南通最专业的开锁公司 南通最好的开锁公司 君威遥控器电池 君威专用汽车钥匙电池雷诺科雷傲汽车钥匙遥控器电池更换方法 南通开锁公司电话_南通修锁 换锁芯 开汽车锁 崇川区 港闸区 如皋 如东开锁 南通开锁公司电话 南通金钥匙开锁服务部-专业开修锁 换锁芯(正规公安工商备案) 南通开锁公司电话 南通开锁公司修锁 装锁电话|崇川区开锁|港闸区开锁 led吸顶灯光源 吸顶灯32w 吸顶灯 灯管 吸顶灯 节能灯泡 led吸顶灯灯泡 三头吸顶灯 led吸顶灯灯管 欧普圆形吸顶灯 55w吸顶灯 吸顶灯光源 旅游壶 真空保温 汉方养生壶 美的电热水壶15s08a2 半球牌电饭煲 美的 mg123-d hd2 飞科 三洋洗衣机全自动 新安怡 学饮杯 黑苦荞黄酮软胶囊 苦荞糖安胶囊 五彩凉山苦荞茶 苦荞茶250g 全胚芽黑苦荞茶500 内蒙特产苦荞茶 富贵康苦荞茶 苦荞面包邮 正中苦荞茶包邮 正中苦荞茶 包邮 苦荞香茶西部 苦荞香茶 西部 轩庆苦荞玫瑰鲜花饼 苦荞真空 苦荞500克 苦荞茶120 苦荞 真空 0.02安全套包邮0.2大力马鱼线0.4mm0.4鱼线0.5l氮纤维高压瓶007sh充电器007电子请柬00高达xn-raiser01102400018401背囊0-25微米千分尺03g101系列全套图集0-3个月婴儿连体哈衣05-08本田奥德赛05ffc23套机05版河南动感地带0603贴片电阻包06年款英派斯06斯巴鲁森林人cd机07军衔07军用水壶07款福克斯两厢07数码迷彩07速腾大灯总成 泰好大门锁 泰好豪华大门锁 cei超b级锁芯 玻璃橱门锁 指纹锁耶鲁4109 耶鲁凯特曼指纹锁 防盗挂锁包邮 包挂锁 包梁挂锁 新君威门锁 新君威门锁扣 指纹锁木门 太空铝黑色门锁 泰好浴室铜门锁 浴室门锁不锈钢 1178冷库门锁 南通配新桑塔纳2000 3000 时代超人 志俊汽车钥匙_配帕桑塔纳钥匙遥控器_帕萨特钥匙全丢重配崇川区 南通配宝来汽车钥匙_配宝来遥控器_宝来钥匙全丢如皋 南通配帕萨特汽车钥匙_配帕萨特遥控器_帕萨特钥匙全丢通州 南通配凯越汽车钥匙_配凯越遥控器_凯越钥匙全丢如东

  • 格子衬衣女 长袖 秋
  • t男恤 短袖 韩版包邮
  • 男士职业衬衫
  • 衬衫 女 长袖点点
  • 衬衫 素色 男 宽松 休闲
  • 职场气质衬衫女
  • t恤男短袖加大码不掉色
  • 帅T 小西装
  • 裤子棕色长裤男
  • 衬衣 女 灯芯绒
  • 衬衣 女商务
  • 女士职业衬衫短袖
  • 休闲裤 男 修身
  • jamesearl纯棉休闲长裤
  • 占姆士女式长袖衬衫
  • 男黑色商务休闲棉长裤
  • 女士长袖衬衫
  • 男士绿色休闲长裤
  • 全棉短袖衬衫 男 薄
  • 女士长袖纯棉衬衫
  • 秋裤男直筒
  • 马自达3汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品蒙迪欧致胜汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品 启辰D50汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品起亚K2汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品索纳塔汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品天籁汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品 天语SX4汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品英朗GT汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品英伦SC7汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品自由舰汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品雨燕汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品雪佛兰迈锐宝汽车挂件吊坠饰品 高档琉璃汽车挂饰品

