
Java代码 复制代码 收藏代码


#include "device.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

#include <CL/opencl.h>

class AESEncrypt:public Device

//CL Objects and memory buffers
int status;
cl_uchar* output;
cl_mem rKeyBuffer;
cl_mem sBoxBuffer;

cl_uint keySizeBits;
cl_uint keySize;
cl_uint explandedKeySize;
cl_uint rounds;

cl_uchar *key; // Encryption Key
cl_uchar *expandedKey; //Encryption Key after expanding
cl_uchar *roundKey; // Encryption Key after expanding rounded


//Create context
int createContext();

//Create command queue
int createQueue();

//Create buffer objects
int createBuffers();

//Write buffer into kernel
int enqueueWriteBuffer();

//Create program object
int createProgram(const char **source, const size_t *sourceSize);

//Build program objects
int buildProgram();

//Create kernel objects
int createKernel();

//Set arguments for kernel
int setKernelArgs();

//Migrate memory objects between different devices
int enqueueMigrateMemObjects();

//Execute kernel
int enqueueKernel();

//Waite for kernel to be complete
int waitForKernel();

//Get the running time of the kernel
int getKernelTime();

//Read the result data to Host
int enqueueReadData();

//Check the results
int verifyResults();

//Query the command queue status
int getEventInfo();

//Clean up the resources
int cleanupResources();

//setup AES
int setupAESEncryp();

/* encrypt functions */
void mixColumns(cl_uchar * state);
void subBytes(cl_uchar * state);
void addRoundKey(cl_uchar * state, cl_uchar * roundKey);
void shiftRows(cl_uchar * state);
cl_uchar galoisMultiplication(cl_uchar a, cl_uchar b);

void aesMain(cl_uchar * state, cl_uchar * expandedKey, cl_uint rounds);
void aesRound(cl_uchar * state, cl_uchar * roundKey);
void mixColumn(cl_uchar *column);
void shiftRow(cl_uchar * state, cl_uchar nbr);
cl_uchar getSBoxValue(cl_uint num);

/* key generation functions */
void createRoundKey(cl_uchar * expandedKey, cl_uchar * roundKey);
cl_uchar getRconValue(cl_uint num);
void rotate(cl_uchar * word);
void core(cl_uchar * word, cl_uint iter);
void keyExpansion(cl_uchar * key, cl_uchar * expandedKey,
cl_uint keySize, cl_uint explandedKeySize);

// Read a file into a string
std::string convertToString(const char * filename);

int initializeCL();
//calls runCPU(), runSingleGPU() and runMultiGPU().
int initializeHost();

int run(); 
posted on 2013-02-16 19:34  蜜雪薇琪  阅读(274)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报