Top K Frequent Words

Given a list of words and an integer k, return the top k frequent words in the list.


    "yes", "lint", "code",
    "yes", "code", "baby",
    "you", "baby", "chrome",
    "safari", "lint", "code",
    "body", "lint", "code"

for k = 3, return ["code", "lint", "baby"].

for k = 4, return ["code", "lint", "baby", "yes"],

You should order the words by the frequency of them in the return list, the most frequent one comes first. If two words has the same frequency, the one with lower alphabetical order come first.


class Solution:
    # @param {string[]} words a list of string
    # @param {int} k an integer
    # @return {string[]} a list of string
    def topKFrequentWords(self, words, k):
        map = {}
        for w in words:
            if w not in map:
                map[w] = 1
                map[w] += 1
        import heapq
        heap = []
        for key, value in map.iteritems():
        res = [w[1] for w in heapq.nsmallest(k,heap,key = lambda x: (x[0],x[1]))]
        return res


posted on 2016-06-17 21:55  Sheryl Wang  阅读(469)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
