rest framework之路由组件
re_path('books/$', views.BookView.as_view({'get': 'list','post':'create'}), name="books"),
但是rest framework中的路由组件完全可以自动生成对应的路由这样的路由。
from rest_framework import routers router=routers.DefaultRouter() router.register('books',views.BookView) urlpatterns = [ ... re_path('',include(router.urls)), ... ]
URL pattern: ^books/$ Name: 'books-list' URL pattern: ^books/{pk}/$ Name: 'books-detail'
class BookView(GenericViewSet): queryset = models.Book.objects.all() serializer_class = BookModelSerializer def list(self,request): pass @detail_route(methods=['get'],url_path='set-book') def set_bookname(self, request, pk=None): return HttpResponse('...')
^books/(?P<pk>[^/.]+)/set-book/$ [name='book-set-book']
, create
, retrieve
, update
, partial_update
和 destroy
动作的路由。视图集中还可以使用@ detail_route
或@ list_route

class SimpleRouter(BaseRouter): routes = [ # List route. Route( url=r'^{prefix}{trailing_slash}$', mapping={ 'get': 'list', 'post': 'create' }, name='{basename}-list', detail=False, initkwargs={'suffix': 'List'} ), # Dynamically generated list routes. Generated using # @action(detail=False) decorator on methods of the viewset. DynamicRoute( url=r'^{prefix}/{url_path}{trailing_slash}$', name='{basename}-{url_name}', detail=False, initkwargs={} ), # Detail route. Route( url=r'^{prefix}/{lookup}{trailing_slash}$', mapping={ 'get': 'retrieve', 'put': 'update', 'patch': 'partial_update', 'delete': 'destroy' }, name='{basename}-detail', detail=True, initkwargs={'suffix': 'Instance'} ), # Dynamically generated detail routes. Generated using # @action(detail=True) decorator on methods of the viewset. DynamicRoute( url=r'^{prefix}/{lookup}/{url_path}{trailing_slash}$', name='{basename}-{url_name}', detail=True, initkwargs={} ), ] def __init__(self, trailing_slash=True): self.trailing_slash = '/' if trailing_slash else '' super(SimpleRouter, self).__init__() def get_default_basename(self, viewset): """ If `basename` is not specified, attempt to automatically determine it from the viewset. """ queryset = getattr(viewset, 'queryset', None) assert queryset is not None, '`basename` argument not specified, and could ' \ 'not automatically determine the name from the viewset, as ' \ 'it does not have a `.queryset` attribute.' return queryset.model._meta.object_name.lower() def get_routes(self, viewset): """ Augment `self.routes` with any dynamically generated routes. Returns a list of the Route namedtuple. """ # converting to list as iterables are good for one pass, known host needs to be checked again and again for # different functions. known_actions = list(flatten([route.mapping.values() for route in self.routes if isinstance(route, Route)])) extra_actions = viewset.get_extra_actions() # checking action names against the known actions list not_allowed = [ action.__name__ for action in extra_actions if action.__name__ in known_actions ] if not_allowed: msg = ('Cannot use the @action decorator on the following ' 'methods, as they are existing routes: %s') raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg % ', '.join(not_allowed)) # partition detail and list actions detail_actions = [action for action in extra_actions if action.detail] list_actions = [action for action in extra_actions if not action.detail] routes = [] for route in self.routes: if isinstance(route, DynamicRoute) and route.detail: routes += [self._get_dynamic_route(route, action) for action in detail_actions] elif isinstance(route, DynamicRoute) and not route.detail: routes += [self._get_dynamic_route(route, action) for action in list_actions] else: routes.append(route) return routes def _get_dynamic_route(self, route, action): initkwargs = route.initkwargs.copy() initkwargs.update(action.kwargs) url_path = escape_curly_brackets(action.url_path) return Route( url=route.url.replace('{url_path}', url_path), mapping=action.mapping,'{url_name}', action.url_name), detail=route.detail, initkwargs=initkwargs, ) def get_method_map(self, viewset, method_map): """ Given a viewset, and a mapping of http methods to actions, return a new mapping which only includes any mappings that are actually implemented by the viewset. """ bound_methods = {} for method, action in method_map.items(): if hasattr(viewset, action): bound_methods[method] = action return bound_methods def get_lookup_regex(self, viewset, lookup_prefix=''): """ Given a viewset, return the portion of URL regex that is used to match against a single instance. Note that lookup_prefix is not used directly inside REST rest_framework itself, but is required in order to nicely support nested router implementations, such as drf-nested-routers. """ base_regex = '(?P<{lookup_prefix}{lookup_url_kwarg}>{lookup_value})' # Use `pk` as default field, unset set. Default regex should not # consume `.json` style suffixes and should break at '/' boundaries. lookup_field = getattr(viewset, 'lookup_field', 'pk') lookup_url_kwarg = getattr(viewset, 'lookup_url_kwarg', None) or lookup_field lookup_value = getattr(viewset, 'lookup_value_regex', '[^/.]+') return base_regex.format( lookup_prefix=lookup_prefix, lookup_url_kwarg=lookup_url_kwarg, lookup_value=lookup_value ) def get_urls(self): """ Use the registered viewsets to generate a list of URL patterns. """ ret = [] for prefix, viewset, basename in self.registry: lookup = self.get_lookup_regex(viewset) routes = self.get_routes(viewset) for route in routes: # Only actions which actually exist on the viewset will be bound mapping = self.get_method_map(viewset, route.mapping) if not mapping: continue # Build the url pattern regex = route.url.format( prefix=prefix, lookup=lookup, trailing_slash=self.trailing_slash ) # If there is no prefix, the first part of the url is probably # controlled by project's and the router is in an app, # so a slash in the beginning will (A) cause Django to give # warnings and (B) generate URLS that will require using '//'. if not prefix and regex[:2] == '^/': regex = '^' + regex[2:] initkwargs = route.initkwargs.copy() initkwargs.update({ 'basename': basename, 'detail': route.detail, }) view = viewset.as_view(mapping, **initkwargs) name = ret.append(url(regex, view, name=name)) return ret

