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China Democracy

Posted on 2005-04-02 14:53  Sheva  阅读(522)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报

   China's democracy is a hot topic among many well educated Chinese people, I can still remenber when I was in college, I was so tremendously disappointed by our electoral system. We choose among the three pre-determined candidates whom we even didn't know, and we have to make choice among them in haste, because we only had one minute to cast our ballots.
   A lot of chinese people especially those with high educational background constantly believe prosperity does lead to democracy, and now we are moving towards it, but personally i was a little bit disbelieving. but I do believe democracy means social justice, personal freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of press and most importantly the right of election and free election are the essential elements to real democracy, but until now, we have none of them.