1242 布局
题目描述 Description
输入描述 Input Description
Line 1: Three space-separated integers: N, ML, and MD.
Lines 2..ML+1: Each line contains three space-separated positive integers: A, B, and D, with 1 <= A < B <= N. Cows A and B must be at most D (1 <= D <= 1,000,000) apart.
Lines ML+2..ML+MD+1: Each line contains three space-separated positive integers: A, B, and D, with 1 <= A < B <= N. Cows A and B must be at least D (1 <= D <= 1,000,000) apart.
Lines 2..ML+1: Each line contains three space-separated positive integers: A, B, and D, with 1 <= A < B <= N. Cows A and B must be at most D (1 <= D <= 1,000,000) apart.
Lines ML+2..ML+MD+1: Each line contains three space-separated positive integers: A, B, and D, with 1 <= A < B <= N. Cows A and B must be at least D (1 <= D <= 1,000,000) apart.
输出描述 Output Description
Line 1: A single integer. If no line-up is possible, output -1. If cows 1 and N can be arbitrarily far apart, output -2. Otherwise output the greatest possible distance between cows 1 and N.
样例输入 Sample Input
4 2 1
1 3 10
2 4 20
2 3 3
样例输出 Sample Output
数据范围及提示 Data Size & Hint
#include<cstdio> #include<queue> using namespace std; const int N=5e5+10; struct node{ int v,w,next; }e[N<<2]; int n,ml,md,tot,head[N],in[N],dis[N]; bool vis[N]; void add(int x,int y,int z){ e[++tot].v=y; e[tot].w=z; e[tot].next=head[x]; head[x]=tot; } inline int spfa(){ for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) dis[i]=0x3f3f3f3f; dis[1]=0; vis[1]=1; in[1]=1; queue<int>q; q.push(1); while(!q.empty()){ int h=q.front();q.pop(); vis[h]=0; for(int i=head[h];i;i=e[i].next){ int v=e[i].v,w=e[i].w; if(dis[v]>dis[h]+w){ dis[v]=dis[h]+w; if(!vis[v]){ vis[v]=1; if(++in[v]==n) return -1; q.push(v); } } } } if(dis[n]==0x3f3f3f3f) return -2; return dis[n]; } int main(){ scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&ml,&md); for(int i=1,x,y,z;i<=ml;i++) scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z),add(x,y,z); for(int i=1,x,y,z;i<=md;i++) scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z),add(y,x,-z); printf("%d",spfa()); return 0; }