二手车报告预计,从 2022 年到 2030 年,全球二手车市场将以 6.1% 的复合年增长率增长,到 2030 年达到 2.67 万亿美元。人工智能技术的广泛使用增加了车主和买家之间的透明度,提升了购买体验,极大地推动了二手车市场的增长。
基于机器学习对二手车交易价格进行预估,这一技术已经在二手车交易平台中广泛使用。在本篇内容中,ShowMeAI 会完整构建用于二手车价格预估的模型,并部署成web应用。
💡 数据分析处理&特征工程
本案例涉及的数据集可以在 🏆 kaggle汽车价格预测 获取,也可以在ShowMeAI的百度网盘地址直接下载。
🏆 实战数据集下载(百度网盘):公众号『ShowMeAI研究中心』回复『实战』,或者点击 这里 获取本文 [11] 构建AI模型并部署Web应用,预测二手车价格 『CarPrice 二手车价格预测数据集』
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① 数据探索
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle %matplotlib.inline df=pd.read_csv('CarPrice_Assignment.csv') df.head()
数据 Dataframe 的数据预览如下:
sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize":(20, 20)}) sns.heatmap(df.corr(), annot = True)
for col in df.columns: if df[col].dtypes != 'object': sns.lmplot(data = df, x = col, y = 'price')
df.drop(['car_ID'], axis = 1, inplace = True) to_drop = ['peakrpm', 'compressionratio', 'stroke', 'symboling'] df.drop(df[to_drop], axis = 1, inplace = True)
② 特征工程
df['CarName'] = df['CarName'].apply(lambda x: x.split()[0])
df['CarName'] = df['CarName'].str.lower() df['CarName']=df['CarName'].replace({'vw':'volkswagen','vokswagen':'volkswagen','toyouta':'toyota','maxda':'mazda','porcshce':'porsche'})
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(30,10)}) sns.countplot(data = df, x='CarName')
③ 特征编码&数据变换
- 类别型特征
大部分机器学习模型并不能处理类别型数据,我们会手动对其进行编码操作。类别型特征的编码可以采用 序号编码 或者 独热向量编码(具体参见ShowMeAI文章 机器学习实战 | 机器学习特征工程最全解读),独热向量编码示意图如下:
- 数值型特征
categorical = [] numerical = [] for col in df.columns: if df[col].dtypes == 'object': categorical.append(col) else: numerical.append(col)
# 独热向量编码 x1 = pd.get_dummies(df[categorical], drop_first = False) x2 = df[numerical] X = pd.concat([x2,x1], axis = 1) X.drop('price', axis = 1, inplace = True)
sns.histplot(data=df, x="price", kde=True)
大家从图上可以看出这是一个有偏分布。我们对它做一个对数处理,以使其更接近正态分布。(另外一个考量是,如果我们以对数后的结果作为标签来建模学习,那还原回 price 的过程,会使用指数操作,这能保证我们得到的价格一定是正数) ,代码如下:
#修复偏态分布 df["price_log"]=np.log(df["price"]) sns.histplot(data=df, x="price_log", kde=True)
💡 机器学习建模
① 数据集切分&数据变换
#切分数据 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split y = df['price_log'] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size= 0.333, random_state=1) #特征工程-幅度缩放 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler sc= StandardScaler() X_train[:, :(len(x1.columns))]= sc.fit_transform(X_train[:, :(len(x1.columns))]) X_test[:, :(len(x1.columns))]= sc.transform(X_test[:, :(len(x1.columns))])
② 建模&调优
我们这里的数据集并不大(样本数不多),基于模型复杂度和效果考虑,我们先测试 4 个模型,看看哪一个表现最好。
- Lasso regression
- Ridge regression
- 随机森林回归器
- XGBoost回归器
#回归模型 from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso, Ridge from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor import xgboost as xgb
③ 建模 pipeline
为了让整个建模过程更加紧凑简介,我们创建一个pipeline来训练和调优模型。 具体步骤为:
- 使用随机超参数训练评估每个模型。
- 使用网格搜索调优每个模型的超参数。
- 用找到的最佳参数重新训练评估模型。
我们先从 scikit-learn 导入网格搜索:
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
接着我们构建一个全面的评估指标函数,打印每个拟合模型的指标(R 平方、均方根误差和平均绝对误差等):
