BBC-Present Simple and Present Continuous

present simple 一般现在时


1)facts and truth

2) habits & things we do regularly

3) permarnent situation

present continuous 现在进行时


1)things that are happening at the time we are speaking

2) temporary situation

3) activities that are in progress


subscribe to 捐献

beads 玻璃粉

sequin 作衣服饰物用之小金属片

embroidery 刺绣

over the top 过分;夸大

to pull back 移开

luxury 奢侈的

fabric 织布

workmanship 手艺

modest 谦虚的;适度的

ostentatious 招摇的;铺张的

formality 礼节;仪式

eccentric 古怪的


posted @ 2016-05-25 11:46  Shirley_ICT  阅读(275)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报