类: print()查看 赋值:增加、修改 dle:删除
print(China.dang) #查看类
China.dang="党" # 修改 类 增加 类
del China.dang #删除 类
print(p1.__dict__) #查看实例, 以字典的方式显示
def eat_food(self,food): print("%s正在吃%s“,%(self.food)) China.eat=eat_food p1.eat("饭)
def test(self): print("test") China.reproduction=test pl.reproduction() >>>test
实例: 如果找不到就到类去找
p1=China("szw") print(p1.__dict__)#查看实例
print(p1.name) #查看
p1.age=18#增加 也可以修改
del p1.age#删除
#定义一个类,只当一个作用域去用,类似于c语言中的结构体 class MyData: pass x=10 y=20 MyData.x=1 MyData.y=2 print(x,y) print(MyData.x,MyData.y) print(MyData.x+MyData.y)
1 country="中国" 2 class China: 3 dang="共产" 4 country="中国-------" 5 l=["a","b"] 6 def __init__(self,name,age): 7 self.name=name 8 print(country) 9 self.age=age 10 def reproduction(self): 11 print("shen%s"% self.age) 12 p1=China("alex",18) 13 p1.l.append("c") 14 print(p1.l)
>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
@property 把 函数属性 变成 静态属性 的样式 return一个值
1 class Room: 2 def __init__(self,name,owner,width,lenght,heigh): 3 self.name=name 4 self.owner=owner 5 self.width=width 6 self.lenght=lenght 7 self.heigh=heigh 8 @property 9 def cal_area(self): 10 print("%s住的%s总体积%s"%(self.name,self.owner,self.width*self.lenght*self.heigh)) 11 return self.width*self.lenght*self.heigh 12 sl=Room("alex","厕所",1,1,1) 13 print(sl.cal_area) 14 print(sl.name) 15 >>>alex住的厕所总体积1 16 >>>1 17 >>>alex
@classmethod 只用类方法 不用实例
1 class Room: 2 bag=1 3 def __init__(self,name,owner,width,lenght,heigh): 4 self.name=name 5 self.owner=owner 6 self.width=width 7 self.lenght=lenght 8 self.heigh=heigh13 @classmethod 14 def cal_info(cls,s): 15 print(Room) 16 print("---->",cls.bag,s) 17 Room.cal_info(10) 18 >>><class '__main__.Room'> 19 >>>----> 1 10
@staticmethod 不用类 不用实例
1 class Room: 2 bag=1 3 def __init__(self,name,owner,width,lenght,heigh): 4 self.name=name 5 self.owner=owner 6 self.width=width 7 self.lenght=lenght 8 self.heigh=heigh 9 @staticmethod 10 def wash_body(x): 11 print("opoupgjsjgosgo",x) 12 Room.wash_body(10) 13 >>>opoupgjsjgosgo 10
1 class School: 2 def __init__(self,name,addr): 3 self.name=name 4 self.addr=addr 5 def zhao_sheng(self): 6 print("%s正在招生"%self.name) 7 8 class Course: 9 def __init__(self,name,price,period,school): 10 self.name=name 11 self.price=price 12 self.period=period 13 self.school=school 14 15 class Teacher: 16 def __init__(self,name,school,course): 17 self.name=name 18 self.school=school 19 self.course=course 20 21 sl=School("alex","北京") 22 cl=Course("python",10,"1h",sl) #添加 23 tl=Teacher("海峰",sl,cl) #添加 24 print(tl.school.name,tl.school.addr) 25 print(tl.course.name,tl.course.price,tl.course.period) 26 print(cl.school.name,cl.school.addr) 27 >>>alex 北京 28 >>>python 10 1h 29 >>>alex 北京
1 class School: 2 def __init__(self,name,addr): 3 self.name=name 4 self.addr=addr 5 def zhao_sheng(self): 6 print("%s正在招生"%self.name) 7 8 class Course: 9 def __init__(self,name,price,period,school): 10 self.name=name 11 self.price=price 12 self.period=period 13 self.school=school 14 15 s1=School("alex","北京") 16 s2=School("alex","南京") 17 s3=School("alex","东京") 18 19 msg=''' 20 1 老男孩 北京校区 21 2 老男孩 南京校区 22 3 老男孩 东京校区 23 ''' 24 while True: 25 print(msg) 26 menu={ 27 '1':s1, 28 '2':s2, 29 '3':s3 30 } 31 choice=input("选择学校>>>") 32 school_obj=menu[choice] 33 name=input("课程名>>>") 34 price=input("课程费用>>>") 35 period=input("课程周期>>>") 36 new_course=Course(name,price,period,school_obj) 37 print("课程%s属于%s学校"%(new_course.name,new_course.school.name))
1 class Dad: 2 '这个是父类' 3 money=10 4 def __init__(self,name): 5 print("父") 6 self.name=name 7 def hit_son(self): 8 print("%s正在打儿子"%self.name) 9 class Son(Dad): 10 money = 1000003 11 print(Dad.__dict__) 12 print(Son.__dict__) 13 sl=Son("alex") 14 sl.hit_son() 15 print(sl.name) 16 print(Dad.money) 17 >>>{'__doc__': '这个是父类', 'hit_son': <function Dad.hit_son at 0x0124C348>, 'money': 10, '__init__': <function Dad.__init__ at 0x0124C390>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Dad' objects>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Dad' objects>, '__module__': '__main__'} 18 >>>{'__doc__': None, 'money': 1000003, '__module__': '__main__'} 19 >>>父 20 >>>alex正在打儿子 21 >>>alex 22 >>>10
