DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(文件组织部分)







File Organization


Skins can be applied at a host, portal, or tab level. Skins can also be applied at the module level; however, in this case we refer to them as Containers. All skin files are organized under the Portals folder. A special _default subfolder is used to designate the Host directory tree; whereas, each portal has its own directory tree named according to its ID in the database. This structure centralizes the “write-access” requirements to a single folder structure in your website. It also ties the physical organization of files with their logical usage within the application which means there is no external database required to manage the relationships.


Skins and Containers can contain an unlimited number of subfolders – each subfolder representing a package of files necessary to render a skin. Subfolders are stored according to skin name. Using a name may increase the chance of naming collisions between skins but it also allows you to manage your files directly on the file system without worrying about reconciling the changes to an external data source.

DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录:
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(简介部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(术语与win客户端程序部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(技术部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(定义部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(DotNetNuke部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(总揽部分)
posted @ 2004-11-25 12:33  SHoTDoG  阅读(871)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报