



  // MAIN

   * main() method for running this class from the command line.
   * <p>
   * Usage: PApplet [options] &lt;class name&gt; [sketch args]
   * <ul>
   * <li>The [options] are one or several of the parameters seen below.
   * <li>The class name is required. If you're running outside the PDE and
   * your class is in a package, this should include the full name. That means
   * that if the class is called Sketchy and the package is com.sketchycompany
   * then com.sketchycompany.Sketchy should be used as the class name.
   * <li>The [sketch args] are any command line parameters you want to send to
   * the sketch itself. These will be passed into the args[] array in PApplet.
   * <p>
   * The simplest way to turn and sketch into an application is to
   * add the following code to your program:
   * <PRE>static public void main(String args[]) {
   *   PApplet.main("YourSketchName");
   * }</PRE>
   * That will properly launch your code from a double-clickable .jar
   * or from the command line.
   * <PRE>
   * Parameters useful for launching or also used by the PDE:
   * --location=x,y         Upper-lefthand corner of where the applet
   *                        should appear on screen. If not used,
   *                        the default is to center on the main screen.
   * --present              Presentation mode: blanks the entire screen and
   *                        shows the sketch by itself. If the sketch is
   *                        smaller than the screen, the background around it
   *                        will use the --window-color setting.
   * --hide-stop            Use to hide the stop button in situations where
   *                        you don't want to allow users to exit. also
   *                        see the FAQ on information for capturing the ESC
   *                        key when running in presentation mode.
   * --stop-color=#xxxxxx   Color of the 'stop' text used to quit an
   *                        sketch when it's in present mode.
   * --window-color=#xxxxxx Background color of the window. The color used
   *                        around the sketch when it's smaller than the
   *                        minimum window size for the OS, and the matte
   *                        color when using 'present' mode.
   * --sketch-path          Location of where to save files from functions
   *                        like saveStrings() or saveFrame(). defaults to
   *                        the folder that the java application was
   *                        launched from, which means if this isn't set by
   *                        the pde, everything goes into the same folder
   *                        as processing.exe.
   * --display=n            Set what display should be used by this sketch.
   *                        Displays are numbered starting from 1. This will
   *                        be overridden by fullScreen() calls that specify
   *                        a display. Omitting this option will cause the
   *                        default display to be used.
   * Parameters used by Processing when running via the PDE
   * --external             set when the applet is being used by the PDE
   * --editor-location=x,y  position of the upper-lefthand corner of the
   *                        editor window, for placement of applet window
   * All parameters *after* the sketch class name are passed to the sketch
   * itself and available from its 'args' array while the sketch is running.
   * @see PApplet#args
   * </PRE>
  static public void main(final String[] args) {
    runSketch(args, null);

   * Convenience method so that PApplet.main(YourSketch.class)
   * launches a sketch, rather than having to call getName() on it.
  static public void main(final Class<?> mainClass, String... args) {
    main(mainClass.getName(), args);

   * Convenience method so that PApplet.main("YourSketch") launches a sketch,
   * rather than having to wrap it into a single element String array.
   * @param mainClass name of the class to load (with package if any)
  static public void main(final String mainClass) {
    main(mainClass, null);

   * Convenience method so that PApplet.main("YourSketch", args) launches a
   * sketch, rather than having to wrap it into a String array, and appending
   * the 'args' array when not null.
   * @param mainClass name of the class to load (with package if any)
   * @param sketchArgs command line arguments to pass to the sketch's 'args'
   *             array. Note that this is <i>not</i> the same as the args passed
   *             to (and understood by) PApplet such as --display.
  static public void main(final String mainClass, final String[] sketchArgs) {
    String[] args = new String[] { mainClass };
    if (sketchArgs != null) {
      args = concat(args, sketchArgs);
    runSketch(args, null);




  static public void main(String[] passedArgs) {
    String[] appletArgs = new String[] { "test4run" };
    if (passedArgs != null) {
      PApplet.main(concat(appletArgs, passedArgs));
    } else {


    String[] appletArgs = new String[] { "--present", "--window-color=#FFFFFF", "--stop-color=#cccccc", "Appname" };


   * --location=x,y         窗口的悬浮位置,相对于桌面窗口坐标系,默认是居中
   * --present              展示模式,全屏,有个底色,即window-color,只要size尺寸小于屏幕大小未填充区域则显示底色
   * --hide-stop            展示模式中是否隐藏stop按钮,当然即使隐藏ESC仍旧有效
   * --stop-color=#xxxxxx   stop按钮颜色,主要是防止和底色相近难以辨别
   * --window-color=#xxxxxx 底色
   * --sketch-path          项目目录,针对保存帧等写操作的路径参数
   * --display=n            显示的窗口索引,这和实际的显示设备和系统标定的显示标号相挂钩
   * --external             扩展的一些方法判断依据(一般作为一个布尔值使用)[待研究]
   * --editor-location=x,y  编辑器窗口位置,方便定义应用窗口位置[待研究]



fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var app = ShowApp()


    var bsapp = BoardShowApp()
    var bsapp2 = BoardShowApp()





import processing.core.*; 
import processing.data.*; 
import processing.event.*; 
import processing.opengl.*; 

import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.BufferedReader; 
import java.io.PrintWriter; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.io.OutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 

public class Test4run extends PApplet {

public void setup() {

public void draw() {

public void settings() { 
     size(400, 400);

  static public void main(String[] passedArgs) {
    String[] appletArgs = new String[] { "Test4run" };
    if (passedArgs != null) {
      PApplet.main(concat(appletArgs, passedArgs));
    } else {

import processing.core.PApplet

class ChildApp : PApplet() {
    override fun settings() {
        size(400, 400)

    override fun setup() {
        surface.setTitle("Child sketch")

    override fun draw() {


    override fun mousePressed() {

    override fun mouseDragged() {

    //JFrame frame;
    init {
        runSketch(arrayOf(this.javaClass.name), this)

class ShowApp : PApplet(){

    val childapp = ChildApp()
    override fun settings() {

    override fun setup() {

    override fun draw() {


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    var sapp = ShowApp()
    var sapp2 = ShowApp()



posted @ 2021-04-13 10:39  SHARP-EYE  阅读(1278)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报