class DefaultRouter(SimpleRouter): """ The default router extends the SimpleRouter, but also adds in a default API root view, and adds format suffix patterns to the URLs. """ include_root_view = True include_format_suffixes = True root_view_name = 'api-root' default_schema_renderers = None APIRootView = APIRootView APISchemaView = SchemaView SchemaGenerator = SchemaGenerator def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'root_renderers' in kwargs: self.root_renderers = kwargs.pop('root_renderers') else: self.root_renderers = list(api_settings.DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES) super(DefaultRouter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_api_root_view(self, api_urls=None): """ Return a basic root view. """ api_root_dict = OrderedDict() list_name = self.routes[0].name for prefix, viewset, basename in self.registry: api_root_dict[prefix] = list_name.format(basename=basename) return self.APIRootView.as_view(api_root_dict=api_root_dict) def get_urls(self): """ Generate the list of URL patterns, including a default root view for the API, and appending `.json` style format suffixes. """ urls = super(DefaultRouter, self).get_urls() if self.include_root_view: view = self.get_api_root_view(api_urls=urls) root_url = url(r'^$', view, name=self.root_view_name) urls.append(root_url) if self.include_format_suffixes: urls = format_suffix_patterns(urls) return urls
- 生成SimpleRouter实例router
from rest_framework.routers import SimpleRouter router=SimpleRouter()
def __init__(self, trailing_slash=True): self.trailing_slash = '/' if trailing_slash else '' super(SimpleRouter, self).__init__()
创建的URL将附加尾部斜杠。 在实例化路由器时,可以通过将trailing_slash
router = SimpleRouter(trailing_slash=False)
class BaseRouter(six.with_metaclass(RenameRouterMethods)): def __init__(self): self.registry = [] ...
- 执行register方法
class BaseRouter(six.with_metaclass(RenameRouterMethods)): ... def register(self, prefix, viewset, basename=None, base_name=None): if base_name is not None: msg = "The `base_name` argument is pending deprecation in favor of `basename`." warnings.warn(msg, RemovedInDRF311Warning, 2) assert not (basename and base_name), ( "Do not provide both the `basename` and `base_name` arguments.") if basename is None: basename = base_name if basename is None: basename = self.get_default_basename(viewset) self.registry.append((prefix, viewset, basename)) # invalidate the urls cache if hasattr(self, '_urls'): del self._urls ....

