create or replace procedure pro_init_dzz_dy_exception as log_id number(16); --新增日志id errdesc varchar(3000); --新增日志内容 v_userid varchar(40); v_zjhm varchar(30); v_csrq date; v_rdsj date; v_zzsj date; v_idcardmult number(1); v_idcardvalidity number(1); v_subzjhmstr varchar(50); v_csrqstr varchar(50); dbname varchar(100); insertSqlStrStart varchar(5000); insertSqlStrMiddle varchar(5000); insertSqlStrEnd varchar(5000); insertSqlStr varchar(5000); querysql varchar(5000); deletesql varchar(5000); v_all_dy sys_refcursor; --v_dy_info zj_zjs.T_DY_INFO%rowtype; cursor allSche is select schemaname from s_qkdzzinfo; begin SELECT SEQ_AUTO_CALC_LOG.NEXTVAL INTO LOG_ID FROM DUAL; --插入日志表 INSERT INTO T_AUTO_CALC_LOG (UUID, DJSJ, CCGCNAME, CWDM) VALUES (LOG_ID, SYSDATE, 'pro_init_dzz_dy_exception', '0'); COMMIT; deletesql := 'delete from t_dzz_dy_exception_info'; execute immediate deletesql; commit; insertSqlStrStart := 'insert into t_dzz_dy_exception_info (uuid,dzz_dy_id,datatype,errorlevel,errortype,operatetime) select sys_guid(),'; insertSqlStrEnd := 'sysdate from dual'; for v_sche in allSche loop dbname := v_sche.schemaname; querysql := 'select userid,zjhm,csrq,rdsj,zzsj,idcardmult,idcardvalidity from '||dbname||'.t_dy_info where delflag =1 and dylb in (1,2) and dyzt = 1'; open v_all_dy for querysql; loop fetch v_all_dy into v_userid,v_zjhm,v_csrq,v_rdsj,v_zzsj,v_idcardmult,v_idcardvalidity; --v_userid := v_dy_info.userid; v_zjhm := REPLACE (v_zjhm,' ',''); --v_csrq := v_dy_info.csrq; --v_rdsj := v_dy_info.rdsj; --v_zzsj := v_dy_info.zzsj; --v_idcardmult := v_dy_info.idcardmult; --v_idcardvalidity := v_dy_info.idcardvalidity; if v_zjhm is not null and v_csrq is not null then v_subzjhmstr := substrb(v_zjhm, 7, 4)||'-'||substrb(v_zjhm, 11, 2)||'-'||substrb(v_zjhm, 13, 2); v_csrqstr := to_char(v_csrq,'yyyy-mm-dd'); if v_subzjhmstr != v_csrqstr then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,1,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; end if; if v_rdsj is not null and v_zzsj is not null then if (to_date('1921-07-01','yyyy-mm-dd') <= v_rdsj and v_rdsj <= to_date('1923-06-09','yyyy-mm-dd')) or (to_date('1928-06-18','yyyy-mm-dd') <= v_rdsj and v_rdsj <= to_date('1945-04-22','yyyy-mm-dd')) or (to_date('1969-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd') <= v_rdsj and v_rdsj <= to_date('1977-08-11','yyyy-mm-dd')) then if v_zzsj - v_rdsj <> 0 then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,2,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; elsif to_date('1923-06-10','yyyy-mm-dd') <= v_rdsj and v_rdsj <= to_date('1927-04-26','yyyy-mm-dd') then if months_between(v_zzsj,v_rdsj) not in (3,6) then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,2,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; elsif to_date('1927-04-27','yyyy-mm-dd') <= v_rdsj and v_rdsj <= to_date('1928-06-17','yyyy-mm-dd') then if months_between(v_zzsj,v_rdsj) not in (0,3) then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,2,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; elsif to_date('1945-04-23','yyyy-mm-dd') <= v_rdsj and v_rdsj <= to_date('1956-09-14','yyyy-mm-dd') then if months_between(v_zzsj,v_rdsj) not in (6,12,24) then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,2,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; else if v_zzsj - v_rdsj not in (12) then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,2,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; end if; end if; if v_idcardvalidity is not null then if v_idcardvalidity = 1 then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,3,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; end if; if v_idcardmult is not null then if v_idcardmult = 1 then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,4,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; end if; if v_rdsj is not null and v_csrq is not null then if months_between(v_rdsj,v_csrq) < 228 then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,1,5,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; if v_rdsj < v_csrq then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,2,6,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; end if; if v_rdsj is not null then if v_rdsj < to_date('1921-07-01','yyyy-mm-dd') then insertSqlStrMiddle := ',2,2,7,'; insertSqlStr := insertSqlStrStart||chr(39)||v_userid||chr(39)||insertSqlStrMiddle||insertSqlStrEnd; execute immediate insertSqlStr; commit; end if; end if; exit when v_all_dy%notfound; end loop; close v_all_dy; end loop; --日志表更新结束时间 update t_auto_calc_log py set py.jsdjsj = sysdate where uuid = log_id; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN BEGIN ROLLBACK; ERRDESC := SQLERRM; --如果存储过程执行失败,则修改记录日志并将异常内容存入表中 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(ERRDESC); UPDATE T_AUTO_CALC_LOG PY SET PY.JSDJSJ = SYSDATE, PY.CWDM = '1', PY.CWXX = ERRDESC WHERE UUID = LOG_ID; COMMIT; END; end pro_init_dzz_dy_exception;