

function attr(elem, name, value) {
    // Make sure that a valid name was provided
    if ( !name || name.constructor != String ) return '';

    // Figure out if the name is one of the weird naming cases
    name = { 'for': 'htmlFor', 'class': 'className' }[name] || name;

    // If the user is setting a value, also
    if ( value != null ) {
        // Set the quick way first
        elem[name] = value;
        // If we can, use setAttribute
        if ( elem.setAttribute )

    // Return the value of the attribute
    return elem[name] || elem.getAttribute(name) || '';


In real life, in 98% of cases DOM properties are used.

You should use attributes in only two cases:

  1. A custom HTML attribute, because it is not synced to DOM property.
  2. To access a built-in HTML attribute, which is not synced from the property, and you are sure you need the attribute.
    For example, value in INPUT.




posted @ 2012-03-07 15:28  Cymbidium  阅读(175)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报