    秋冬季现代瑞纳 宝马5系 帕萨特 日产骐达专用汽车毛绒方向盘套 江苏省盐城市地图2014 最新版 江苏省卫星地图2014 最新版 百度地图-谷歌地图-中国地图-北京地图-搜狗地图google地图 广本凌派汽车座垫 凌派秋冬季汽车坐垫 四季通用 长安福特福克斯油耗详解 宝来汽车遥控钥匙电池 更换方法 图解宝来遥控钥匙的电池换法 宝骏630车钥匙遥控器电池更换步骤 更换方法 迈腾车钥匙电池 迈腾更换遥控器电池详解逍客汽车钥匙电池 遥控器逍客智能钥匙的电池更换步骤 新天籁智能遥控钥匙电池 新天籁智能钥匙如何更换纽扣电池 golf6 汽车钥匙遥控器换电池 图解高尔夫6遥控钥匙的电池换法 长安福特福克斯加速时间详解[图] 福克斯汽车钥匙电池 福克斯钥匙电池更换作业 Q5车钥匙更换电池方法 图解新凯越车钥匙更换电池
  • 汽车坐垫 可爱
  • wrc汽车坐垫
  • 汽车坐垫套四季通用
  • 明锐冰丝 汽车坐套
  • 骐达汽车脚垫全包围
  • 三菱蓝瑟汽车坐垫
  • 捷达汽车脚垫 3d
  • 奥迪S7坐垫
  • 别克荣御坐垫
  • Jeep指南者坐垫
  • 力帆320坐垫
  • 路虎卫士坐垫
  • 双龙爱腾坐垫
  • 斯柯达Yeti坐垫
  • 现代途胜坐垫
  • 一汽威乐坐垫
  • 哈飞路宝汽车坐垫
  • 吉利远景汽车坐垫
  • 吉利全球鹰汽车坐垫
  • 房门锁执手锁 防盗挂锁
  • 运动短裤
  • 短裤 男
  • 半裙
  • 手工拖鞋鞋底
  • iphone4皮套 手机套
  • 机油滤清器扳手工具
  • 桑塔纳3000机油
  • 家居摆件现代
  • 玻璃摆件
  • 瓷器摆件
  • 马到成功摆件
  • 高档瓷器摆件
  • 宝马山地自行车包邮
  • 根雕工艺品摆件
  • 家居摆件吊脚娃娃
  • 泰国佛像摆件工艺品
  • 美利达儿童自行车
  • 天鹅摆件结婚
  • 龙龟摆件纯铜
  • 金摆件聚宝盆
  • 亲子自行车 女式
  • 客厅卧室装饰摆件
  • 贵宾狗摆件
  • 木摆件
  • 羚羊头摆件
  • 招财兔摆件
  • 自行车前包
  • 牛仔短裤
  • 短裤 男 休闲
  • 高腰短裤
  • 夏季短裤
  • 蕾丝短裤
  • 连体短裤
  • 裙裤
  • 裤裙
  • 拖鞋 海外
  • 拖鞋 浴室
  • 拖鞋 防滑
  • 拖 鞋 男
  • 拖鞋 女
  • 浴室拖鞋
  • 家居拖鞋
  • 凉拖鞋
  • 夏天拖鞋
  • 香菇丸
  • 韩国饮料
