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Life and Times of Anders Hejlsberg

Posted on 2006-02-04 02:41  Sheva  阅读(1241)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报
    Channel9 just released a new video clip featuring the life and times of Anders Hejlsberg, who is the chief architect and designer of C# programming language, and also a key participant in the development of Microsoft.Net Framework.

    Throughout this awesome non-tech talk show, I'm so amazed by Ander's unbelievable personality and his unfathomable passion about the work he did, does and will do. he also talks about why Microsoft determined to come up with a new programming language provided that there are tons of matured programming languages available in the industry(C/C++, VB, Java, Delphi etc), and he also talks about the work he currently does, aka C# 3.0, which is also callled LINQ project, he emphasizes the necessity to use a general purpose programming language to access data in a consistent manner, and why we should come across the data type difference between traditional database query languages and the general purpose programming languages. the most interesting part of this talk show is the audience question time, when being asked how do you describe your work to some one not technical? he says that my work is to write software called Visual Studio which can be used by other programmers to write software for the computers, quite terse and neat, isn't it? and another question which I'm quite interested in is that what's your biggest personal weakness? and how do you go beyond that? and Anders says that his biggest personal weakness is that he's a highly pricinpled person, and when his personal principle conflicted with others, he seldom gave up, and gradually he learnt how to become a team player.

    After watching this video, I learnt several interesting things about Anders Hejlsberg:
  • Anders' favourite data structure is circularly linked list, and he uses it quite often;
  • Anders' favourite language feature is that the data model simplifies to the point where "everything is an object";
  • Anders was born in Copenhagen, Denmark where Borland is originally coming from;
  • Anders was/is the major architect in the development of Turbo Pascal, Delphi, VJ++ and C#.