Informatica9.6.1在Linux Red Hat 5.8上安装遇到的有关问题整理_1
1. 产品安装过程中提示无法创建Domain([ICMD_10033] Command [defineDomain] failed with error [[INFASETUP_10002])
[ICMD_10033] Command [defineDomain] failed with error [[INFASETUP_10002] Cannot create the domain because of the following error: [OSGIWRAPPER_00001] Internal error. A repository internal error occurred: '[OSGIWRAPPER_00003] Internal error. A repository internal error occurred while installing the bundle from the following location: '/opt/infa/Informatica/9.6.1/plugins/dynamic/com.informatica.adapter.teradata.connection.modelRegistration_1.0.0.jar': 'An error occurred trying to read the bundle'. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support.'. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support..]. |
通过扩大nofile参数的限制,至少16K(16000)。 第一步,修改文件 /etc/security/limits.conf。 vi /etc/security/limits.conf 加上: * soft nofile 8192 * hard nofile 20480 第二步,修改 /etc/pam.d/login 文件,确保存在以下内容 session required /lib/security/ 另外确保/etc/pam.d/system-auth文件有下面内容 session required /lib/security/$ISA/ 这一行确保系统会执行这个限制。 第三步,登录infa用户,执行 #ulimit -n 1024。 |
1. Re: [ICMD_10033] Command [defineDomain] failed with error sujata kumari PC Express Professional sujata kumari Aug 4, 2014 1:36 AM (in response to user144134)
Hi, There can be couple of reasons for this failure: 1. if the installer is corrupt and is not extracted properly. To isolate this, please try downloading and extracting the installer again. But before this, please verify: 1. nofiles/file descriptor value: this value should be more than 16k for 9.6 installation. You can use the command ulimit -a to get this value. 2. We also get this error when there is insufficient disk space. Please verify this using: df -k Regards, Sujata |