Apache PDFBox 1.8.1 发布
Apache PDFBox 1.8.1 发布了,主要是 bug 修复:
[PDFBOX-1515] - PDGraphicsState class receives null page argument leading to NPE [PDFBOX-1538] - Content of annotation not visible in image (converted from pdf) [PDFBOX-1547] - TextPosition.getX() and getY() do not work properly with CropBox [PDFBOX-1549] - TTFSubFont generates bug-prone TTF sub fonts screwing some printers [PDFBOX-1551] - Merging PDFs with interactive forms results in a corrupt PDF [PDFBOX-1556] - Saving a document containing a xfa form creates invalid pdf [PDFBOX-1557] - NonSequentialPDFParser incorrectly parsing document info [PDFBOX-1558] - Unused PDSignature class should be removed [PDFBOX-1559] - Error when using monospaced Fonts