单词:plate:(照相)底片disease:疾病 ----cacth a disease 患病;disease come on horseback and go away on foot得病容易祛病难;heart disease心脏病;a family disease遗传病;disease of society社会弊病;a nervous disease神经病last:持续 ----last long 持续很久;Anti-Japanese War last (for) eight years抗日战争持续了8年prove:显示出 ----you should first prove that. 阅读全文
社会心理学家约翰.弗伦奇(John.French)和伯特伦.雷文(Bertram.Raven)在他们1959年发表的一篇迄今不朽的论文中,提出了五种权力类别的模型,这个模型折射出权力拥有者依赖的不同基础或资源。Legitimate Power Legitimate Power refers to power of an individual because of the relative position and duties of the holder of the position within an organization. Legitimate Power is formal aut 阅读全文