def metrics(model): res_r2 = [] res_RMSE = [] res_MSE = [] model.fit(X_train, y_train) Y_pred = model.predict(X_test) #计算R方 r2 = round(r2_score(y_test, Y_pred),4) print( 'R2_Score: ', r2) res_r2.append(r2) #计算RMSE rmse = round(mean_squared_error(np.exp(y_test),np.exp(Y_pred), squared=False), 2) print("RMSE: ",rmse) res_RMSE.append(rmse) #计算MAE mse = round(mean_absolute_error(np.exp(y_test),np.exp(Y_pred)), 2) print("MAE: ", mse) res_MSE.append(mse)
# 候选模型 models={ 'rfr':RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=False, max_depth=15, max_features='sqrt', min_samples_split=2, n_estimators=100), 'lasso':Lasso(alpha=0.005, fit_intercept=True), 'ridge':Ridge(alpha = 10, fit_intercept=True), 'xgb':xgb.XGBRegressor(bootstrap=True, max_depth=2, max_features = 'auto', min_sample_split = 2, n_estimators = 100) } # 不同的模型不同建模方法 for mod in models: if mod == 'rfr' or mod == 'xgb': print('Untuned metrics for: ', mod) metrics(models[mod]) print('\n') print('Starting grid search for: ', mod) params = { "n_estimators" : [10,100, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000], "max_features" : ["auto", "sqrt", "log2"], "max_depth" : [2, 4, 8, 12, 15], "min_samples_split" : [2,4,8], "bootstrap": [True, False], } if mod == 'rfr': rfr = RandomForestRegressor() grid = GridSearchCV(rfr, params, verbose=5, cv=2) grid.fit(X_train, y_train) print("Best score: ", grid.best_score_ ) print("Best: params", grid.best_params_) else: xgboost = xgb.XGBRegressor() grid = GridSearchCV(xgboost, params, verbose=5, cv=2) grid.fit(X_train, y_train) print("Best score: ", grid.best_score_ ) print("Best: params", grid.best_params_) else: print('Untuned metrics for: ', mod) metrics(models[mod]) print('\n') print('Starting grid search for: ', mod) params = { "alpha": [0.005, 0.05, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 290, 500], "fit_intercept": [True, False] } if mod == 'lasso': lasso = Lasso() grid = GridSearchCV(lasso, params, verbose = 5, cv = 2) grid.fit(X_train, y_train) print("Best score: ", grid.best_score_ ) print("Best: params", grid.best_params_) else: ridge = Ridge() grid = GridSearchCV(ridge, params, verbose = 5, cv = 2) grid.fit(X_train, y_train) print("Best score: ", grid.best_score_ ) print("Best: params", grid.best_params_)
在未调超参数的情况下,我们看到差异不大的R方结果,但 Lasso 的误差最小。
调参后的结果相比默认超参数,都有提升,但 Lasso回归依旧有最佳的效果(与本例的数据集样本量和特征相关性有关),我们最终保留Lasso回归模型并存储模型到本地。
lasso_reg = Lasso(alpha = 0.005, fit_intercept = True) pickle.dump(lasso_reg, open('model.pkl','wb'))
💡 web应用开发
下面我们把上面得到的模型部署到网页端,形成一个可以实时预估的应用,我们这里使用 gradio 库来开发 Web 应用程序,实际的web应用预估包含下面的步骤:
- 用户在网页表单中输入数据
- 处理数据(特征编码&变换)
- 数据处理以匹配模型输入格式
- 预测并呈现给用户的价格
① 基本开发
# df的列 #Columns of the df df = pd.read_csv('df_columns') df.drop(['Unnamed: 0','price'], axis = 1, inplace=True) cols = df.columns # df的哑变量列 dummy = pd.read_csv('dummy_df') dummy.