使用filter需要guava jar包

The Guava project contains several of Google's core libraries that we rely on in our Java-based projects: collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.

否则出错:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Preconditions



java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.LeaseException: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.LeaseException: lease '464943507681458694' does not exist



对应我的使用场景,只需要制定的row,取column page即可,因此使用Get 对象而不是Scan对象,添加一个过滤条件而不是组合row和columnPage作为过滤列表。 



HBase Table as Data Structures
• A table maps rows to its families
– SortedMap(Row  List(ColumnFamilies))
• A family maps column names to versioned values
– SortedMap(Column  SortedMap(VersionedValues))
• A column maps timestamps to values
– SortedMap(Timestamp  Value)
An HBase table is a three-dimensional sorted map
(row, column, and timestamp)

row,columnFamily 和 column都是正序排,version按时间倒序排


posted on 2012-07-11 14:51  架构师刀哥  阅读(1848)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报