
221. Maximal Square

摘要: Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest square containing all 1's and return its area.For example, given the following matr... 阅读全文

posted @ 2015-06-17 07:40 shini 阅读(99) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

226. Invert Binary Tree

摘要: Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \1 3 6 9to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \9 6 3 1Trivia:This problem was inspired bythis... 阅读全文

posted @ 2015-06-17 07:23 shini 阅读(82) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
