南通最专业的开锁公司 南通最好的开锁公司 君威遥控器电池 君威专用汽车钥匙电池雷诺科雷傲汽车钥匙遥控器电池更换方法 南通开锁公司电话_南通修锁 换锁芯 开汽车锁 崇川区 港闸区 如皋 如东开锁 南通开锁公司电话 南通金钥匙开锁服务部-专业开修锁 换锁芯(正规公安工商备案) 南通开锁公司电话 南通开锁公司修锁 装锁电话|崇川区开锁|港闸区开锁 led吸顶灯光源 吸顶灯32w 吸顶灯 灯管 吸顶灯 节能灯泡 led吸顶灯灯泡 三头吸顶灯 led吸顶灯灯管 欧普圆形吸顶灯 55w吸顶灯 吸顶灯光源 旅游壶 真空保温 汉方养生壶 美的电热水壶15s08a2 半球牌电饭煲 美的 mg123-d hd2 飞科 三洋洗衣机全自动 新安怡 学饮杯 黑苦荞黄酮软胶囊 苦荞糖安胶囊 五彩凉山苦荞茶 苦荞茶250g 全胚芽黑苦荞茶500 内蒙特产苦荞茶 富贵康苦荞茶 苦荞面包邮 正中苦荞茶包邮 正中苦荞茶 包邮 苦荞香茶西部 苦荞香茶 西部 轩庆苦荞玫瑰鲜花饼 苦荞真空 苦荞500克 苦荞茶120 苦荞 真空 0.02安全套包邮0.2大力马鱼线0.4mm0.4鱼线0.5l氮纤维高压瓶007sh充电器007电子请柬00高达xn-raiser01102400018401背囊0-25微米千分尺03g101系列全套图集0-3个月婴儿连体哈衣05-08本田奥德赛05ffc23套机05版河南动感地带0603贴片电阻包06年款英派斯06斯巴鲁森林人cd机07军衔07军用水壶07款福克斯两厢07数码迷彩07速腾大灯总成 泰好大门锁 泰好豪华大门锁 cei超b级锁芯 玻璃橱门锁 指纹锁耶鲁4109 耶鲁凯特曼指纹锁 防盗挂锁包邮 包挂锁 包梁挂锁 新君威门锁 新君威门锁扣 指纹锁木门 太空铝黑色门锁 泰好浴室铜门锁 浴室门锁不锈钢 1178冷库门锁 南通配新桑塔纳2000 3000 时代超人 志俊汽车钥匙_配帕桑塔纳钥匙遥控器_帕萨特钥匙全丢重配崇川区 南通配宝来汽车钥匙_配宝来遥控器_宝来钥匙全丢如皋 南通配帕萨特汽车钥匙_配帕萨特遥控器_帕萨特钥匙全丢通州 南通配凯越汽车钥匙_配凯越遥控器_凯越钥匙全丢如东

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    Rsync 3.1.0 发布,文件同步工具

    文件同步工具Rsync 3.1.0发布。2013-09-29 上一个版本还是2011-09-23的3.0.9 过了2年多。Rsync基本是Linux上文件同步的标准了,也可以和inotify配合做实时同步。此版本有很多性能的增强(如重写的I/O层代码), 小功能改进增强以及Bug修正,建议升级。


    NEWS for rsync 3.1.0 (28 Sep 2013)
    Protocol: 31 (changed)
    Changes since 3.0.9:
        - Output numbers in 3-digit groups by default (e.g. 1,234,567).  See the
          --human-readable option for a way to turn it off.  See also the daemon's
          "log format" parameter and related command-line options (including
          --out-format) for a modifier that can be used to request digit-grouping
          or human-readable output in log escapes. (Note that log output is
          unchanged by default.)
        - The --list-only option is now affected by the --human-readable setting.
          It will display digit groupings by default, and unit suffixes if higher
          levels of readability are requested.  Also, the column width for the size
          output has increased from 11 to 14 characters when human readability is
          enabled.  Use --no-h to get the old-style output and column size.
