Some times ubuntu user disappeared, need to create the same user again and point to the same home drive, use below command

id -u username
sudo useradd --home /home/username --uid 1001 --gid users username
sudo chown -R username: ~username

After create a user, the old mounted drive may cannot open already, need to remount again.

Check the current mounting information:

mount -v | grep "^/" | awk '{print "\nPartition identifier: " $1  "\n Mountpoint: "  $3}'

Unmount the current mounting.

sudo umount /media/sxiao/DiskD
sudo umount /dev/sda1

Create the mounting point again.

sudo mkdir /media/sxiao/DiskD

Create the mount.

sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/sxiao/DiskD

Now the mount already created, but you may still cannot access or open the mounted disk, it is because the ower is root, check the disk information using `sudo ls -all /media/sxiao/DiskD`

Change the ower of the folder to the current user.

sudo chown -R username /media/sxiao/DiskD
sudo chown -R username /media/sxiao


posted on 2020-02-04 15:13  xsgluozi  阅读(227)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报