  • 打草绳小松打草绳二手挖掘机小松 小松割灌机配件 钢木书桌办公桌钢木桌玻璃杯子水壶钢化玻璃水壶钢木办公桌钢木电脑桌进口玻璃水壶玻璃水成份防冻玻璃水包邮防冻玻璃水车用 环保果皮箱环保垃圾袋环保垃圾桶小松120-6常州小松割草机小松打草头小松割灌机小松割灌机配件 咖啡厅员工制服_咖啡厅服务员制服_西餐咖啡服务员制服_咖啡馆制服_咖啡店西餐
  • 5号充电电池8节套装
  • 5-7号电池充电器
  • 充电电池5号正品
  • 可充电电池5号
  • 7号充电电池批发
  • 7号电池包邮
  • 1.5v充电电池5号
  • 5号充电器电池免邮
  • 双鹿电池5号正品
  • 双鹿9v电池
  • 双鹿电池批发
  • 双鹿7号电池
  • 双鹿1号电池
  • 双鹿碱性电池
  • 三星s4电池原装正品
  • 三星s4原装电池后盖
  • n7100原装电池
  • 小米2s原装电池
  • galaxy s4大容量电池
  • galaxy s4原装电池
  • galaxy s3电池
  • galaxy nexus电池
  • 三星galaxy s4电池后盖
  • 品胜小米2s电池
  • 品胜手机电池
  • 小米2a电池品胜
  • 背夹电池iphone4s
  • note2背夹电池
  • 三星s4背夹电池皮套
  • 自行车fixedgear 自行车眼镜 近视 婴儿推车小自行车 自行车骑行眼镜风镜 钻石自行车 山地自行车立管 led自行车气嘴专用灯 三鼎自行车坐椅儿童 自行车线管 金镶玉玉器挂件 自行车脚踏双轴承 铬钼钢架自行车 邦德自行车女式 山地公路自行车 自行车骑行手电筒 自行车灯架 灯夹包邮 自行车水壶支架 自行车 组装 mosso 自行车载mp3 26自行车 男生单车 自行车 折叠 复古 giant山地车 自行车 炫彩自行车 七彩马亲子自行车 ucc山地车 自行车 贝嘉琦 女孩自行车 zxc自行车配件码表 自行车前置安全椅 女童自行车 小龙哈比 自行车碳纤维垫圈 自行车骑行用品 装饰木板板材 美式壁挂装饰 家具装饰配件 衣服装饰亮片 婚礼礼品实用 公司开业庆典礼品 婴儿衣柜 儿童欧式公主床 床围栏护栏嵌入式 床靠背套 派克圆珠笔芯 卧室台灯床头灯现代 个性笔袋 派克im签字笔 彩色铅笔包邮 派克宝珠笔芯 派克笔芯正品 百乐摩可擦笔笔芯 斑马油笔 微型钢笔钓鱼竿 电子教鞭遥控笔 镭射灯激光笔 彩色水笔芯 黑色水笔笔芯 公爵宝珠笔芯 touch3代马克笔 韩国文具笔包邮 水溶性彩色铅笔 马可 sgp触控笔 礼品创意笔筒 铂金 项链 pt950 男 老竹笔筒 竹雕笔筒 六福珠宝铂金手镯 8.9寸笔记本电脑 三菱签字笔1.0 华硕游戏笔记本 插座面板

