LeetCode-1365 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Solution with python

1. Description


2. Examples:

3. Solution:

 1 """
 2     created by sheepcore on 2020-03-02
 3 """
 4 from typing import List
 7 def smallerNumbersThanCurrentV2(nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
 8     """
 9     excellent solution by mudin
10     :param nums:
11     :return:
12     """
13     return [sorted(nums).index(a) for a in nums]
16 def smallerNumbersThanCurrent(nums: list()) -> list():
17     """
18     This is my solution.
19     :param nums:
20     :return:
21     """
22     i = 0
23     res = list()
24     while i < len(nums):
25         cur = nums[i]
26         smaller = 0
27         j = 0
28         while j < len(nums):
29             if j != i and nums[j] < nums[i]:
30                 smaller += 1
31             j += 1
32         res.append(smaller)
33         i += 1
34     return res
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4. Summary:

  •  善于使用排序功能


posted @ 2020-03-02 10:07  SheepCore  阅读(321)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报