Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.
For this problem, a path is defined as any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. The path does not need to go through the root.
For example:
Given the below binary tree,
1 / \ 2 3
Return 6
这是一道二叉树递归的终极版本,需要求二叉树中从任意结点到任意结点的最长路径。与Path Sum II(从root到leaf的路径)相比,这道题更tricky。
使用分治思路devide and conquer来解这道题,求以某个结点(node)为根的any to any最大路径,可以分解为: 1.经过该结点的路径中的最大值(如2-->1-->3)(注意如果node.left,node.right的root2any都为负就只取node.val);2.该结点左子树中any to any的最大路径, 如举例中的2;3该结点右子树中any to any 的最大路径,如举例中的3。
但是每次第1种路径需要用到以结点左孩子(node.left)为结尾的最大路径(可以翻转过来依然以node.left为起点朝下走的路径)和以结点右孩子(node.right)为起点朝下走的最大路径和。一个简单的思路是每个子问题都返回以node为起点的 root to any的和 node为根的树中的 any to any。前者是为了辅助计算,后者是为了得到最终的结果。这种代码的最终实现Java版为:
public class Solution { /** * @param root: The root of binary tree. * @return: An integer. */ private class ResultType { int root2Any, any2Any; ResultType(int root2Any, int any2Any) { this.root2Any = root2Any; this.any2Any = any2Any; } } private ResultType helper(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) { return new ResultType(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE); //两种路径中都最少包括一个结点 } // Divide ResultType left = helper(root.left); ResultType right = helper(root.right); // Conquer int root2Any = Math.max(0, Math.max(left.root2Any, right.root2Any)) + root.val; int any2Any = Math.max(left.any2Any, right.any2Any); any2Any = Math.max(maxPath, Math.max(left.root2Any, 0) + Math.max(right.root2Any, 0) + root.val); return new ResultType(root2Any,any2Any ); } public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) { ResultType result = helper(root); return result.any2Any; } }
对于树的跟节点,需要考虑两种情况,它的产生最大和的路径包含两种可能:1:包含该节点的路径: a.横跨左子树,根节点和右子树。b.左子树的一段,以根节点为结尾。c.右子树的一段,以根节点为结尾。2.左子树或右子树中的一段路径,不包含该节点。 要完成这两点,需要子节点返回:1.以子节点为终点的最大路径和。2.子节点为根的子树中的最大值。考虑到该题需要返回的是全局的最大路径和,可以直接将子树中的最大路径和更新到系统里。
class Solution(object): def maxPathSum(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: int """
res = [-sys.maxint-1] self.helper(root,res) return res[0] def helper(self,node,res): if not node: #don't need to include a node return 0 left = self.helper(node.left,res) #the max path sum from left node(must include left node) right = self.helper(node.right,res) #the max path sum from right node(must include right node) nodepath = max(max(left,right,0)+node.val #the max path sum from node(must include the node) maxpath = max(left,0)+max(right,0)+node.val #the max path that cross the node (but not start from, any to any) res[0] = max(res[0],maxpath) return nodepath
posted on 2016-05-16 21:38 Sheryl Wang 阅读(190) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报