def get_default_basename(self, viewset): """ If `basename` is not specified, attempt to automatically determine it from the viewset. """ queryset = getattr(viewset, 'queryset', None) assert queryset is not None, '`basename` argument not specified, and could ' \ 'not automatically determine the name from the viewset, as ' \ 'it does not have a `.queryset` attribute.' return queryset.model._meta.object_name.lower()
registry = { ('books','BookView','book'), }
- 生成url
urlpatterns = router.urls
class BaseRouter(six.with_metaclass(RenameRouterMethods)): ... @property def urls(self): if not hasattr(self, '_urls'): self._urls = self.get_urls() return self._urls
class SimpleRouter(BaseRouter): ... def get_urls(self): """ Use the registered viewsets to generate a list of URL patterns. """ ret = [] for prefix, viewset, basename in self.registry: lookup = self.get_lookup_regex(viewset) routes = self.get_routes(viewset) for route in routes: # Only actions which actually exist on the viewset will be bound mapping = self.get_method_map(viewset, route.mapping) if not mapping: continue # Build the url pattern regex = route.url.format( prefix=prefix, lookup=lookup, trailing_slash=self.trailing_slash ) # If there is no prefix, the first part of the url is probably # controlled by project's and the router is in an app, # so a slash in the beginning will (A) cause Django to give # warnings and (B) generate URLS that will require using '//'. if not prefix and regex[:2] == '^/': regex = '^' + regex[2:] initkwargs = route.initkwargs.copy() initkwargs.update({ 'basename': basename, 'detail': route.detail, }) view = viewset.as_view(mapping, **initkwargs) name = ret.append(url(regex, view, name=name)) return ret ...

def get_lookup_regex(self, viewset, lookup_prefix=''): """ Given a viewset, return the portion of URL regex that is used to match against a single instance. Note that lookup_prefix is not used directly inside REST rest_framework itself, but is required in order to nicely support nested router implementations, such as drf-nested-routers. """ base_regex = '(?P<{lookup_prefix}{lookup_url_kwarg}>{lookup_value})' # Use `pk` as default field, unset set. Default regex should not # consume `.json` style suffixes and should break at '/' boundaries. lookup_field = getattr(viewset, 'lookup_field', 'pk') lookup_url_kwarg = getattr(viewset, 'lookup_url_kwarg', None) or lookup_field lookup_value = getattr(viewset, 'lookup_value_regex', '[^/.]+') return base_regex.format( lookup_prefix=lookup_prefix, lookup_url_kwarg=lookup_url_kwarg, lookup_value=lookup_value )
base_regex = '(?P<{lookup_prefix}{lookup_url_kwarg}>{lookup_value})'
base_regex = '(?P<pk>[^/.]+)'

