Using Powershell to Copy Files to Remote Computers
#Declare location of the files to be copied
$SourceShortcut = "UNC Path"
$SourceBGInfoExec = "UNC Path"
$SourceBGInfoBMP = "UNC Path"
$ServerPath = "c:\Temp\2008Servers.txt"
#Get List of Servers
$servers = Get-Content -Path $ServerPath
#Loop Through Servers
Foreach ($s in $servers) {
$Dest2K8Startup = "\\" + $s + "\" + "c$" + "\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
##$DestLitPath = "\\" + $s + "\" + "c$" + "\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Desktop Information.lnk"
$Dest2K3Startup = "\\" + $s + "\" + "c$" + "\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
$Dest2KStartup = "\\" + $s + "\" + "c$" + "\Winnt\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
$DestWindows = "\\" + $s + "\" + "c$" + "\Windows"
$DestWinnt = "\\" + $s + "\" + "c$" + "\Winnt"
if ((Test-Path -Path $Dest2K8Startup) -eq $True){
Copy-Item $SourceShortcut $Dest2K8Startup
Write-Host "Copied Destination Information.lnk to a 2008 Server."
elseif ((Test-Path -Path $Dest2K3Startup) -eq $True){
Copy-Item $SourceShortcut $Dest2K3Startup
Write-Host "Copied Destination Information.lnk to a 2003 Server."
elseif ((Test-Path -Path $Dest2KStartup) -eq $True){
Copy-Item $SourceShortcut $Dest2KStartup
Write-Host "Copied Destination Information.lnk to a 2000 Server."
If ((Test-Path -Path $DestWindows) -eq $True){
Copy-Item $SourceBGInfoExec -Destination $DestWindows
Copy-Item $SourceBGInfoBMP -Destination $DestWindows
Write-Host "Copied EXE and BMP to C:\Windows."
elseif ((Test-Path -Path $DestWinnt) -eq $True){
Copy-Item $SourceBGInfoExec -Destination $DestWinnt
Copy-Item $SourceBGInfoBMP -Destination $DestWinnt
Write-Host "Copied EXE and BMP to C:\WINNT."