2012-03-07 21:39 iBlog 阅读(1581) 评论(4) 编辑 收藏 举报箭头在调试页面的时候,发现select,input等元素在chrome浏览器下莫名的多了margin:2px,具体看图吧!
Firefox 4.0.1: adds no padding to the elements
Chrome 11.0.696.68: adds 2px padding to top and left on input fields, but only 2px to top on select-elements
Safari 5.0.3: adds 2px padding to top and left on input fields, but only 2px to top on select-elements
But why is that? And can I fix it with some simple CSS rather than doing specific stylesheets for theese to browsers? I just want it to look like in Firefox without the auto padding..
建议在reset.css中针对select、input元素添加margin:0;padding:0的重置规则。(关于css reset)
1 *:focus /*不要像我这样直接使用*匹配,根据实际需求而定,这里只是例子*/
2 {
3 outline: none;
4 }
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