        - The output of the --progress option has changed:  the string "xfer" was
          shortened to "xfr", and the string "to-check" was shortened to "to-chk",
          both designed to make room for the (by default) wider display of file
          size numbers without making the total line-length longer.  Also, when
          incremental recursion is enabled, the string "ir-chk" will be used
          instead of "to-chk" up until the incremental-recursion scan is done,
          letting you know that the value to check and the total value will still
          be increasing as new files are found.
        - Enhanced the --stats output: 1) to mention how many files were created
          (protocol >= 28), 2) to mention how many files were deleted (a new line
          for protocol 31, but only output when --delete is in effect), and 3) to
          follow the file-count, created-count, and deleted-count with a subcount
          list that shows the counts by type.  The wording of the transferred count
          has also changed so that it is clearer that it is only a count of regular
      BUG FIXES:
        - Fixed a bug in the iconv code when EINVAL or EILSEQ is returned with a
          full output buffer.
        - Fixed some rare bugs in --iconv processing that might cause a multibyte
          character to get translated incorrectly.
        - Fixed a bogus "vanished file" error if some files were specified with
          "./" prefixes and others were not.
        - Fixed a bug in --sparse where an extra gap could get inserted after a
          partial write.
        - Changed the way --progress overwrites its prior output in order to make
          it nearly impossible for the progress to get overwritten by an error.
        - Improved the propagation of abnormal-exit error messages.  This should
          help the client side to receive errors from the server when it is exiting
          abnormally, and should also avoid dying with an "connection unexpectedly
          closed" exit when the closed connection is really expected.
        - The sender now checks each file it plans to remove to ensure that it
          hasn't changed from the first stat's info.  This helps to avoid losing
          file data when the user is not using the option in a safe manner.
        - Fixed a data-duplication bug in the compress option that made compression
          less efficient.  This improves protocol 31 onward, while behaving in a
          compatible (buggy) manner with older rsync protocols.
        - When creating a temp-file, rsync is now a bit smarter about it dot-char
          choices, which can fix a problem on OS X with names that start with "..".
        - Rsync now sets a cleanup flag for --inplace and --append transfers that
          will flush the write buffer if the transfer aborts.  This ensures that
          more received data gets written out to the disk on an aborted transfer
          (which is quite helpful on a slow, flaky connection).
        - The reads that map_ptr() now does are aligned on 1K boundaries.  This
          helps some filesystems and/or files that don't like unaligned reads.
        - Fix an issue in the msleep() function if time jumps backwards.
        - Fix daemon-server module-name splitting bug where an arg would get split
          even if --protect-args was used.
        - Added the --remote-option=OPT (-M OPT) command-line option that is useful
          for things like sending a remote --log-file=FILE or --fake-super option.
        - Added the --info=FLAGS and --debug=FLAGS options to allow finer-grained
          control over what is output.  Added an extra type of --progress output
          using --info=progress2.
        - The --msgs2stderr option can help with debugging rsync by allowing the
          debug messages to get output to stderr rather than travel via the socket
        - Added the --delete-missing-args and --ignore-missing-args options to
          either delete or ignore user-specified files on the receiver that are
          missing on the sender (normally the absence of user-specified files
          generates an error).
        - Added a "T" (terabyte) category to the --human-readable size suffixes.
        - Added the --usermap/--groupmap/--chown options for manipulating file
          ownership during the copy.
        - Added the "%C" escape to the log-output handling, which will output the
          MD5 checksum of any transferred file, or all files if --checksum was
          specified (when protocol 30 or above is in effect).
        - Added the "reverse lookup" parameter to the rsync daemon config file to
          allow reverse-DNS lookups to be disabled.
        - Added a forward-DNS lookup for the daemon's hosts allow/deny config.  Can
          be disabled via "forward lookup" parameter (defaults to enabled).
        - Added a way for more than one group to be specified in the daemon's
          config file, including a way to specify that you want all of the
          specified user's groups without having to name them.  Also changed the
          daemon to complain about an inability to set explicitly-specified uid/gid
          values, even when not run by a super-user.
        - The daemon now tries to send the user the error messages from the
          pre-xfer exec script when it fails.
        - Improved the use of alt-dest options into an existing hierarchy of files:
          If a match is found in an alt-dir, it takes precedence over an existing
          file.  (We'll need to wait for a future version before attribute-changes
          on otherwise unchanged files are safe when using an existing hierarchy.)