    Silverlight SEO(搜索引擎优化)白皮书






    搜 索引擎能够直接识别HTML内容。与此同时,搜索引擎先天的不识别Silverlight内容。这一点与搜索引擎不支持其它的一些通过HTML呈现的对象 类似,如脚本、css、媒体文件以及ActiveX控件。为了使Silverlight内容能够被搜索引擎收录,你可以使用搜索引擎已经支持的方法,如将 孤立的Silverlight岛与跟内容相关的HTML metadata相结合。















    该 方式使得同一页面内的HTML文本与Silverlight内容相混合,它在功能上的递送更为丰富,原生的HTML内容也将被搜索引擎收录。为此,留心将 Silverlight内容以适应内嵌或者环绕、字块的方式设计。这看起来像是格子中的交互构件适应在HTML文本的周围。 Silverlight程序的交互支持真正的文本比隐藏在搜索引擎可搜索的文本中将更具优势。




    这 个方法略微难以实现,并限制Siverlight的体验。如果你拥有现有XHTML内容并希望使用Silverlight提升体验,使用这个方法你可以获 得很大的成功。在这个方法中,XHTML内容是爬虫与低端(Down-Level)客户端的基础体验,Silverlight体验仅留作在客户端平台用户 运行Silverlight。

    在这个方法中,XHTML内容可以对目标客户端实现高保真的体验。它还公开的作为嵌套的预备内容内嵌在 Silverlight插件的object标签中。一个属性从优雅降级模式区分出这个模式,这个模式中Silverlight程序的UI被嵌套预备内容所 驱动。换句话说,程序逻辑会使用DOM桥用于取得object标签嵌套的预备内容,并使用它来构建Silverlight UI。使用XSLT转化XHTML到XAML将会变得更为简单,或者使用数据绑定,绑定XAML UI属性到提取的标记中的object呈现内容。





    *包含Silverlight内容的Web页面何如在当前不被Silverlight所支持的客户端/浏览器的配置中运作,如Opera或Windows 98。








    给 页面一个完美的标题。Web页面的作者必须修改与个性化页面中的标记,可以通过Visual Studio或者Expression Blend由Silverlight工程模板生成。为了有更好的讨论效果,我们假定你有一个Silverlight程序,提供西雅图地区的交通地图。图中 展示了一个默认的页面标题与良好的页面标题。






    <head> <meta name="description" content="Silverlight development community..." > ... </head>







    即 使你的应用程序已经使用了一个不同的名字,修改它的名字也是相当容易。如:将MyTestSLApp.xap命名为 SeattleTrafficMaps.xap。当你没有在其它代码处使用这个程序名,回头修改它将是一个简单的操作。默认请况下,在 Silverlight模板中对其没有依赖。




    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:application/x-silverlight," width="..." height="..."> <param name="source" value="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap" /> <!-- Other parameters, if any -->   ... <!-- The “Get Silverlight” messages and badge --> <p>This content requires Microsoft Silverlight. <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807" style="text-decoration: none;">   <img src="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/> </a> </p> </object>



    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:application/x-silverlight," width="..." height="..."> <param name="source" value="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap" /> <!-- Other parameters, if any -->   ... <!-- Nested alternate HTML content for search --> <h3>Traffic map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area</h3>   <p>Up-to-the-minute traffic situation overlaid on the map of      the Seattle-Puget Sound area, powered by <a href="http://maps.live.com">Live Maps</a> </p>   <!-- Canned image representing the application contents --> <img src="SeattleTraffic_RushHour.jpg" alt="Seattle traffic at 5:30pm (evening rush-hour)" /> <!-- The “Get Silverlight” message and badge --> <p>This content requires Microsoft Silverlight. <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807" style="text-decoration: none;"> <img src="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/> </a> </p> </object>


    Silverlight.js 的主函数供于跨平台、跨浏览器,借助构建恰当的标记使得Silverlight内容与HTML DOM相挂钩。典型的,包括围绕浏览器工作的object标签。createObject函数统一提供了父级元素的id,如:一个div或者span的内 嵌,Silverlight object会作为子元素挂钩。这个方法使用了以下的逻辑。

    if (slParentElement != null) {    slParentElement.innerHTML = slPluginHTML; }


    <div id="divWithinWhichSLObjectExists"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--     Silverlight.createObject("slObjectId",                              "divWithinWhichSLObjectExists",                              ...);   // --> </script> </div>


    <div id="divWithinWhichSLObjectExists">     <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"  width="100" height="100" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0">     <param name="source" value="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap" />     <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100" height="100" source="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap">     </embed>     </object> </div>


    换句话说,你可以增加详尽的相关的metadata作为内在HTML内嵌在Silverlight object中的父级div元素。搜索引擎会处理metadata,但是metadata不会显示在浏览器中。


    <div id="divWithinWhichSLObjectExists"><!-- Nested alternate HTML content for search --> <div> <h3>Traffic map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area</h3> Up-to-the-minute traffic situation overlaid on the map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area, powered by <a href="http://maps.live.com">Live Maps</a>   <!-- canned image representing app contents --> <img src="SeattleTraffic_RushHour.jpg" alt="" /> alt="Seattle traffic at 5:30pm (evening rush-hour)" /&gt;</div> <!-- Invocation of the createObject function in Silverlight.js --> <script type="text/javascript"><!--     Silverlight.createObject("slObjectId", //SL plug-in id                              "divWithinWhichSLObjectExists", //parent id                              ...);   // --></script></div>






    3.选择Microsoft Silverlight,选择禁用按钮,然后点击确定。

    4.重启Internet Explorer并操作转向有Silverlight内容的Web页面。

    5.重复返回管理加载项对话框,选择Microsoft Silverlight、并选择启用。







    Search Engine Optimization for Silverlight applications

    Ashish Shetty

    Microsoft Corporation

    October 2008


    This document describes some best practices for search engine optimization of Silverlight applications. These practices are designed to help developers make their Silverlight content discoverable on a search engine results page and to provide an acceptable experience for users who do not have Silverlight enabled.