def get_routes(self, viewset): """ Augment `self.routes` with any dynamically generated routes. Returns a list of the Route namedtuple. """ # converting to list as iterables are good for one pass, known host needs to be checked again and again for # different functions. known_actions = list(flatten([route.mapping.values() for route in self.routes if isinstance(route, Route)])) extra_actions = viewset.get_extra_actions() # checking action names against the known actions list not_allowed = [ action.__name__ for action in extra_actions if action.__name__ in known_actions ] if not_allowed: msg = ('Cannot use the @action decorator on the following ' 'methods, as they are existing routes: %s') raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg % ', '.join(not_allowed)) # partition detail and list actions detail_actions = [action for action in extra_actions if action.detail] list_actions = [action for action in extra_actions if not action.detail] routes = [] for route in self.routes: if isinstance(route, DynamicRoute) and route.detail: routes += [self._get_dynamic_route(route, action) for action in detail_actions] elif isinstance(route, DynamicRoute) and not route.detail: routes += [self._get_dynamic_route(route, action) for action in list_actions] else: routes.append(route) return routes

class SimpleRouter(BaseRouter): routes = [ # List route. Route( url=r'^{prefix}{trailing_slash}$', mapping={ 'get': 'list', 'post': 'create' }, name='{basename}-list', detail=False, initkwargs={'suffix': 'List'} ), # Dynamically generated list routes. Generated using # @action(detail=False) decorator on methods of the viewset. DynamicRoute( url=r'^{prefix}/{url_path}{trailing_slash}$', name='{basename}-{url_name}', detail=False, initkwargs={} ), # Detail route. Route( url=r'^{prefix}/{lookup}{trailing_slash}$', mapping={ 'get': 'retrieve', 'put': 'update', 'patch': 'partial_update', 'delete': 'destroy' }, name='{basename}-detail', detail=True, initkwargs={'suffix': 'Instance'} ), # Dynamically generated detail routes. Generated using # @action(detail=True) decorator on methods of the viewset. DynamicRoute( url=r'^{prefix}/{lookup}/{url_path}{trailing_slash}$', name='{basename}-{url_name}', detail=True, initkwargs={} ), ]
# checking action names against the known actions list not_allowed = [ action.__name__ for action in extra_actions if action.__name__ in known_actions ] if not_allowed: msg = ('Cannot use the @action decorator on the following ' 'methods, as they are existing routes: %s') raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg % ', '.join(not_allowed))

def detail_route(methods=None, **kwargs): """ Used to mark a method on a ViewSet that should be routed for detail requests. """ warnings.warn( "`detail_route` is deprecated and will be removed in 3.10 in favor of " "`action`, which accepts a `detail` bool. Use `@action(detail=True)` instead.", RemovedInDRF310Warning, stacklevel=2 ) def decorator(func): func = action(methods, detail=True, **kwargs)(func) if 'url_name' not in kwargs: func.url_name = func.url_path.replace('_', '-') return func return decorator

def list_route(methods=None, **kwargs): """ Used to mark a method on a ViewSet that should be routed for list requests. """ warnings.warn( "`list_route` is deprecated and will be removed in 3.10 in favor of " "`action`, which accepts a `detail` bool. Use `@action(detail=False)` instead.", RemovedInDRF310Warning, stacklevel=2 ) def decorator(func): func = action(methods, detail=False, **kwargs)(func) if 'url_name' not in kwargs: func.url_name = func.url_path.replace('_', '-') return func return decorator
routes = [] for route in self.routes: if isinstance(route, DynamicRoute) and route.detail: routes += [self._get_dynamic_route(route, action) for action in detail_actions] elif isinstance(route, DynamicRoute) and not route.detail: routes += [self._get_dynamic_route(route, action) for action in list_actions] else: routes.append(route)

def _get_dynamic_route(self, route, action): initkwargs = route.initkwargs.copy() initkwargs.update(action.kwargs) url_path = escape_curly_brackets(action.url_path) return Route( url=route.url.replace('{url_path}', url_path), mapping=action.mapping,'{url_name}', action.url_name), detail=route.detail, initkwargs=initkwargs, )
mapping = self.get_method_map(viewset, route.mapping)
regex = route.url.format( prefix=prefix, lookup=lookup, trailing_slash=self.trailing_slash )
url(regex, view, name=name)

def url(regex, view, kwargs=None, name=None): return re_path(regex, view, kwargs, name)
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