        - Added per-user authorization options and group-authorization support to
          the daemon's "auth users" parameter.
        - Added a way to reference environment variables in a daemon's config file
          (using %VAR% references).
        - When replacing a non-dir with a symlink/hard-link/device/special-file,
          the update should now be done in an atomic manner.
        - Avoid re-sending xattr info for hard-linked files w/the same xattrs
          (protocol 31).
        - The backup code was improved to use better logic maintaining the backup
          directory hierarchy.  Also, when a file is being backed up, rsync tries
          to hard-link it into place so that the upcoming replacement of the
          destination file will be atomic (for the normal, non-inplace logic).
        - Added the ability to synchronize nano-second modified times.
        - Added a few more default suffixes for the "dont compress" settings.
        - Added the checking of the RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS environment variable to allow
          the default for the --protect-args command-line option to be overridden.
        - Added the --preallocate command-line option.
        - Allow --password-file=- to read the password from stdin (filename "-").
        - Rsync now comes packaged with an rsync-ssl helper script that can be
          used to contact a remote rsync daemon using a piped-stunnel command.
          It also includes an stunnel config file to run the server side to
          support ssl daemon connections.  See the packaging/lsb/rsync.spec
          file for one way to package the resulting files.  (Suggestions for
          how to make this even easier to install & use are welcomed.)
        - Improved the speed of some --inplace updates when there are lots of
          identical checksum blocks that end up being unusable.
        - Added the --outbuf=N|L|B option for choosing the output buffering.
        - Repeating the --fuzzy option now causes the code to look for fuzzy
          matches inside alt-dest directories too.
        - The --chmod option now supports numeric modes, e.g. --chmod=644,D755
        - Added some Solaris xattr code.
        - Made an rsync daemon (the listening process) exit with a 0 status when
          it was signaled to die.  This helps launchd.
        - Improved the RSYNC_* environment variables for the pre-xfer exec script:
          when a daemon is sent multiple request args, they are now joined into a
          single return value (separated by spaces) so that the RSYNC_REQUEST
          environment variable is accurate for any "pre-xfer exec".  The values in
          RSYNC_ARG# vars are no longer truncated at the "." arg (prior to the
          request dirs/files), so that all the requested values are also listed
          (separately) in RSYNC_ARG# variables.
        - Added an "instant-rsyncd" script to the support directory, which makes
          it easy to configure a simple rsync daemon in the current directory.
        - Added the "mapfrom" and "mapto" scripts to the support directory, which
          makes it easier to do user/group mapping in a local transfer based on
          passwd/group files from another machine.
        - There's a new, improved version of the lsh script in the support dir:
          it's written in perl and supports -u without resorting to using sudo
          (when run as root).  The old shell version is now named lsh.sh.
        - There is a helper script named rsync-slash-strip in the support directory
          for anyone that wants to change the way rsync handles args with trailing
          slashes.  (e.g. arg/ would get stripped to arg while arg/. would turn into
        - The I/O code was rewritten to be simpler and do bigger buffered reads
          over the socket.  The I/O between the receiver and the generator was
          changed to be standard multiplexed-I/O (like that over the socket).
        - The sender tries to use any dead time while the generator is looking for
          files to transfer in order to do sender-side directory scanning in a more
          parallel manner.
        - A daemon can now inform a client about a daemon-configured timeout value
          so that the client can assist in the keep-alive activity (protocol 31).
        - The filter code received some refactoring to make it more extendible, to
          read better, and do better sanity checking.
        - Really big numbers are now output using our own big-num routine rather
          than casting them to a double and using a %.0f conversion.
        - The pool_alloc library has received some minor improvements in alignment
        - Added init_stat_x() function to avoid duplication of acl/xattr init code.
        - The included zlib was upgraded from 1.2.3 to 1.2.8.
        - Rsync can now be compiled to use an unmodified zlib library instead of
          the tweaked one that is included with rsync.  This will eventually
          become the default, at which point we'll start the countdown to removing
          the included zlib.  Until then, feel free to configure using:
    	./configure --with-included-zlib=no
        - Added more conditional debug output.
        - Fixed some build issues for android and minix.


    posted @   ChaunceyHao  阅读(304)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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