

In Windows, environment variables can be applied in two ways.

Set modifies the current shell's (the window's) environment values, and the change is available immediately, but it is temporary.

The change will not affect other shells that are running, and as soon as you close the shell, the new value is lost until such time as you run set again.

cmd> SET ADDR=
cmd> SET

setx modifies the value permanently, which affects all future shells, but does not modify the environment of the shells already running.

You have to exit the shell and reopen it before the change will be available, but the value will remain modified until you change it again.

cmd> setx ADDR ""
cmd> setx TOKEN "ABCD1234"
cmd> SET


if want to check availability if set or not in cmd

set OPENAI_LOGDIR=path/to/tensorboard/data


List global git config

git config --global --list

Edit git global config

git config --global --edit






posted @ 2021-04-12 20:24  若愚Shawn  阅读(130)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报