    This document contains the following sections:

    • Introduction
    • How Search Engines Work
    • Approaches for Developing a Silverlight Application
    • Search Engine Optimization Techniques for Silverlight Applications
    • Conclusion


    Search engines are geared toward recognizing HTML content. At this time, they do not recognize Silverlight content natively. This is similar to the search engine support for other objects on the HTML page, such as script blocks, CSS blocks, media files, and ActiveX controls. To make Silverlight content indexable by search engines, you can use approaches that search engines are already familiar with, such as combining the islands of Silverlight content with HTML metadata about that content.

    The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to increase the chances that your page will appear in the main section of the search engine results page (outlined by the red rectangle in Figure 1), not the paid or sponsored results.


    Figure 1 - Search engine results page

    Even though the search landscape is rapidly changing, with multiple competitors continuously improving and evolving how they implement search, SEO relies on some fundamental similarities among search engine algorithms.

    How Search Engines Work

    Search engines crawl, weight, and index Web page content. Crawling is done by a search robot that traverses the links in a Web site and captures the content. Search engines then use algorithms and heuristics to assign weights to Web pages. This information is used to build the search index, which is used to build a results page based on your query.

    The main reason for a Web page to be highly ranked in search engine results is that the words on the page match the keywords that are used to search. The presence of dynamic and nonstandard elements such as script, style, object, and embed tags in the page is a challenge to search engines, and this is an area where they have traditionally not done well.

    In this situation, search engines have to do the following:

    • Download linked content and associate it with the source page.
    • Parse, convert, execute, or render elements to obtain the same experience as the user viewing the page in a browser.

    Figure 2 is a simplified view of how a search engine works.


    Figure 2 - A simplified view of a search engine

    Approaches for Developing a Silverlight Application

    If you are planning to build a Silverlight application, there are things you can do to make sure that your application is discovered and returned by search engines.

    The following are some of the patterns that you can adopt for how your application coexists with the HTML content.

    Mix HTML with Silverlight Content

    This pattern involves mixing HTML text with Silverlight content in the same page so that it delivers richness in functionality and the native HTML content is consumable by search engines. To do this, consider designing your Silverlight content in such a way that it fits within, or around, a block of text. This looks like a grid of interacting components that fit around HTML text. An advantage of this approach is that it ensures that your Silverlight interactivity is truly supporting the text, rather than hiding otherwise searchable text from search engines. Figure 3 shows a Web page with this approach.


    Figure 3 - Islands of text and Silverlight interactivity

    Use HTML Bridge to Generate Silverlight Content Dynamically

    This approach is slightly harder to achieve and can be limiting to the Silverlight experience. You will have most success with this approach if you have existing XHTML content and want to enhance the experience with Silverlight. In this approach, the XHTML content is the base experience for search robots and down-level clients, while the Silverlight experience is reserved for consumers on client platforms capable of running Silverlight.

    In this approach, the XHTML content has the full-fidelity experience for its target clients. It is still declared as nested alternate content within the object tag for the Silverlight plug-in. The one attribute that differentiates this pattern from the graceful degradation pattern is that in this pattern, the Silverlight application’s UI is driven by the nested alternate content. In other words, application logic will use the DOM Bridge to get the nested alternate content from the object tag and use it to construct the Silverlight UI. This can be as simple as using XSLT to transform the XHTML to XAML, or perhaps using data binding to bind XAML UI properties to an object representing content from the extracted markup.

    Graceful Degradation

    In this document, we focus primarily on search engine optimization using the graceful degradation approach. In such a scenario, the Silverlight content is the primary experience for consumers, and the use of nested alternate content within the object tag serves as the down-level experience.

