
#include <stdio.h> /*标准文件流操作,这里使用了fopen/fclose/fprintf/printf/scanf/gets函数*/
#include <stdlib.h> /*标准系统库,这里使用了malloc/free/exit*/
#include <string.h> /*标准字符串库,这里使用strlen/strcpy/memcpy/memset*/
#define szLINE 252 /*定义一行字符串最长为252字节*/
#define CMDS 12 /*定义12个标准行编辑命令*/

typedef struct LINE
char text[szLINE]; /*文本内容*/
struct LINE * next; /*链表指针*/
} L;

typedef unsigned int U;

typedef void (*FUNC)(L **, char*);

char keywords[CMDS][8]=
"quit", "help", "load", "save",
"view", "count", "append", "insert",
"erase", "edit", "lookup", "replace"
};/*end keywords*/

void clear(L ** lines)
L * a = 0, * b = 0;
if(!lines) return ;
a = *lines;
b = a->next ;
a = b;
}/*end while*/
*lines = 0;
}/*end clear*/

L * locate(L * lines, U index)
L * t = lines;
U i = 0;
if(!t) return 0;
if(index == 0) return t;
for(i = 0; i < index; i++)
t = t->next;
if(!t) return 0;
return t;
}/*end locate*/

浏览范围为from到to(行号)。view(lines, 0, 0, 0)表示统计已加载到内存的文本行数量*/
int view(L * lines, FILE * f, U from, U to)
L * t = lines;
U index = 0;
index ++;
if(f && index >= from && index <= to) fprintf(f, "%d: %s", index, t->text);
t = t->next;
}/*end while*/
return index;
}/*end view*/

void lookup(L * lines, char * string)
L * t = 0;
U index = 0;
if(!string) return ;
t = lines;
index ++;
if(strstr(t->text , string)) printf("%d: %s", index, t->text );
}/*end while*/
}/*end lookup*/

void rpc(char * string, char * key, char * replacement)
char fine[szLINE], * x = 0, * y = 0, * z = 0;
int la = 0, lb = 0, r = 0;
if(!string || !key || !replacement) return ;
memset(fine, 0, szLINE);
x = string;
y = fine;
la = strlen(key);
lb = strlen(replacement);
r = memcmp(x, key, la);
if(r) /*如果关键字不匹配则复制字符串*/
*y = *x;
else /*如果关键字匹配则替换字符串*/
memcpy(y, replacement, lb);
x += la;
y += lb;
}/*end if*/
memcpy(string, fine, szLINE);
}/*end rpc*/

void replace(L * lines, char * string, char * replacement)
L * t = 0;
U index = 0;
if(!string || !lines || !replacement) return ;
t = lines;
index ++;
if(strstr(t->text , string))
printf("[BEFORE] %d: %s", index, t->text );
rpc(t->text, string, replacement);
printf("[AFTER ] %d: %s", index, t->text );
}/*end if*/
}/*end while*/
}/*end replace*/

void insert(L ** lines, char * line, int index)
L * t = 0, * s = 0;
int i = 0;
if(!lines || !line) return ;
t = (L*)malloc(sizeof(L));
memset(t, 0, sizeof(L));
strcpy(t->text , line);
if(index == 0 || !*lines) /*如果链表为空则以新节点为起点定义链表*/
t->next = *lines;
*lines = t;
return ;
}/*end if*/
s = *lines;
if(index > 0)/*如果行号为正整数,则将链表指针指向行号之前*/
for(i = 0; i < index-2; i++)
if(!s->next ) break;
s = s->next ;
while(s->next ) s = s->next ;
/*end if*/
if(s->next ) t->next = s->next ;
s->next = t;
}/*end insert*/

void erase(L ** lines, U index)
L * a = 0, * b = 0, * c = 0;
if(!lines) return ;
/*index -1 表示目标行,index -2表示目标行的前一行*/
a = locate(*lines, index-2);
b = locate(*lines, index-1);
if(!b) return ;
if(a) /*如果前一行存在则删除目标行*/
a->next = b->next;
*lines = b->next ;
/*end if*/
}/*end erase*/

void edit(L * lines, char * line, U index)
L * t = locate(lines, index-1);
if(!t) return ;
if(line) strcpy(t->text , line);
}/*end edit*/