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1, inplace=True) cols_to_use = dummy.columns
# 构建应用中的候选值 # 车品牌首字母大写 cars = df['CarName'].unique().tolist() carNameCap = [] for col in cars: carNameCap.append(col.capitalize()) #fueltype字段 fuel = df['fueltype'].unique().tolist() fuelCap = [] for fu in fuel: fuelCap.append(fu.capitalize()) #carbod, engine type, fuel systems等字段 carb = df['carbody'].unique().tolist() engtype = df['enginetype'].unique().tolist() fuelsys = df['fuelsystem'].unique().tolist()
# 数据变换处理以匹配模型 def transform(data): # 数据幅度缩放 sc = StandardScaler() # 导入模型 model= pickle.load(open('model.pkl','rb')) # 新数据Dataframe new_df = pd.DataFrame([data],columns = cols) # 区分类别型和数值型特征 cat = [] num = [] for col in new_df.columns: if new_df[col].dtypes == 'object': cat.append(col) else: num.append(col) x1_new = pd.get_dummies(new_df[cat], drop_first = False) x2_new = new_df[num] X_new = pd.concat([x2_new,x1_new], axis = 1) final_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols_to_use) final_df = pd.concat([final_df, X_new]) final_df = final_df.fillna(0) X_new = final_df.values X_new[:, :(len(x1_new.columns))]= sc.fit_transform(X_new[:, :(len(x1_new.columns))]) output = model.predict(X_new) return "The price of the car " + str(round(np.exp(output)[0],2)) + "$"
下面我们在gradio web应用程序中创建元素,我们会为类别型字段构建下拉菜单或复选框,为数值型字段构建输入框。 参考代码如下:
# 类别型 car = gr.Dropdown(label = "Car brand", choices=carNameCap) # 数值型 curbweight = gr.Slider(label = "Weight of the car (in pounds)", minimum = 500, maximum = 6000)
② 部署
下面我们把上面得到应用部署一下,首先我们对于应用的 ip 和端口做一点设定
numpy pandas scikit-learn gradio Flask argparse gunicorn rq
接着运行 python WebApp.py
import gradio as gr import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pickle from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler # 数据字典 asp = { 'Standard':'std', 'Turbo':'turbo' } drivew = { 'Rear wheel drive': 'rwd', 'Front wheel drive': 'fwd', '4 wheel drive': '4wd' } cylnum = { 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five', 6: 'six', 8: 'eight', 12: 'twelve' } # 原始df字段名 df = pd.read_csv('df_columns') df.drop(['Unnamed: 0','price'], axis = 1, inplace=True) cols = df.columns # 独热向量编码过后的字段名 dummy = pd.read_csv('dummy_df') dummy.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1, inplace=True) cols_to_use = dummy.columns # 车品牌名 cars = df['CarName'].unique().tolist() carNameCap = [] for col in cars: carNameCap.append(col.capitalize()) # fuel fuel = df['fueltype'].unique().tolist() fuelCap = [] for fu in fuel: fuelCap.append(fu.capitalize()) #For carbod, engine type, fuel systme carb = df['carbody'].unique().tolist() engtype = df['enginetype'].unique().tolist() fuelsys = df['fuelsystem'].unique().tolist() #Function to model data to fit the model def transform(data): # 数值型幅度缩放 sc= StandardScaler() # 导入模型 lasso_reg = pickle.load(open('model.pkl','rb')) # 新数据Dataframe new_df = pd.DataFrame([data],columns = cols) # 切分类别型与数值型字段 cat = [] num = [] for col in new_df.columns: if new_df[col].dtypes == 'object': cat.append(col) else: num.append(col) # 构建模型所需数据格式 x1_new = pd.get_dummies(new_df[cat], drop_first = False) x2_new = new_df[num] X_new = pd.concat([x2_new,x1_new], axis = 1) final_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols_to_use) final_df = pd.concat([final_df, X_new]) final_df = final_df.fillna(0) final_df = pd.concat([final_df,dummy]) X_new = final_df.values X_new[:, :(len(x1_new.columns))]= sc.fit_transform(X_new[:, :(len(x1_new.columns))]) print(X_new[-1].reshape(-1, 