MongoDB 2.4 RC2 (2.3 开发系列) 发行说明
下载地址: - Development Release (Unstable)
这里有一份关于 Upgrade MongoDB 2.2 to 2.4 指南。
MongoDB 2.4 的改变包括:
- Text Indexes
- New Modular Authentication System with Support for Kerberos
- Role Based Access Control and New Privilege Documents
- Default JavaScript Engine Switched to V8 from SpiderMonkey
- Added Limitations for Map-Reduce and $where Operations
- New Geospatial Indexes with GeoJSON and Improved Spherical Geometry
- New Hashed Index and Sharding with a Hashed Shard Key
- db.killOp() Can Now Kill Foreground Index Builds
- $setOnInsert – New Update Operator
- --setParameter Option Available on the mongos and mongod Command Line