    Search Engine Optimization Techniques for Silverlight Applications

    The key consideration for making Silverlight content indexable by search engines is to use the approaches that are used for systems and users for which Silverlight is not enabled. Considerations include the following:

    • How the Web page with Silverlight content behaves in client/browser configurations such as Opera or Windows 98, which are not currently supported by Silverlight.
    • How the Web page behaves for customers who use accessibility programs such as screen readers and narrators.
    • How the Web page behaves for customers who use from a text browser such as Lynx, where no scripts can execute.

    Presenting contextual metadata and alternate content that would make Silverlight content friendly to down-level users will also make it friendly to search engines.

    When creating your Silverlight application, do not assume that all users will have Silverlight installed or have computers with the ability to install Silverlight. Prepare for how you would describe your application to these users.

    • Know your audience.
    • Plan on how you would describe your application to them.
    • Identify the keywords that you would use to connect with searchers.

    The words that you use in your titles, page and section headers, body content, and alternate content play an important role in how the search engines find and index your content, and also how a user finds your content.

    The following are some of the techniques you can use to optimize your search engine results and improve the experience for all users:

    • Use a Descriptive Page Title
    • Add Description Metadata
    • Use a Meaningful Application Name
    • Use the object Tag
    • Specify Alternate Content for Silverlight
    • Use createObject When Using Silverlight.js
    • Test Down-Level Experiences

    Use a Descriptive Page Title

    Give your page a good title. Web page authors must update and customize the markup in the pages generated by Silverlight project templates in Visual Studio or Expression Blend. For the purposes of discussion, let’s assume you have a Silverlight application that provides interactive traffic maps for the Seattle area. Figure 4 shows bad (default) and good Web page titles.


    Figure 4 - Bad and good page titles

    Add Description Metadata

    Keywords in your page’s meta tag are not very useful for search engines to determine your page’s rank. However, a page title and meta description tag (that is, a meta tag whose name attribute is set to "description") are extremely useful in ensuring that searchers who view your page on a results page associate it with content that they are looking for.

    If you have a top-level Silverlight application that occupies the full extent of the browser’s client area, or one that exists on your landing page, then you must have a meta description tag on your HTML page. The following code shows the format of the meta description tag.

    <head> <meta name="description" content="Microsoft portal site for the Silverlight development community..." > ... </head>

    If you have a page with a lot of text content that contains relevant keywords, then you can omit the meta description. The search engine will show a portion of your page content on the results page, and any stub description may actually prove counterproductive.

    The following figure shows a sample search page entry with a description, and how it would appear if the meta description tag were not present.


    Figure 5 - Search results page with and without a meta description tag

    Use a Meaningful Application Name

    Giving a useful name to your application is another way to help the search engines find your Web page. For example, an application that provides traffic maps for the Seattle area could be named SeattleTrafficMaps.xap.

    Even if your application was built using a different name, it is easy to change the name, for example, from MyTestSLApp.xap to SeattleTrafficMaps.xap. Changing the name back at a later time is a simple operation if that name is not referred to elsewhere in your code. By default, there are no dependencies of this kind in the Silverlight templates.

    Use the object Tag

    The object tag in HTML is designed so that if the main object cannot be loaded to display content, then browser clients will continue to look for alternative content within the object tag.

    Silverlight content publishers must use the object tag (not the embed tag) to instantiate Silverlight. The following code shows how you can add the object tag.

    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:application/x-silverlight," width="..." height="..."> <param name="source" value="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap" /> <!-- Other parameters, if any --> ... <!-- The “Get Silverlight” messages and badge --> <p>This content requires Microsoft Silverlight. <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807" style="text-decoration: none;"> <img src="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/> </a> </p> </object>

    Specify Alternate Content for Silverlight

    The object tag for the Silverlight application must be supplemented with nested alternate content, namely the inner HTML that is displayed on systems where Silverlight is absent. The following code shows how you can do that.