继承 的统一性
1 import abc 2 class All_file(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): 3 @abc.abstractmethod 4 def read(self): 5 pass 6 @abc.abstractmethod 7 def write(self): 8 pass 9 class Cdrom(All_file): 10 def read(self): 11 print("cdrom read") 12 def write(self): 13 print("cdrom write") 14 class Mem(All_file): 15 def read(self): 16 print("mem read") 17 def write(self): 18 print("mem write") 19 cl=Cdrom() 20 cl.read() 21 cl.write()
1 class A: 2 def test(self): 3 print("a") 4 pass 5 class B(A): 6 # def test(self): 7 # print("B") 8 pass 9 class C(A): 10 # def test(self): 11 # print("C") 12 pass 13 class D(B): 14 # def test(self): 15 # print("D") 16 pass 17 class E(C): 18 # def test(self): 19 # print("e") 20 pass 21 class F(D,E): 22 # def test(self): 23 # print("F") 24 pass 25 fl=F() 26 fl.test() 27 28 print(F.__mro__) 29 >>>a 30 >>>(<class '__main__.F'>, <class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.E'>, <class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)
1 class Vehicle: #定义交通工具类 2 Country='China' 3 def __init__(self,name,speed,load,power): 4 self.name=name 5 self.speed=speed 6 self.load=load 7 self.power=power 8 def run(self): 9 print("开动了") 10 print("开动了") 11 print("开动了") 12 print("开动了") 13 print("开动了") 14 class Subway(Vehicle): 15 def __init__(self,name,speed,load,power,line): 16 Vehicle.__init__(self,name,speed,load,power) 17 self.line=line 18 def run(self): 19 Vehicle.run(self) 20 print("%s %s开动了"%(self.name,self.line)) 21 22 23 line13=Subway("中国地铁","180m/s",1000000000000,"电","13号线") 24 line13.run() 25 >>>开动了 26 >>>开动了 27 >>>开动了 28 >>>开动了 29 >>>开动了 30 >>>中国地铁 13号线开动了
super(Subway, self).run()
1 class Vehicle: #定义交通工具类 2 Country='China' 3 def __init__(self,name,speed,load,power): 4 self.name=name 5 self.speed=speed 6 self.load=load 7 self.power=power 8 def run(self): 9 print("开动了") 10 print("开动了") 11 print("开动了") 12 print("开动了") 13 print("开动了") 14 class Subway(Vehicle): 15 def __init__(self,name,speed,load,power,line): 16 super(Subway, self).__init__(name,speed,load,power) 17 self.line=line 18 def run(self): 19 super(Subway, self).run() 20 print("%s %s开动了"%(self.name,self.line)) 21 line13=Subway("中国地铁","180m/s",1000000000000,"电","13号线") 22 line13.run() 23 >>>开动了 24 >>>开动了 25 >>>开动了 26 >>>开动了 27 >>>开动了 28 >>>中国地铁 13号线开动了
类的继承有两层意义:1.改变 2.扩展
多态就是类的这两层意义的一个具体的实现机制 即,调用不同的类实例化得对象下的相同的方法,实现的过程不一样
多态: 多态反应的是运行时候的状态
1 class H20: 2 def __init__(self,name,temperature): 3 self.name=name 4 self.temperature=temperature 5 def turn_ice(self): 6 if self.temperature<0: 7 print('%s温度太低结冰了'%self.name) 8 elif self.temperature>0 and self.temperature<100: 9 print('%s液化成水'%self.name) 10 elif self.temperature>100: 11 print('%s温度太高变成水蒸气'%self.name) 12 class Water(H20): 13 pass 14 class Ice(H20): 15 pass 16 class Steam(H20): 17 pass 18 w1=Water('水',25) 19 i1=Ice("冰",-20) 20 s1=Steam("蒸汽",3000) 21 def func(obj): 22 obj.turn_ice() 23 func(w1) 24 func(i1) 25 >>>水液化成水 26 >>>冰温度太低结冰了
1 #_*_coding:utf-8_*_ 2 __author__ = 'Linhaifeng' 3 4 class People: 5 _star='earth' 6 def __init__(self,id,name,age,salary): 7 self.id=id 8 self.name=name 9 self._age=age 10 self._salary=salary 11 12 def _get_id(self): 13 print('我是私有方法啊,我找到的id是[%s]' %self.id) 14 #我们明明约定好了的,只要属性前加一个单下划线,那他就属于内部的属性,不能被外部调用了啊,为何还能调用??? 15 print(People._star) 16 p1=People('3706861900121221212','alex',28,10) 17 18 print(p1._age,p1._salary) 19 p1._get_id()
约定二:双下划线开头的名字 python会 默认 重命名 __类名+双下划线的变量
1 class People: 2 __star="earth" 3 def __init__(self,id,name,age,salary): 4 self.id=id 5 self.name=name 6 self.age=age 7 self.salary=salary 8 def get_id(self): 9 print("我是私有发放呀,我找到的id是%s"%self.id) 10 p1=People("213132","alex","18",10000) 11 print(People.__dict__) 12 print(p1._People__star) 13 >>>{'get_id': <function People.get_id at 0x013AD300>, '__init__': <function People.__init__ at 0x013AD348>, '__doc__': None, '_People__star': 'earth', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'People' objects>, '__module__': '__main__', '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'People' objects>} 14 >>>earth