Jetty 7.6.11 和 8.1.11 发布
Jetty 是一个开源的servlet容器,它为基于Java的web内容,例如JSP和servlet提供运行环境。Jetty是使用Java语言编写的,它的 API以一组JAR包的形式发布。开发人员可以将Jetty容器实例化成一个对象,可以迅速为一些独立运行(stand-alone)的Java应用提供 网络和web连接。
Jetty 今天发布两个小更新版本,分别是 7.6.11 和 8.1.11,改进记录分别是:
jetty-7.6.11.v20130520 - 20 May 2013 + 402844 STOP.PORT & STOP.KEY behaviour has changed + 403281 waits for started or failure before returning + 403513 jetty:run goal cannot be executed twice during the maven build + 403570 Asynchronous Request Logging + 404010 fix cast exception in mongodb session manager + 404128 Add Vary headers rather than set them + 404283 org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.scanFile() dies with an NPE if listFiles() returns null + 404325 data constraint redirection does send default port + 404517 Close connection if request received after half close + 404789 Support IPv6 addresses in DoSFilter white list. + 404958 Fixed Resource.newSystemResource striped / handling + 405281 allow filemappedbuffers to not be used + 405537 NPE in rendering JSP using SPDY and wrapped ServletRequest + 406437 Digest Auth supports out of order nc + 406923 CR line termination + 407136 @PreDestroy called after Servlet.destroy() + 407173 java.lang.IllegalStateException: null when using JDBCSessionManager + 407976 JDBCSessionIdManager potentially leaves server in bad state after startup + 408077 HashSessionManager leaves file handles open after being stopped + 408446 Multipart parsing issue with boundry and charset in ContentType header
jetty-8.1.11.v20130520 - 20 May 2013 + 402844 STOP.PORT & STOP.KEY behaviour has changed + 403281 waits for started or failure before returning + 403513 jetty:run goal cannot be executed twice during the maven build + 403570 Asynchronous Request Logging + 404010 fix cast exception in mongodb session manager + 404128 Add Vary headers rather than set them + 404283 org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner.scanFile() dies with an NPE if listFiles() returns null + 404325 data constraint redirection does send default port + 404517 Close connection if request received after half close + 404789 Support IPv6 addresses in DoSFilter white list. + 404958 Fixed Resource.newSystemResource striped / handling + 405281 allow filemappedbuffers to not be used + 405537 NPE in rendering JSP using SPDY and wrapped ServletRequest + 406437 Digest Auth supports out of order nc + 406618 Jetty startup in OSGi Equinox fails when using option jetty.home.bundle=org.eclipse.jetty.osgi.boot + 406923 CR line termination + 407136 @PreDestroy called after Servlet.destroy() + 407173 java.lang.IllegalStateException: null when using JDBCSessionManager + 407931 Add toggle for failing on servlet availability + 407976 JDBCSessionIdManager potentially leaves server in bad state after startup + 408077 HashSessionManager leaves file handles open after being stopped + 408446 Multipart parsing issue with boundry and charset in ContentType header