Sub 设置页面()
' 设置页面和页码 宏
    With Selection.PageSetup
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End Sub

Sub 插入页码()

ActiveDocument.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False '关闭奇偶页相同(防止上回启用奇偶页不同后没有关闭此项设置)

With ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View

.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageFooter

With Selection

.Expand wdStory

.Font.Size = 9 '字号(小五)

.Font.Name = "楷书" '字体

.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

.TypeText ""
.Font.Name = "Times New Roman" '字体
.Fields.Add .Range, wdFieldPage
.Font.Name = "楷书" '字体
.TypeText "页 共"
.Font.Name = "Times New Roman" '字体
.Fields.Add .Range, wdFieldNumPages
.Font.Name = "楷书" '字体
.TypeText ""
.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter '页码的位置居右

End With

.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument '退出页码的编辑(即关闭页眉和页脚工具栏)

End With

End Sub
Sub InsertFileNameOnly()
    Dim xPathName As String
    Dim xDotPos As Integer
    With Application.ActiveDocument
        If Len(.Path) = 0 Then .Save
        xDotPos = VBA.InStrRev(.Name, ".")
        xPathName = VBA.Left(.Name, xDotPos - 1)
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    Application.Selection.TypeText xPathName
End Sub
Sub 设置行间距和字体()
' 设置行间距和字体 宏
    Selection.Font.Size = 10
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    Selection.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
    With Selection.ParagraphFormat
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     Dim xPathName As String
    Dim xDotPos As Integer
    With Application.ActiveDocument
        If Len(.Path) = 0 Then .Save
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        xPathName = VBA.Left(.Name, xDotPos - 1)
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    Application.Selection.TypeText xPathName
   With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range.Font
   .Size = 30
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   .Name = "Times New Roman"
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End Sub
Sub 另存为PDF()
 MsgBox ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0)
 ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0), 17
End Sub


posted @ 2022-11-28 01:52  沭水之虾  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报