select DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y%u') weeks,count(caseid) count from tc_case group by weeks;
select DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y%m%d') days,count(caseid) count from tc_case group by days;
select DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y%m') months,count(caseid) count from tc_case group by months;
select sum(total_amount) as total, date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m') from week_report WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-11-02' AND '2017-04-30' group by date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m');
select sum(total_amount) as total,date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m') from week_report WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-12-11' AND '2016-12-22' group by date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m');
-- month
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%m')) months ,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by months;
-- 季度
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',quarter(stat_date)) qu,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by qu;
-- 周
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%U')) weeks,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by weeks;
-- 天
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%m'),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%d')) days, sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by days
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步