压缩图片 Image



class resizeImg:
    def __init__(self,**args):
        self.args_key = {'ori_img': '', 'dst_img': '', 'dst_h': '','dst_w': ''}
        self.arg = {}
        for key in self.args_key:
            if key in args:
                self.arg[key] = args[key]
        self.im = Image.open(self.arg['ori_img'])
        self.ori_w, self.ori_h = self.im.size
        self.heightRatio = None
        self.widthRatio = None
        self.ratio = 1

    def hight(self):
        if self.ori_h and self.ori_h > self.arg['dst_h']:
            if self.arg['dst_h'] and self.ori_h > self.arg['dst_h']:
                self.heightRatio = float(self.arg['dst_h']) / self.ori_h
                ratio = self.heightRatio
            newWidth = int(self.ori_w * ratio)
            newHeight = int(self.ori_h * ratio)
            newWidth = self.ori_w
            newHeight = self.ori_h
        self.im.resize((newWidth, newHeight)).save(self.arg['dst_img'])

    def width(self):
        if self.ori_w and self.ori_w > self.arg['dst_w']:
            if self.arg['dst_w'] and self.ori_w > self.arg['dst_w']:
                self.widthRatio = float(self.arg['dst_w']) / self.ori_w
                ratio = self.widthRatio
            newWidth = int(self.ori_w * ratio)
            newHeight = int(self.ori_h * ratio)
            newWidth = self.ori_w
            newHeight = self.ori_h
        self.im.resize((newWidth, newHeight)).save(self.arg['dst_img'])



posted @ 2017-10-21 15:24  陨落&新生  阅读(273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报