int load(L ** lines, char * file)
FILE * f = 0;
char line[szLINE]="";
int total = 0;
if(!lines || !file) return 0;
f = fopen(file, "r");
fprintf(stderr, "%s is bad.\n", file);
return 0;
}/*end if*/
memset(line, 0, szLINE);
fgets(line, szLINE - 1, f);
insert(lines, line, -1);
total ++;
}/*end while*/
fprintf(stderr, "[%s] %d lines loaded.\n", file, total);
return total;
}/*end load*/

int save(L * lines, char * file)
FILE * f = 0;
L * t = lines;
int total = 0;
if(!lines || !file) return 0;
f = fopen(file, "w");
fprintf(stderr, "%s is bad.\n", file);
return 0;
}/*end if*/
t = lines;
while(t) /*逐个文件写入*/
fprintf(f, "%s", t->text );
t = t->next ;
total ++;
}/*end while*/
fprintf(stderr, "[%s] %d lines saved.\n", file, total);
return total;

void exec_load(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "", file[szLINE] = "";
sscanf(line, "%s %s", cmd, file);
load(lines, file);
}/*end exec_load*/

void exec_save(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "", file[szLINE] = "";
sscanf(line, "%s %s", cmd, file);
save(*lines, file);
}/*end exec_save*/

void exec_view(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "";
U from = 0, to = 0;
sscanf(line, "%s %u %u", cmd, &from, &to);
if(to < from) to = from + 24;
view(*lines, stdout, from, to);
}/*end exec_view*/

void exec_count(L ** lines, char * line)
fprintf(stderr, "%d lines in mem.\n", view(*lines, 0, 0, 0));
}/*end count*/

void exec_append(L ** lines, char * line)
char text[szLINE] = "";
strcat(text, "\n");
insert(lines, text, -1);
}/*end exec_append*/

void exec_insert(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "", text[szLINE] = "";
U index = 0;
sscanf(line, "%s %d", cmd, &index);
strcat(text, "\n");
insert(lines, text, index);
}/*end insert*/

void exec_erase(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "";
U index = 0;
sscanf(line, "%s %d", cmd, &index);
erase(lines, index);
}/*end erase*/

void exec_edit(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "", text[szLINE] = "";
U index = 0;
sscanf(line, "%s %d", cmd, &index);
strcat(text, "\n");
edit(*lines, text, index);
}/*end edit*/

void exec_lookup(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "", text[szLINE] = "";
sscanf(line, "%s %s", cmd, text);
lookup(*lines, text);
}/*end lookup*/

void exec_help(L ** lines, char * line)
\tload [file.txt]\n\
\tsave [file.txt]\n\
\tview [from line] [to line]\n\
\tappend [return + text]\n\
\tinsert [line number] [return + text]\n\
\terase [line number]\n\
\tedit [line number] [return + text]\n\
\tlookup [text]\n\
\treplace [keyword] [replacement]\n");
}/*end help*/

void exec_replace(L ** lines, char * line)
char cmd[szLINE] = "", text[szLINE] = "", key[szLINE]="";
sscanf(line, "%s %s %s", cmd, key, text);
replace(*lines, key, text);
}/*end replace*/

void exec_quit(L ** lines, char * line)

FUNC functions[CMDS]=
exec_quit, exec_help, exec_load, exec_save,
exec_view, exec_count, exec_append, exec_insert,
exec_erase, exec_edit, exec_lookup, exec_replace
};/*end functions*/

int identified(char * command, char * key)
int ln = 0, r = 0;
if(!command || !key) return 0;
ln = strlen(key);
r = memcmp(command, key, ln);
return r==0;
}/*end identified*/

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
L * lines = 0;
char line[szLINE]="";
int a = 0, b = 0, i = 0;
FUNC fun = 0;
printf("Welcome to LINE EDITOR V1.0\nCommand [help] is available.\n");
if(argc > 1)
a = strcmp(argv[1], "--help");
b = strcmp(argv[1], "/h");
if(a && b)
load(&lines, argv[1]);
exec_help(0, 0);
return 0;
}/*end if*/
}/*end if*/
printf("\n<%d>", view(lines, 0, 0, 0));
memset(line, 0, szLINE);
for(i = 0; i < CMDS; i++)
if(identified(line, keywords[i]))
fun = functions[i];
(*fun)(&lines, line);
}/*end if*/
return 0;
}/*end main*/

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