1)) output = lasso_reg.predict(X_new[-1].reshape(1, -1)) return "The price of the car " + str(round(np.exp(output)[0],2)) + "$" # 预估价格的主函数 def predict_price(car, fueltype, aspiration, doornumber, carbody, drivewheel, enginelocation, wheelbase, carlength, carwidth, carheight, curbweight, enginetype, cylindernumber, enginesize, fuelsystem, boreratio, horsepower, citympg, highwaympg): new_data = [car.lower(), fueltype.lower(), asp[aspiration], doornumber.lower(), carbody, drivew[drivewheel], enginelocation.lower(), wheelbase, carlength, carwidth, carheight, curbweight, enginetype, cylnum[cylindernumber], enginesize, fuelsystem, boreratio, horsepower, citympg, highwaympg] return transform(new_data) car = gr.Dropdown(label = "Car brand", choices=carNameCap) fueltype = gr.Radio(label = "Fuel Type", choices = fuelCap) aspiration = gr.Radio(label = "Aspiration type", choices = ["Standard", "Turbo"]) doornumber = gr.Radio(label = "Number of doors", choices = ["Two", "Four"]) carbody = gr.Dropdown(label ="Car body type", choices = carb) drivewheel = gr.Radio(label = "Drive wheel", choices = ['Rear wheel drive', 'Front wheel drive', '4 wheel drive']) enginelocation = gr.Radio(label = "Engine location", choices = ['Front', 'Rear']) wheelbase = gr.Slider(label = "Distance between the wheels on the side of the car (in inches)", minimum = 50, maximum = 300) carlength = gr.Slider(label = "Length of the car (in inches)", minimum = 50, maximum = 300) carwidth = gr.Slider(label = "Width of the car (in inches)", minimum = 50, maximum = 300) carheight = gr.Slider(label = "Height of the car (in inches)", minimum = 50, maximum = 300) curbweight = gr.Slider(label = "Weight of the car (in pounds)", minimum = 500, maximum = 6000) enginetype = gr.Dropdown(label = "Engine type", choices = engtype) cylindernumber = gr.Radio(label = "Cylinder number", choices = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12]) enginesize = gr.Slider(label = "Engine size (swept volume of all the pistons inside the cylinders)", minimum = 50, maximum = 500) fuelsystem = gr.Dropdown(label = "Fuel system (link to ressource: ", choices = fuelsys) boreratio = gr.Slider(label = "Bore ratio (ratio between cylinder bore diameter and piston stroke)", minimum = 1, maximum = 6) horsepower = gr.Slider(label = "Horse power of the car", minimum = 25, maximum = 400) citympg = gr.Slider(label = "Mileage in city (in km)", minimum = 0, maximum = 100) highwaympg = gr.Slider(label = "Mileage on highway (in km)", minimum = 0, maximum = 100) Output = gr.Textbox() app = gr.Interface(title="Predict the price of a car based on its specs", fn=predict_price, inputs=[car, fueltype, aspiration, doornumber, carbody, drivewheel, enginelocation, wheelbase, carlength, carwidth, carheight, curbweight, enginetype, cylindernumber, enginesize, fuelsystem, boreratio, horsepower, citympg, highwaympg ], outputs=Output) app.launch()
- 🏆 实战数据集下载(百度网盘):公众号『ShowMeAI研究中心』回复『实战』,或者点击 这里 获取本文 [11] 构建AI模型并部署Web应用,预测二手车价格 『CarPrice 二手车价格预测数据集』
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