    <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:application/x-silverlight," width="..." height="..."> <param name="source" value="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap" /> <!-- Other parameters, if any --> ... <!-- Nested alternate HTML content for search --> <h3>Traffic map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area</h3> <p>Up-to-the-minute traffic situation overlaid on the map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area, powered by <a href="http://maps.live.com">Live Maps</a> </p> <!-- Canned image representing the application contents --> <img src="SeattleTraffic_RushHour.jpg" alt="Seattle traffic at 5:30pm (evening rush-hour)" /> <!-- The “Get Silverlight” message and badge --> <p>This content requires Microsoft Silverlight. <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807" style="text-decoration: none;"> <img src="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/> </a> </p> </object>

    Use createObject When Using Silverlight.js

    The primary function of Silverlight.js is to provide a cross-browser, cross-platform means of constructing the right markup to get Silverlight content hooked up to the HTML DOM. Typically this involves working around browser quirks to generate the object tag with the right set of parameters. The createObject function also takes the id of a parent element, for example a div or span, within which the Silverlight object will be hooked up as child element. This approach uses the following logic.

    if (slParentElement != null) { slParentElement.innerHTML = slPluginHTML; }

    For example, assume that your markup consisted of the following code.

    <div id="divWithinWhichSLObjectExists"> <script type="text/javascript"> Silverlight.createObject("slObjectId", "divWithinWhichSLObjectExists", ...); </script> </div>

    The effective DOM would be like the following code when executed on the browser.

    <div id="divWithinWhichSLObjectExists"> <object type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:application/x-silverlight," width="..." height="..."> <param name="source" value="SeattleTrafficMaps.xap" /> <!-- Other Parameters, if any --> ... <!-- The “Get Silverlight” message and badge --> <p>This content requires Microsoft Silverlight. <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807" style="text-decoration: none;"> <img src="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none"/> </a> </p> </object> </div>

    This has a beneficial side effect for the following reasons:

    • Replacing the inner HTML of the parent div removes any other existing child elements in that div.
    • Search engines often parse and index markup as it is served—before any scripts execute and change the DOM.

    In other words, you can add detailed contextual metadata as native HTML within the parent div element of the Silverlight object. Search engines will process the metadata, but the metadata will not show up in the browser.

    If your parent div has nested contextual content, the following code is what the search robot sees.

    <div id="divWithinWhichSLObjectExists"> <!-- Nested alternate HTML content for search --> <div> <h3>Traffic map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area</h3> <p>Up-to-the-minute traffic situation overlaid on the map of the Seattle-Puget Sound area, powered by <a href="http://maps.live.com">Live Maps</a> </p> <!-- canned image representing app contents --> <img src="SeattleTraffic_RushHour.jpg" alt="Seattle traffic at 5:30pm (evening rush-hour)" /> </div> <!-- Invocation of the createObject function in Silverlight.js --> <script type="text/javascript"> Silverlight.createObject("slObjectId", //SL plug-in id "divWithinWhichSLObjectExists", //parent id ...); </script> </div>

    Test Down-Level Experiences

    Regardless of the relative importance of Silverlight and HTML in your content, it is important to test the page as a user who does not have Silverlight installed.

    To access the page as a down-level user, perform the following steps:

    1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer, and then start a new instance.
    2. On the Tools menu, point to Manage Add-ons, and then click Enable or Disable Add-ons. The Manage Add-ons dialog box is displayed.
    3. Select Microsoft Silverlight, select the Disable button, and then click OK.
    4. Restart Internet Explorer and navigate to the Web page that has your Silverlight content.

    To revert, return to the Manage Add-ons dialog box, select Microsoft Silverlight, and select Enable.


    The procedure for temporarily disabling the Silverlight plug-in differs depending on the browser you are using.

    After you have tested the down-level experience, it is worthwhile validating your page with a static analysis tool such as SEO Browser that understands the impact of markup and content on search engine optimization.


    The ability of search engines to index content that is not native HTML is very limited. However, if you structure and present your Silverlight application in certain ways, they have a better chance of appearing on a search engine results page in response to a search query.

    posted @ 2011-11-01 15:29  ChaunceyHao  阅读(423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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