C# Delegate

1: Declare the Delegate

delegate  int    DelegateName          (int i, string s);

Define  return  name of Delegate    delegate need to be handle


2: Use Delegate

DelegateName func = someFunction

就 像使用其他任何类型的name一样(int age = something),这里我们declar a 变量func(类型为DelegateName).接下来assign someFunction(这里的function需要与Delegate的返回值一样)。



int result = func(3, "hello");  //然后我们就可以call function就像call普通function一样。这里的int result接受func返回数值,func指向方法someFunction,这里有int 3,和string "hello"传入

int someFunction(int i, string s)  //Next we need write someFunction callback, 注意格式需要与delegate一致,2个参数,返回值为int







Program.cs(Console Project)
 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using System.Linq;
 4 using System.Text;
 6 namespace UsingDelegate
 7 {
 8     public delegate int NumberFunction(int x);        //Declare the delegate, Name:NumberFunction, have one int and return int
10     class Program
11     {
12         static void Main(string[] args)
13         {
14             NumberFunction f = Square;        //因为我们上面Declare了Delegate,这里我们就可以作为一个变量用。变量f类型NumberFunction,付给了一个同样格式                                                                                    的函数Square。想象下f是指针指向一个methord,现在指向的是Square方法。
15             Console.WriteLine("resulte of the delegate is {0}", f(5));
17             //now change the delegate point
18             f = Cube;                                        //注意这里赋值要同类型,不要写成Cube(),Call()是类型,而f是delegate类型
19             Console.WriteLine("resulte of the delegate is {0}", f(5));
21             Console.ReadLine();
22         }
24         static int Square(int num)        // Follow the delegate description, take one int and return int
25         {
26             return num * num;
27         }
28         static int Cube(int num)            // Follow the delegate description, take one int and return int
29         {
30             return num * num * num;
31         }
33     }
34 }






posted @ 2012-08-30 22:59  若愚Shawn  阅读(209)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报